Chapter 469

"You want to see him? Why? Also, what good errand do you say?"

Lu Li's eyes were wide open, his mind was full of confusion, he was confused by Wu Di's words, and he didn't know why.

Wu Di didn't show off, but said bluntly:

"The Yoon's Foundation, the largest conglomerate in South Korea, gave me 500 million as a bargaining chip for me to convince you."

"Tell me? Tell me what? As a professional player, what can I do outside of the field of e-sports? Could it be that they asked you to persuade me to sell the shares of Team Bright to them?" Lu Li was so smart. Once.

"That's right! Your deduction is extremely correct, and that's their original intention. Besides, I've already accepted half of the deposit, so, ah, I'm here to convince you, haha."

"Damn! After a long time, you asked me out just to talk about this matter... But what do you want to do? The purpose of the overseas consortium is clear at a glance, it is to come to Huaxia to collect money! What to do, so that they can fight with a bamboo basket The water is empty?" Lu Li became interested.

Wu Di took a sip of mineral water, paused, and then said the whole plan in one breath:
"First of all, you and I went to meet the bright boss. You have worked under him for so many years, do you know him well? After I recovered my memory, I also remembered that this man is an entrepreneur who is sincerely willing to develop the e-sports business in China. All he does is fight for it, so he deserves the work.

After seeing him, ask him to sell 50% of the shares of Bright Canal to the Yin's consortium!Remember, you can't sell one percent more, you can only get stuck at the threshold of 50.00%.Of course, if Boss Can Can persuade Yin's consortium to only buy less than 50% of the shares, that would be his skill.However, it is clear that Yin's consortium is not so easy to fool, so 50% is a bottom line.

In this way, Cancan will be able to sit on an equal footing with the invested Yin Group, and if there are any major changes in the future, it will also be able to occupy a certain amount of initiative.

Whether it's you and me, or Boss Bright, we won't just watch the hard work of Chinese people become a tool for overseas consortiums to collect money!
He will definitely agree to our proposal after careful consideration.As long as this limit is kept, then it will be possible to drive Yin's consortium out of the Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports circle in the future!
Secondly, after the official capital injection of Yin's Group, at this time, Brother Li, you are about to jump out and perform a world-shattering drama.

I told you before, after the overseas consortium takes over, it will definitely create momentum!And the reason for this [momentum] is naturally to use the checkbook to spend a lot of money in the transfer market.And after they came to Bright, you didn't have to leave.But in order to play this scene well, you have to jump out and say... I don't want to stay in a club with a Korean background, I want to transfer!
Then, most of the clubs will give you an olive branch, and your worth will also rise, even reaching an unbelievable figure.Well, at this point, who is most anxious?Of course it's Yin's Group!They have just arrived in Huaxia Kingdom, their foothold is not stable, and the initial investment has not yet seen half a dime in return, your team's top card is about to make a transfer, can they not be in a hurry?

It's fine if you're just a first-line professional player, but your number one ADC is China!It is impossible for those Koreans to know how big the market is on you.

And we must reach a consensus with the boss in advance - if the Yin Group lets you go, he will immediately reject the Yin Group's investment, and he must let the Yin Group know that it is precisely because of keeping you that he is unwilling Reluctantly want to sell bright shares!

As long as you and Boss Cancan's acting skills are superb enough, coupled with the consideration of the overall situation, Yin's Group will definitely do their best to keep you. At that time, although you can't ask for prices, your annual salary and other income will definitely increase several times, dozens of times !
Don't look at me like that... the money, because you are already a member of the e-sports union, and you are the first generation member, then you have to set an example - take all the money from these Koreans into the union ha! "

Hearing this, Lu Li immediately interrupted Wu Di, and scolded with a smile:

"Haha! Grandma's bear! I knew you were not so kind! I thought you would come up with an idea to let your hard-working third brother earn a lot of money, but it turned around and then to I went to the trade union. By the way... your head is full of calculations now? This is not good..."

Wu Di looked at Lu Li solemnly, and said seriously:
"I know that many people will think that I have changed, but the e-sports dream in my heart has never changed. The current situation, I have to become like this. Before the next move, if we don't think about three or four moves, we really can't Save the current situation.

Don't worry, the money will be put there. When the time is right, the Huaxia League of Legends Organizing Committee will come forward and spend it where it should be spent. You don't have to worry about the money being embezzled privately. "

"En. Of course I believe in you, and I also believe in your plan. Well, I'm talking too much, you can continue."

Wu Di nodded, and continued:

"In this scene, we have to cooperate well with Boss Cancan. Only the ups and downs of the plot can continue to boost your status and make the Yin Group bleed. Moreover, your special case will also become a member of the e-sports union who is willing to join the e-sports union. A reference example for professional players! Those overseas consortiums who want to plunge into the Huaxia e-sports circle and plan to make a fortune and leave will definitely follow the Yin's consortium's approach and retain the core players and ace players in the team.

That's the whole plan.Then you and other professional players have to endure for another year... After the Kings team enters the Super League, it will be the end of these consortiums who came to China with impure purposes to collect money! "

During the conversation, Wu Di's eyes suddenly burst out with a frightening ferocity, which surprised Lu Li as well.

"What's wrong? Your eyes... are so scary. Brother master, don't be so fierce to me, I'm afraid..."

Wu Di withdrew that terrifying look, laughed dumbly and said:

"You gay, are you still afraid? Pretending to be cute? Heh, I just can't understand the disgusting way these people come here to make money by taking advantage of China's e-sports situation.

Don't you ask me, why do these consortiums usher in their own doom after the Kings team enters the Super League? "

Lu Li said sternly: "I remember what you said - in the world of e-sports, the champion is supreme. After the Kings team enters the Super League, it will naturally aim to win the championship. But ah, master brother, I don't care about ugly words." Let’s talk about it first. Although I agree with your approach and ideas, if I meet you in the Super League, I will not show mercy!
I have long been looking forward to competing with you in the official arena. "

"Don't worry, there will be that day. Now, I'm busy with mine, and you are busy with yours. Let's work hard together. One day, there will be a fierce battle between the two of us, and I will definitely play as an ADC and fight with you." Decide whether it's male or female!"


After bidding farewell to Lu Li, Wu Di returned to Ye Ling's apartment.

At this time, under Qin Rou's careful carving, coupled with Mu Piao Piao's own skill, who is already good at changing clothes, he can't recognize the woman standing in front of Wu Di at all—this is Mu Piao Piao. Gone?This is the image of a little girl!

Messy wavy hair, heavy makeup, tight leather jacket and pants, and a pair of dark high-heeled boots that are so sharp that Wu Di's heart shudders... He has to admit that Mu Piao Piao will basically not be recognized by anyone .

What surprised Wu Di was that Mu Piaopiao suddenly said intimately to him in a voice that made goosebumps all over his body:
"Honey, are you back? Are you tired? Do you want me to give you a body massage?"

"No need, no need..." Wu Di quickly avoided it.

Seeing Wu Di's retreat, Mu Piaopiao returned to his normal self, with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he said contemptuously:
"As timid as a mouse, how can you act well in front of people like this? It seems that you are not mentally prepared..."

Before the words fell, Wu Di, who was stimulated by Mu Piaopiao, was not to be outdone. He strode directly to her side, hugged her in his arms, and squeezed out a smirk, saying: "Honey, your body massage Is it like this?"

This time it was Mu Piaopiao's turn to be shocked.She quickly broke free from Wu Di's arms, stepped aside, and exclaimed:
"I only acted in front of people! Now stay away from me!"

"Cut! It's just that you haven't prepared yet, don't put it all on my head."

"Okay, okay, you two should stop fighting in the civil war. In short, under the careful dressing of my beauty Qin Rou, both of you have successfully changed your appearance! I'm not bragging, little Didi, even if your childhood sweetheart is here If you shake it three times in front of you, she will never be able to guess your real identity! You have to thank me, it’s fine with a physical promise, but a kiss is allowed.”

Qin Rou walked towards Wu Di slowly with light steps.Wu Di recovered his previous memories, and naturally he did not forget the past when he said that he wanted Qin Rou to be his "lover", so every step of Qin Rou seemed to be pressing every step of the way in his eyes.

"I... I have to leave beforehand! Mu Piao Piao, call me!" In the blink of an eye, Wu Di had disappeared from everyone's eyes once again.

Seeing this funny and ridiculous scene, Ye Ling, who had forgotten everything, immediately joked:
"Qin Rou, and this sister Piao Piao, I think the relationship between you and that man is very similar to an old Chinese saying—one thing subsides one thing."

After Qin Rou heard this, she cast a look at Ye Ling with a complex expression.After Ye Ling's accident, she stayed by Ye Ling's side for a month. During that month, she could clearly feel... Ye Ling's feelings for Wu Di may be much deeper than her own!She herself is only more grateful to Wu Di, because Wu Di helped her build up her self-confidence, and Ye Ling is really sincere to Wu Di.

At this moment, Qin Rou walked to the window, looked at the figure fleeing in a hurry downstairs, and said to herself:
"On the day you realize your dream, your emotional debt...I'm afraid you will have to pay it back..."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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