The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 470 I want to find a master

Chapter 470 I want to find a master

three days later.

During these three days, Wu Di did not choose to stay in those four or five star hotels, but found a small hotel with a quieter environment to stay for a few days.

He stayed in the hotel, used his laptop to create a new account in the first district, and recharged to buy several quadruple experience cards and quadruple gold coin cards, and then started the journey of leveling up.

After reaching level [-], he immediately started the ranking journey non-stop.But what he never expected was that he, who is recognized as the number one genius in the world, would kneel twice in a row in the first two qualifying matches!In these two qualifying matches, Lu Li's words really came true.In every game, at least three of their own players performed worse than elementary school students!

Two or three levels of tower jumping kills, but the opponent gets triple kills, is there any?have!

The skills can't hit the opponent at all, and the skills are completely lost during team battles. Whether it hits the opponent or not, is there any?have!
The selection does not look at teammates at all, but only at their own mood. After entering the game, they complain to each other. Is there any reason?have!
What annoyed Wu Di the most was that no matter how much he gave orders in the game, his [Primary School Student] teammates didn't take him seriously at all, and they didn't take him seriously at all, is there any reason?have!
After two rounds, Wu Di put down his mouse and keyboard, and Yang Tian sighed:
"Hey... If Junior Brother Gao Fu Shuai saw the two games I just played, he would never even think about raising his head in front of him in this life."

Out of the ten qualifying matches, two have been wasted... With no other choice, Wu Di had no choice but to put the remaining eight qualifying matches on hold.And if someone asks him what he wants most at this time, he will tell you - I want a good duo friend!
With such a belief, Wu Di, who had no other options for a while, decided to go out to try his luck.Don't people often say that the masters are among the people?And where are folk masters?Internet cafes of course!
Now, I can only hang out in Internet cafes everywhere... If I meet a folk master, won't it help me to level up to a higher rank?

When you reach a high rank, find a stable partner and hit your winning streak... Well, that's it!

After making up his mind, Wu Di put down the peaked cap that he had been wearing for a long time, directly facing the terrible scar on his face, and returned to the Lantian Internet Cafe, which was of great significance to his recovery.

It was already late at this time, and as soon as Wu Dishun walked into the Internet cafe, he found that it was still brightly lit and crowded with people.

Wu Di walked to the bar counter of Lantian Internet Cafe in surprise, and asked the cashier why it was still so lively at this time.As a result, when the girl cashier saw Wu Di, she unconsciously leaned back. Obviously, he was very frightened by the scar on Wu Di's face.

Wu Di secretly laughed in his heart, and on the surface he put on an expression that strangers should not enter, and asked in a cold voice:
"Why are there so many people here? It's already past the peak business period of Internet cafes, right?"

The girl stared at Wu Di tremblingly for a while, and after confirming that this hideous guy would not do anything wrong to her, she whispered back: "You are not a local, are you?"

Wu Di smiled casually, but the scar on his face moved accordingly, making the little girl move her body back and forth.

"I'm not from here. What?"

"Oh, no wonder you don't know. Now is the time for the college league to select talents. These people are college students. They come here to practice League of Legends without sleep and food, just to be selected for the school team and enter the college league. Listen It is said that this time there is an overseas consortium that specializes in selecting talents in college leagues. As long as they are selected by them, the annual salary will be more than six figures, which is more than most jobs. And I heard that the consortium is going to form a TV show. Competitive professional clubs not only need e-sports players, but also all kinds of talents. As long as they can perform well in the college league or have some specialties, they may be selected by the consortium and provide generous rewards.

Many of the students who came to the Internet cafe were prospective graduates in their junior and senior years. They were about to face the problem of finding employment, and the consortium obviously gave them some hope.

And ha, not only our place is full, but also other Internet cafes.The campus network is unstable and not suitable for them to practice.So basically the senior students of Tianfu University are staying in Internet cafes. "

The waiter girl patiently explained to Wu Di why the place is so popular, and she was deeply afraid of offending this hideous guy.After Wu Di listened quietly, he thought for a while and couldn't help asking:
"Then do you know which overseas consortium is going to form an e-sports club? And even if a team is established immediately and the journey goes smoothly, it will take at least three years to play in the top super league. Who? So patient?"

The sister paper has been afraid to stare at Wu Di, but he can still answer his questions.

"I don't know. Anyway, it is said that they are sure to be promoted to the Super League this year. How do I know how to do it?"

Can you be promoted to the Super League this year?Wu Di was stunned, and suddenly realized after a while!This overseas consortium might have also adopted the same approach as the King's team - direct merger or full acquisition of a first-tier league team!

Thinking of this, Wu Di suddenly thought of the two top and two teams in the current First Division.At the team meeting before, he questioned their ability to stand out from the crowd, but looking at it now... I am afraid that these two teams have powerful forces behind them!

Heh, when the time comes to play against those two teams, I must go to the scene to see, maybe I can find out which financial groups are coming to play Huaxia e-sports again...

Wu Di thought for a while, the girl at the bar was not good at urging him, and after he turned around, he asked tremblingly:
"Brother, are you going to go online? You need to show your ID card to go online..."

At this moment, several thick-backed men came to the bar surrounded by a girl who looked quite attractive.

"Hey, boy, give way!" A short-haired young man walking in the front yelled at Wu Di's back. The guy here is irritated by others, if he moves his hands, it will hurt innocent people!What to do...what to do...Do you want to call the police?

The girl at the bar automatically entered the state of brain supplementation, but she suddenly heard Wu Di's answer in a trance:
"Well, I didn't come to surf the Internet, I just took a look."

The girl sighed softly, secretly thinking that as long as the scarred face is not online, there should be no conflict with the person who yelled at him...

But what happened was contrary to what one wished. When Wu Di said that he just came to have a look, the short-haired young man snorted coldly:
"What are you doing at the front desk if you don't use the Internet? No money to pay for the Internet? Then go home and sleep."

As soon as these words came out, the girl at the bar who had just let go of her heart hung up again, and what made her even more dumbfounded was that a man next to the short-haired young man who looked like a small servant actually added fuel to the fire :
"That's right, don't come to the Internet cafe if you don't have money, don't get in the way, girl, show us two private rooms! Huh? Boy, don't you let me go? If you disturb our rare and rare online pleasure, you boy But if I can't eat, I will walk around."

Wu Di secretly laughed in his heart, and turned around slowly, and just when the servant wanted to taunt Wu Di, he suddenly saw the terrible scar on Wu Di's face!
"Ah!" The attendant yelled in surprise, and retreated suddenly, not only stepped on [Hua Shao]'s foot, but also made the people behind squeeze onto the girl in the middle.At the same time, the girl was also taken aback, and screamed in unison with the servant.

As a result, Hua Shao was completely enraged.He pulled his follower in front of him and angrily said:
"Are you so frightened and screaming? Not only did you step on me, but you also scared Ningning! You are so reckless with the hammer! Roll as far as you can!"

After Hua Shao finished yelling at him, he turned around and took a look at Wu Di, but he didn't know if he didn't take a look, and he was startled when he took a look!
"Ah!" He also screamed unavoidably, and took half a step back in a panic, "You...what do you want to do?"

Wu Di only felt that this group of young people who pretended to be too cowardly, just because of the scar on their face made them so frightened... So he smiled and said indifferently: "Me? I don't want to Do something. If you want me to do something, let's go out and do it? I don't want to damage people's property in public."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately squeezed his fist and made a clucking sound.This time, these young people who seemed to be arrogant and used to it were frightened into silence.This group of people were all staring at Wu Di's scar, neither retreating nor advancing.

At this time, an older Internet cafe staff member happened to come to the front desk. Seeing that something was wrong, he persuaded:
"My brother, harmony makes money, harmony makes money, are you unable to surf the Internet because you don't have an ID card? I will lend you mine, and there is still ten yuan on it, which is enough for you to surf the Internet for two or three hours , what do you think?"

Wu Di came to Lantian Internet Cafe to see the current situation here, and try his luck to see if he can meet one or two grassroots masters.As a result, the grassroots master hadn't met before, but he met this group of bullying guys.What's even more funny is that these people were already stunned by their own scars without saying a word.However, this older staff member obviously came out to serve as a peacemaker, and such a person can naturally guarantee the normal operation of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe.

Wu Di squeezed out a smirk on purpose, and said:

"Oh? Can I get online for free? I have never encountered such a good thing! But, I am not greedy for your cheap, take it, this is 50 yuan, ten yuan for the Internet fee, and then give I'll take a bottle of mineral water, and the rest is your tip.

Oh, by the way, are there any League of Legends masters in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe?I'm looking for one. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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