The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 471 I want to find a master

Chapter 471 I want to find a master

The staff member was flattered and quickly apologized with a smile:

"Big brother also likes to play League of Legends, right? Are you looking for a master? Then you are at the right place!"

"Are you right? Are there many masters in Lantian Internet Cafe?" Wu Di was pleasantly surprised.

After hearing the question, the staff immediately straightened up and explained with some pride:
"Brother, are you a foreigner? Don't you know the background of Lantian Internet Cafe? Hey, let me introduce you briefly!

As we all know, Wu Di, the world's number one genius, and his team of kings are the behind-the-scenes bosses of our Internet cafe!
Back then, before Wu Di's body recovered, he often went to this Internet cafe. Later, he even bought this Internet cafe and used it as the team's temporary residence!

It's just that the king's team went to Yangcheng City to develop later, so you won't see them now.But because of the background of our Blue Sky Internet Café, basically if League of Legends fans in this area want to go online, Blue Sky Internet Cafe is the first choice!
This is the celebrity effect Oh!

And because of this, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. After more players come here, there will be a lot of masters here!I can't guarantee anything else, but in our Blue Sky Internet Cafe, platinum is as abundant as hair, and diamonds are everywhere. Even if you want to find the strongest king, we can find it for you in our Internet Cafe! "

Wu Di was startled, and asked: "There are the strongest kings? Which district? Are you here today? Can you take me to find him? If you can help me find someone with the strongest king level, I will give you more money." Your three hundred yuan information fee!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Di directly took out one hundred yuan and stuffed it into the staff member's hands.After resigning for a while, the staff member suddenly saw the scar on Wu Di's face move, and quickly withdrew his hand in fright, not daring to upset the uninvited guest again.As for Wu Di's willingness to reward this staff member, he actually had his own considerations.

In essence, this staff member is his own employee. He has won Wu Di's approval by standing up for Internet cafes when disputes seem to arise. It was because of Wu Di's appreciation that Wu Di generously offered several hundred yuan to reward him in the name of information fees.

"This big brother... I thank you for the information fee... It's just that if you are looking for the strongest king, you have already met it." The staff said dumbfounded, which made Wu Di stunned, but he understood in an instant—— Could it be that the strongest king-level person I was looking for was among the group of guys who were bluffed by my scars?

Wu Di hurriedly glanced at the group of people, and found that the guy called [Hua Shao] puffed up his chest immediately, and met Wu Di's eyes with a little confidence.

"Is it him?"

Wu Diyao pointed at Huashao, but his eyes were on the staff, and he didn't pay attention to Huashao at all.

Hua Shao was furious in her heart, but she still didn't dare to explode on the surface - who knows what bad things this guy with a scar on his face has done!
The staff curled their lips bitterly, and replied:
"Yes, this is Huashao who is very popular in Lantian Internet Cafe. He is the strongest king in the tenth district. Anyone who frequents Lantian Internet Cafe knows this. His level is indeed very high."

"However, because he gave me a bad first impression, I don't want to look for him anymore. Can you introduce me to the other strongest kings? Don't tell me, you just blew the blue sky Internet cafe into the sky, As a result, the entire Internet cafe can only find one strongest king?"

As soon as these words came out, the staff and Hua Shao both said in unison in their hearts:

Depend on!Are you really the strongest king so easy to meet?There are only fifty strongest kings in one regional server, and all the public servers in the country add up, and there are only a few more than 1000 strongest kings!Do you really think that the strongest king is like a singer on the street, you can see it everywhere?
Although the staff was unhappy with Wu Di's attitude, they still had a kind smile on their faces.Just when he was about to explain to this scarface who didn't seem to understand the common sense of the League of Legends, the young lady next to him couldn't bear it anymore, and snorted coldly:

"Hmph! Do you think that I, the strongest king, is willing to talk to you? What do you look at? Don't think that with a scar on your face, you can do whatever you want! I figured it out. In broad daylight, I still don't believe you dare to be rough on me. Is it? My dad is the director of the police station in this area! I'm not afraid of you."

Wu Di purposely gave Hua Shao a hard look with a sullen face, but the guy immediately faltered again—he couldn't help but took two steps back and hid behind the attendant.

Then, Wu Di spread his hands and smiled at the staff member:
"Look, this strongest king doesn't have the style of a king at all, so I don't like him, so I don't want to find him. In this way, I know that the strongest king is hard to find, so you can help me find a diamond-level person .”

At this time, the girl caught in the crowd already felt that Hua Shao was too timid and too embarrassing.The reason why she was willing to come with her today was because Hua Shao patted her chest and said how awesome she was and how she killed everyone in the League of Legends.As a result, before he had time to see the performance of the strongest king, he was already ashamed of being washed away by a scarred face.So, she glared at Wu Di, walked up to Hua Shao, and said a few words softly.Shao Hua was provoked by this girl, and immediately interrupted the conversation between Wu Di and the staff as if he had beaten chicken blood.

"Do you know how to play League of Legends? From your tone, even the strongest king is not in your eyes, so you must be a great master? If so, do you dare to challenge me, the strongest king? "

Hua Shao deliberately raised his voice, so some players who were closer to the bar immediately heard his voice and recognized him.

【Wow!Hua Shao took the initiative to invite people to fight one-on-one?This is extremely rare!I remember the last time an ignorant guy came to the Blue Sky Internet Cafe and asked for Huashao to be singled out by name, but he was beaten to the bone and ran away in despair! 】

[I remember that incident!Unexpectedly, Huashao took the initiative to find someone to single out today?Which blind guy provoked him? 】

[Hush!Keep your voice down!Didn't you see who Hua Shao wanted to challenge?It's the scarred face in front of the bar!Faced with such horror, I don't think he is such a troublesome master!You have to keep your voice down, don't bring unnecessary trouble to yourself! 】

[What are you afraid of?Huashao's father is the director of the police station in this area. I still don't believe that scarred face dares to mess around!Hua Shao wants to challenge him one-on-one, as long as he dares to agree, then he will look good later! 】

Some players who are familiar with Huashao are discussing in a low voice, and support Huashao.Hua Shao and the girl next to him looked at each other, as if they were very satisfied with the scene.

"Speak up? Don't you even look down on the strongest king? Do you dare to accept my one-on-one challenge? Don't worry, I will give you a chance to surrender in 10 minutes! Otherwise, people who don't know will think that I am here Bullying you."

Wu Di looked at Huashao who was getting more and more arrogant, and instead of being angry, he smiled and said:

"What you said... I agree. It's just that the subject and object in this sentence have to be reversed. To be precise, if I fight you, people who don't know will think I'm bullying you."

Wu Di returned Hua Shao's words to him exactly.This made the people around him furious immediately, and the players who heard Wu Di's answer also widened their eyes, looking at the sudden scarred face in disbelief.

Did I hear you right?Bullying... the strongest king?Could it be that this scarred face is a professional player?wrong!Firstly, there are no professional players with such a face, and secondly, even ordinary professional players dare not speak such big words!Many players in the team were selected from the strongest kings in the public server.

The small turmoil in front of the bar became more and more intense, and the players spread it one after another. Soon, all the players in the Lantian Internet Cafe learned that there was a very arrogant person in front of the bar, and he could beat the strongest with his wild words. The scarred face of the king!

When the staff saw that the scarred face was boastful, they immediately walked to Wu Di's side, buried their heads and said in a low voice:

"Brother...Since you have uttered your big words, it is like pouring water, which cannot be taken back, so I would like to advise you, don't make yourself uncomfortable... This young League of Legends The strength is really strong, the strongest king is definitely the real thing, I heard that several first-tier league teams have taken a fancy to him and want to pull him into the team.

I'm an esports fan and familiar with all the pro players.I can see that you are not a professional gamer.So, even if you are the strongest king, it may be very difficult for you to win the game against Hua Shao.

You'd better calm down, leave or ignore him. "

Of course, this staff member reminded him out of good intentions, but Wu Di patted him on the shoulder, ignored Hua Shao and his group, and said stubbornly: "Don't worry about it. Now you have already collected my money." , just help me find a diamond-level person."

When Hua Shao saw that Wu Di didn't take himself seriously at all, and the other party let out such big words, all the players looked at him curiously and with great interest. Suddenly, he felt that he couldn't keep his face .

"Scarface, it seems that you are just a coward. You don't even dare to challenge you one-on-one. It seems that you are just a cheater who likes to talk big. Don't dare to show it to shame! Brothers, let's go by ourselves Let's play, ignore this guy who blows the cowhide all over the sky..."

Hua Shao's voice was raised several decibels again, so that the onlookers could hear clearly.He did this just to let everyone know: this scarred face is just a big talker, please ignore it!
After finishing speaking, Young Master Hua looked at Wu Di contemptuously, and then wanted to take the people around him into the private room of the Internet cafe.At this moment……

"Wait." Wu Di stopped him suddenly, with a wicked smile on his face, "I can fight you. But if you lose, you have to promise me one condition."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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