The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 472 I want to find a master

Chapter 472 I want to find a master

"Hahaha!" Hua Shaoyang laughed loudly. The followers and sisters around him also looked at Wu Di with contempt, and after hearing Wu Di's words, some good people stared at Wu Di with contempt, and looked at this scarred face. Became a fool who speaks wild words.

"Did I hear you right? Do you think you can beat me? I am very concerned about e-sports. I have almost never heard of a scarred face in the professional circle, so...don't slap your face in front of me." It's fat!
Even if a professional player goes off in person, I don't necessarily lose, let alone you, an unknown pawn who came from nowhere!
Just hit it, but I also have a condition.After I win, you must immediately call me Young Master Hua three times, then get the hell out of Lantian Internet Cafe, and never set foot here!Do you dare to accept it? "

Hua Shao raised his head and pointed his nostrils at Wu Di. The sarcasm in his words immediately attracted the support of his supporters.

Wu Di raised his head and scanned around, and found that Hua Shao's popularity was really good—dozens of contemptuous eyes had already focused on him.

"Oh, your nostrils are really big, well, although you can't win, but for the sake of fairness, I must agree to your conditions.

Now, it's time for me to say the conditions.It's very simple, after I win, you immediately find me a diamond-level player.I only have one request, be kind and peaceful, don't be just a toad like you.

Oh, I almost forgot, it is best to be a diamond player in the first district. "

Wu Di said every word calmly, as if explaining an established fact.Of course, in the eyes of others, his scarred face has become the target of public criticism. After hearing his more arrogant words, countless people not only supported the strongest king of the Lantian Internet Cafe, Young Brother Hua, but also reduced their impression of Wu Di to the lowest level. point.

As the saying goes, where do you beat someone?Of course it's a slap in the face!

Since this scarred face is all gone, so arrogant and arrogant, they certainly hope that Hua Shao can teach him a good lesson and give him two resounding slaps.

At this time, the staff member who came out to smooth things over just now let out a long sigh in his heart when he saw that the conflict between the two was getting bigger and bigger, but they would not resort to force to resolve it in the end.However, he still understands the truth of using people's money to help people eliminate disasters——he quietly pulled Wu Di aside, and whispered:

"Brother, are you really sure? Although Hua Shao is a bit arrogant, he is really strong! We have almost all seen his live performance in the qualifying match of the king group, and there is absolutely no sign of acting as a substitute Ah. I think you are also hiding something. Are you the strongest king in other districts? Even if you are, you are at most [-]/[-] with him. If you lose that bet... your face will be disgraced ah.

In this way, if you don't want to fight, I will immediately act as an intermediary and let Hua Shao stop here. "

Wu Di's impression of this staff member is getting better and better.However, the first person in the world is afraid of being singled out?
For his current behavior, he himself is a little embarrassed!If it wasn't for the fact that in those two qualifying matches in the first district, he was so fooled by his teammates who were not even as good as elementary school students, he would have never bothered to pay attention to this little girl.

It's just that the Buddha is also angry. This usually arrogant Hua Shao wants to take the initiative to bump into his gun, so it's no wonder that he bullies amateur players.

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, he probably can't beat me, you don't need to go to him for mediation. With his pissy nature, even if you talk about it, it's just to find something unpleasant. Besides, I'm not The strongest king, just recently built a new account in the first district, and is still playing in the qualifying match."

After hearing these words, the previous servant immediately relayed them to Young Master Hua.As a result, the smile on Hua Shao's face became even brighter.

"Hahaha! Looks like you really are a fool who doesn't understand anything! You just came to challenge the strongest king just after qualifying for qualifying? Do you know how many ranks you need to rise from your current bronze rank to the strongest king? ?

Now I have some sympathy for you, don't say I bully newcomers!Give you a chance, call me Hua Ye, apologize to me and Ning Ning, and I will stop humiliating you in full view!If you insist on beating, don't blame me for beating you to shame! "

Wu Di ignored Hua Shao, but looked at the time on his own, and found that it was a bit late, so he smiled at Hua Shao:
"Hurry up, it's too late, I have to go back. The matter hasn't been done yet, you are bumping into me like a headless chicken, and it has delayed my work a lot."

Young Master Hua was so angry that he blew his beard and stared again, and made a final decision in his heart: even if someone said he was bullying novices, he would go all out and beat the scarred face to pieces—he asked for it!

Seeing that Wu Di didn't want to back down, the staff was also very worried, but Hua Shao is also a VIP member of the Internet cafe, so he couldn't neglect it, so he quickly turned on two machines in a private room.

The reason why he arranged the heads-up match between the two in the private room was actually for Wu Di's consideration.He doesn't believe that this newcomer can defeat the strongest Hua Shao, so it should be better if there are fewer people watching...

However, Hua Shao was not happy.He stopped the staff and shouted: "Don't fight in the private room! This scarred face is clearly here to smash the scene! As a staff member of the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, how can you not maintain your reputation in the Internet Cafe! Just fight outside! Let Everyone can clearly see how this arrogance was defeated by me!"

In desperation, the staff had no choice but to ask Wu Di for his opinion. As a result, he, who had been secretly called [Scarface], said something that made Huashao's supporters furious:
"Ah? I thought you deliberately arranged a private room for Hua Shao's face, so that other players could not watch. Thank you, I don't need to worry about it, because I will definitely win. Since he, the client, is willing to embarrass himself outside , I don't care."

Hua Shao gritted her teeth and stared at Wu Di, just about to retaliate, but the girl next to him, Ning Ning, stopped him and calmly persuaded:
"Brother Hua, don't be as knowledgeable as he is. Just play heads-up and make him unable to take care of himself."

After a few minutes, at least half of the players in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe ran to the center of the hall to watch the one-on-one match between Wu Di and Hua Shao.

In this age of the League of Legends fire, its existence has also reduced some unnecessary disputes in a certain sense.Because most people, no matter men, women, young or old, students or working people, like to play a few games in their spare time.Gradually, it also became a means of resolving disputes.

The onlookers are very spectator-conscious, so the business at the bar suddenly improved a lot—in just a few minutes, more than half of the onlookers came to the bar to buy melon seeds, potato chips or crispy rice, and polished them up one after another. Eyes, get ready to watch how the strongest king beats the rookie.

In addition, almost most of the onlookers stood behind Hua Shao, because his strength was recognized, but behind Wu Di, there was only the staff standing.

The staff expected that this scarred face didn't have an ID card, and he had only reached level [-], so he must be inexperienced, so in order to make his loss not too ugly, he also directly called up the game server, so that both sides could compete fairly. Singles match.

Competition servers generally use the 5V5 map of Summoner's Canyon.It's just that in heads-up, the two sides generally agree that they are only allowed to appear in the middle lane, and they can't go to the jungle, and they have to go online.Both Wu Di and Hua Shao agreed to this method, so they sat in front of the two free computers opened by the staff.

"How to fight? Two wins in three rounds, or one round to determine the outcome?" Hua Shao shouted confidently, but in her heart she hoped that this scarred face would choose to fight a few more rounds, otherwise the anger in his heart would not be able to survive one round. All poured out in the game.

"Let's just decide the outcome in one game. It's too late, I'm in a hurry. And it's meaningless to play a few more games. The result is the same anyway."

After hearing this, the onlookers squinted their eyes slightly, squinted or stared at Wu Di. If it wasn't for the horrifying scar on his face, some people might not understand his words and deeds. Well ridiculed.

Holding back the anger in his heart, Hua Shao asked again: "What about the conditions for victory? Is it a victory if you push down the base, or is it determined by the number of people?"

"Hmm... five kills, pushing the base is too troublesome, and I'm really in a hurry."

Soon, the game begins.

After entering the selection interface, Hua Shao didn't even think about it and chose Tailong, the shadow of the blade with a strong second-hand ability.When everyone saw it, they immediately understood his intention: he wanted to use this violent assassin hero to make the opponent completely defeated without any resistance!

After reaching the sixth level, Tai Long, basically few crispy heroes can resist a set of combos.

Faced with the powerful instant kill ability of Shadow of the Blade, mage heroes are too fragile. In addition, Shadow of the Blade has a silent skill, so it is inconvenient to choose to fight against it.Although mage heroes have a big move at level six, they can fight with their opponents, but the big move of the shadow of the blade can make themselves invisible for a few seconds, so it is indeed not a good choice for singles.

Everyone could see that Hua Shao's selection of the Shadow of the Blade had actually cut off many options for his opponent.

In a heads-up match, it is obviously unwise to choose a tank hero.Because the tank hero is slow to earn money, slow to build equipment, and short-handed, the economy must be much worse than those output heroes, and this will also cause his equipment to be formed extremely slowly, and basically he will be suppressed by the opponent in the early stage.And the winning condition of this heads-up match is whoever gets five heads first, whoever is the final winner, so choosing a tank hero is undoubtedly digging his own grave.

Of course, although tank heroes are not suitable for ultra-fast-paced duels, there are exceptions... After Wu Di looked at the opponent's choice, he pursed his lips and smiled, and chose the hero Crocodile...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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