The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 473 Calculation Ability

Chapter 473 Calculation Ability

The game entered a brief loading screen.

Huashao's supporters saw that the other party chose crocodile, and they also began to discuss.

[This newcomer chose a crocodile?The crocodile has a bit of an advantage in hitting the blade, but it's hard to say after level six. 】

【Are you joking?Even if that Scarface chooses a hero who is quite restrained from the Shadow of the Blade, what level can he play?I've seen Hua Shao play Shadow of the Blade, it's really just like in the animation, elegant and unrestrained, taking the head of the general from the chaos is like picking something out of a bag! 】

[Hua Shao is best at the Shadow of Blade. Looking at the entire Blue Sky Internet Cafe, oh no, it is the entire Internet cafe outside the south gate of Tianfu University. I have never seen anyone who can surpass Hua Shao in playing Blade!It seemed that he was very angry. To deal with a novice, he directly used his trump card. 】

[It's normal, that scarred face is self-righteous, you didn't hear what he said just now, but I heard it clearly.In his eyes, Hua Shao, the most powerful king, is simply not in his eyes! 】

[Hush!Keep your voice down, even if that Scarface is a rookie player, don't speak too loudly!If he hears it, he will feel upset after losing the game, and he will use you as a punching bag!There is such a horrible scar on his face... I don't know what he used to do!In this day and age, it's better to be careful!I don't believe he is a guy who can sing, I'm ugly, but I'm gentle! 】

While these onlookers were talking about Wu Di, suddenly a graceful figure appeared behind Wu Di.

When everyone saw it, the acquaintance immediately shouted:
"Hey, Miss Qiaoqiao, you are standing in the wrong place! Young Master Hua is here!"

Qiao Qiao raised his head, glanced at the guy who called him, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just finished playing a game of League of Legends, and I found that this place is extremely lively. Then I came to see, it turned out that it was Hua Shao who was playing with One-on-one. Why are you all on his side? You also have to give your opponent some encouragement."

Wu Di was startled, turned his head to look, and found that standing behind him, looking at him curiously was a young girl who was dressed very neutrally, but couldn't hide her devilish figure.

Wu Di stared at this girl, thought and thought, looked and looked, and felt very familiar, but just couldn't remember where he saw it.

Qiao Qiao clearly saw the confusion in Wu Di's eyes, but he didn't know why—Wu Di's appearance had changed so much that even Qiao Qiao couldn't see his true identity.

But in fact, Wu Di himself has never met Qiao Qiao at all.Before his accident, when he was playing in the professional league, he often chatted and farted with this [The Watcher Behind the King] on the Internet, talking about everything.Pull half in the sky and blow the other half on the ground.But the two have a common tacit understanding: that is, it is best not to meet each other!
At that time, although the two had a good impression of each other, and they often played qualifying games in duos on the public server, their relationship was very good, but the classic saying [Netizens die when they see the light] also became the reason why the two were reluctant to meet each other. See Mental Disorders.

Both of them felt that the feeling was very subtle and beautiful, so neither of them wanted to propose a meeting first, to destroy this rather rare good feeling.However, Wu Di, who was in full swing at the time, could see his promotional posters everywhere. In this way, Qiao Qiao knew that his good friend who had been duoing with him all this time was the world-renowned No. [-] genius in the world, but Wu Di himself was not I have never seen Jojo's true colors.

After Wu Di's accident, Qiao Qiao ran around, looking for the truth and a way to restore Wu Di's memory, but no matter how much she tried, she found nothing.Powerless, she found out by chance that Wu Di was going to form a team to start again, and through her own relationship, she found Jin Qiqi, a powerful family member, and asked her to take care of Wu Di as [the watcher behind the king] instead of herself... …

Finally, Qiao Qiao learned from Jin Qiqi that after Wu Di recovered well in South Korea, she often came to this Internet cafe that had a close relationship with Wu Di. well known.Coupled with her cheerful nature and unruly words and deeds, she was soon called "Sister Qiao Qiao" by the players here...

In addition, after recovering his memory in South Korea, Wu Di of course remembered everything, and also knew that his partner in the 47-game winning streak was a close comrade-in-arms with the ID "The Watcher Behind the King".It's just that he always thought that this partner was Jin Qiqi who had joined the King's Team, so when he saw Qiao Qiao himself, he just felt familiar, but he didn't know... This is his real guardian!
Wu Di politely nodded to Qiao Qiao, then turned his head in surprise, and continued to concentrate on the heads-up match.

It's very strange... Why does this girl feel so familiar to me?But I just can't remember where I've seen her?jojo?

With such doubts, this heads-up match officially kicked off.

In order to highlight his status as the strongest king, Hua Shao bought a Dolan's sword and a bottle of red medicine and went straight to the middle.After Wu Di thought for a while, he bought the same equipment without any compromise, and hurried to the line.

At this time, the shadow of the blade danced in front of the crocodile.

The action of dancing has always been understood by players as a means of mocking opponents.So Hua Shao's behavior made his supporters cover their mouths and laugh.

Wu Di is now in a very mature state of mind, and of course he won't be serious with his opponent. After watching his opponent walk and dance more and more boldly, he decisively upgrades the crocodile's E skill!
【Rampage】: Shortcut key E.Desert Butcher Renekton (Crocodile) dashes forward, dealing damage to enemies in his path.If Renekton has more than 50 Rage, he deals bonus damage and reduces the armor of units hit.

This rush skill is different from other rush skills. If you don't hit the enemy, you can only use it once. If you hit the enemy, you can continue to use it once.

This is the crocodile's signature displacement skill. As long as it hits the opponent, it can be released again in a short period of time.

Wu Di looked at the shadow of the blade, danced, and approached himself, also smiled, and clicked on this skill when the crocodile was at level one.The opponent obviously regarded himself as a novice and didn't know how to estimate the release distance of the skill - if his inference was correct, when the Shadow of the Blade was at level [-], he should have tapped the W skill [Cut Weeds and Roots]!
This is a long-range consumption skill, and the special effect of the skill is that Tai Long throws a spinning knife and attacks the enemy target twice back and forth.

The reason why Hua Shao chooses this skill is, of course, because the crocodile is particularly strong in the first few levels, and the shadow of the blade can only use this skill to make up the knife or consume itself.

Looking at the movement of the shadow of the blade now, it is obvious that he is going to run in front of the crocodile while he is not paying attention, and use the W skill to tease him.

But... your approach is extremely wrong!
Hua Shao squinted his eyes slightly, seeing that the shadow of the blade was about to enter the release range of [Cut Weeds and Roots], he had already put his finger on the W button, and when he entered the limit distance of the skill release, press Press the W key!
At this moment, a flower suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!The crocodile in his eyes directly used flash!
The crocodile handed in a flash?Is this the rhythm of forcibly taking first blood before the pawn line reaches the line?
The same question arose in the minds of the onlookers, but Hua Shao was surprised to find that when the crocodile landed, it was already gliding at an ultra-low altitude close to the ground!At this moment, the crocodile not only passed through the body of Shadow of the Blade, but also stood behind him!
Although the first part of Shadow of Blade's W throwing knife skill attacked the crocodile, the crocodile's operation was too fast. In the blink of an eye, it not only avoided the second part of the damage of Shadow of Blade's W skill, but also He successfully stood behind himself!

After a short surprise, Hua Shao smiled slightly, and controlled the shadow of the blade to fight against the crocodile!

Everyone was surprised.Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a level 1 Shadow of the Blade to fight recklessly with a level 1 crocodile!Especially when half of his skills have been emptied!
But as the strongest king, Hua Shao naturally has the extraordinary reflexes and judgment that this rank possesses.The rich battle experience gave birth to two cognitions in his mind:
The first cognition is that the crocodile upgrades the less powerful E skill, not the fixed W skill that is good for the first-level fight!
The second cognition, although the W skill of the Shadow of the Blade is half empty, it has already slowed down the crocodile, and the passive skill of the Shadow of the Blade is [Compassion: Talon's basic attack will Slowed, stunned, immobilized, or pinned enemies deal 10% more damage. 】The existence of this passive skill increases the power of Blade Shadow's basic attack!

Therefore, if I fight recklessly, I will not lose to you!

With this kind of cognition, Hua Shao has no fear, and controls the shadow of the blade and the crocodile to fight on the spot.

Wu Di saw that the opponent did not retreat in time, but confronted himself head-on, and he was very happy to see such a situation.At the same time, he also estimated the strength of the opponent of the strongest king.

The instant response and the choice at the first time are actually pretty good.It's just... don't you know that you don't know where the biggest advantage of attacking first is?
The crocodile used the flash to shorten the distance with the shadow of the blade. This is clearly the way to attack first, so of course Wu Di will not let the crocodile back down. After talking, he even skillfully used the walking and slashing skills, firmly sticking to the shadow of the blade that was fighting with him.

One hit, two hits, three hits... When the health of both parties exceeded half, the two simultaneously surrendered [Ignite] on each other, and took the only bottle of red medicine almost at the same time.It's just that the crocodile made an extra move, that is, continued to use a combination of [Rampage] and basic attack!
Then, after seven or eight general attacks on each other, the health of both sides had bottomed out.

At this moment, all the onlookers and Young Master Hua realized at the same time... that the one who fell first was the Shadow of the Blade? ?

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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