The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 474 Calculation Ability

Chapter 474 Calculation Ability

how can that be!

I handed in the igniting in a timely manner, and I gnawed the red medicine when the blade's health was over half, and I also achieved the ultimate in every slashing operation... But why, my blade's shadow fell first?Why didn't his crocodile fall?
Hua Shao was amazed, and the supporters behind him stared at the lying Shadow of the Blade inexplicably, not understanding why the Shadow of the Blade did not win in this first-level duel!What's more, what surprised them even more was that the crocodile not only successfully turned the shadow of the blade to the ground first, but also returned to the city with dozens of residual blood!
The crocodile is not dead?The crocodile was so lucky-this is the reason why the crocodile did not die as understood by most people present.

However, Qiao Qiao, who was standing behind Wu Di, had his eyes wide open, looking at the figure in his eyes in amazement.

What surprised her was not the proposition that the crocodile was dead or not, but the expression of the man with the scar face.

His expression was calm and calm, without any fluctuations, neither the joy of successfully killing his opponent nor the fear of winning by luck.On his face, Jojo couldn't see any emotional fluctuations in him at all.

Is this what he calculated?In the first-level duel, the [Flash] he surrendered first was to seize a chance to attack first?In other words, his seemingly reckless move was to lure the strongest opponent on the opposite side to take the initiative to fight with him?

Qiao Qiao was puzzled, and finally, she couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart, walked to Wu Di's side, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and signaled him to take off the earphones.

Wu Di looked back at the woman curiously, took off the earphones politely, and couldn't help asking: "Is there something wrong?"

Qiao Qiao settled down, and threw out all the doubts in her heart:
"During the reckless fight with the opponent, the crocodile survived with residual blood. Did you calculate it in advance?"

After hearing this question, the staff on the side also blinked with great interest-of course he thought that the crocodile was not dead because of luck.Opposite him is the strongest player. If this scarred face can calculate something, Hua Shao must be able to calculate it. How could such a scene not be due to luck?

However, what surprised the staff member was that Wu Di just smiled lightly and replied:

"I figured it out. With such a blood, I can definitely get it."

Qiao Qiao showed an expression of sudden realization, and continued to ask: "Can you tell me about it? What did you plan just now?"

Wu Di didn't want to talk too much at first, but this woman gave him such a wonderful feeling, the strange and familiar feeling made him unwilling to refuse to answer Qiao Qiao's question.Consciously tell him that although he is seeing this woman for the first time, he can trust her!

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just because I understand the true meaning of attacking first than that Hua Shao.

This is a heads-up match, and the test is the player's layout ability, calculation ability and operational proficiency.The judgment and reaction of the shadow of the blade after facing the crocodile's flashing action are actually quite normal, but he ignored a crucial factor!

That is, the hero who attacks first will always deal one more basic attack damage than the opponent!

In the previous battle, if my crocodile hadn't fallen down after making the last general attack on Shadow of the Blade, then the ending is that Shadow of the Blade can also make a general attack on the crocodile before falling down, As a result, the crocodile also died on the battlefield, and the whole situation became a one-for-one situation.

But it was because the crocodile was able to perform one more basic attack than him and took his life away, so he was not given the opportunity to do a one-for-one exchange.All of this is because the person who attacks first will make one more general attack than the opponent, that's all. "

Qiao Qiao Mao suddenly realized, and suddenly realized:

"I see! You just calculated the damage of the two heroes Crocodile and Blade Shadow, and then decisively launched a first attack, hitting a basic attack damage before the opponent, and then the opponent saw that you did not upgrade at level one The W skill that is more conducive to reckless fighting, so I follow your way and am willing to fight with you.

In the end, you took advantage of the extra normal attack damage to take the life of the Shadow of the Blade first... What a strong layout ability and calculation ability, you don't look like a novice at all. "

Wu Diyun smiled lightly, put his finger on his mouth, and made a movement of closing his voice:

" just know it yourself. I just want to win this one-on-one match that shouldn't have happened as quickly as possible. I am indeed here to find someone. Time is running out. If you tell that Hua Shaohe For his supporters, I am afraid that he will play more cautiously, and then this heads-up match will be dragged on for a long time.

As a person, I don't like troublesome things very much. If you leak the secret, I will be in trouble. "

Qiao Qiao rolled her eyes and said with a teasing smile: "Heh, Young Master Hua must have been very annoyed when he got blood, so he fought more aggressively. With your strength and calculation ability, I think you can set up a shocking trap to invite you into the urn." Don't worry, I won't reveal your strength to them, but I still have a question. After all, Hua Shao is the strongest king, even if you take first blood, you may not be able to win the final victory, right? "

Faced with Qiao Qiao's question, Wu Di didn't know why, and didn't want to hide the thoughts in his heart:

"You are overthinking. If you ask who is the best at snowballing in this world, then in my opinion, the players who can surpass me can be counted on one hand. Of course, this is still a very humble way of saying .”

As soon as the words came out, Wu Di himself wondered: Strange?Why can't he hold back his words in front of this woman?

However, after hearing Wu Di's arrogant words, Qiao Qiao and the staff had completely different reactions.

Of course, the staff regarded this scar-faced man as a peerless genius player.Maybe his account has just reached level [-], maybe he's just a player who just got rid of the League of Legends, but the scene that happened just now turned out to be the inevitable ending carefully planned by this guy, which is enough to surpass most amateur players;

After hearing the word "Snowball", Qiao Qiao couldn't help thinking of the man she cared about the most.Thoughtful, she took a closer look at Wu Di's face again, but she still dispelled the guess in her heart.

This scarred face is completely different from Wu Di in appearance, and his voice is unbearably hoarse. Except for the occasional arrogant attitude that is somewhat similar to Wu Di back then, there is really nothing in common.

Qiao Qiao smiled and said, "Go ahead, I've finished asking."

Next, of course Wu Di will not break his promise.As the professional player who can snowball the most in the e-sports world, he certainly won't let go of the first-blood advantage he got.Although the first blood income of this version is not as good as before, but after returning to the city, he still let the crocodile buy enough red medicine, and prepared to educate Shadow of the Blade well online.

First-level captain, second-level letter, third-level crocodile kills you.This famous LOL saying is used to describe the strength of these three heroes, so Wu Di, who has the first blood advantage, allows the crocodile to suppress the shadow of the blade with ease.

The crocodile is constantly looking for every opportunity to exchange blood with the shadow of the blade, and uses the group attack effect of the skill to quickly clear the troops so that he can suppress the shadow of the blade in terms of level.Soon, the shadow of the blade finished eating the red medicine, and the crocodile still had two bottles of red medicine on its body, and it was in the same state as before, with almost no damage.

The increasingly powerful crocodile pushed Shadow of the Blade out of the pawn line after the third level, so he could only watch the crocodile replenishing troops easily and happily from a distance.

At this time, Wu Di changed his previous strategy of quickly clearing troops, and began to control the line of troops in a leisurely manner.

After gaining an advantage, immediately control the pawn line, and prevent the opponent from easily approaching to finish the attack or share experience. This is the common sense that a game master must possess.Wu Di, who has been a master in the e-sports world for so many years, naturally understands this truth.

Since this is a one-on-one match, both parties agreed not to kill wild monsters or not to appear in the middle, so the current Shadow of the Blade is extremely passive.

Therefore, the shadow of the blade looked at the crocodile standing in the pile of soldiers, neither retreating nor advancing, the situation was very awkward.

The operator of Shadow of the Blade, Hua Shao of the strongest king rank, was ablaze with rage in his heart. He tried to change this disadvantaged situation, but after several attempts, he found that it was all in vain.

The onlookers were already stunned in place after this scene appeared.They originally wanted to give strong applause and applause after Huashao's phenomenal performance, but now Huashao is like a boring gourd. Although the surface is full of momentum, they can't find a better way to regain control of the game. Rhythm.

At this time, these onlookers also began to make suggestions for Hua Shao:

[I can only use the experience of the minions online to get to level six... After the shadow of the blade reaches level six, the explosive power is still very strong. At that time, first consume the crocodile a few times, and finally attack at the right time, and the crocodile's head will definitely be taken away! 】

【Well, that's the only way to go. The crocodile has always been very strong, and there are no flaws in its operation. It seems that the scarface is not a simple rookie. His arrogance still has some confidence.Move like a cunning rabbit when attacking, be as quiet as a virgin when controlling the line, and control the personal rhythm very well!I'm afraid Hua Shao will have a tough fight!However, the most powerful period of Shadow of the Blade is from level 6 to level 11. I believe that Young Master Hua will educate this arrogant newcomer well! 】

【etc!I think you guys are all bad ideas!Don't you see it?This heads-up match has been played for a few minutes, but did the crocodile make a slight mistake?What's more, the tactics he used are all reasonable, making Hua Shao a dilemma. I don't think he is a rookie at all!Maybe he is still a hidden master! 】

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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