The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 475 Calculation Ability

Chapter 475 Calculation Ability

The whispered comments from the surrounding crowd did not affect Hua Shao's own judgment in the slightest.

As an amateur master of the strongest king level, he certainly understands that the situation on the field is indeed very unfavorable.If he wanted to restore the situation on the field and win the final heads-up, he had only two strategies he could adopt.

The first is, of course, to carry the obscenity to the end.The crocodile is a melee hero, so you can't just stand under the defense tower and hit it unscrupulously. As long as the shadow of the blade is still alive, he has no chance to push down the defense tower!Therefore, as long as you wait for a while, and after you have a certain equipment foundation, you can find a chance to kill the crocodile.Or this rookie made a foolish mistake by himself, and made a move such as jumping the tower and killing...

Obviously, as soon as this strategy appeared in Hua Shao's mind, he immediately denied it.As the strongest king, defeating a rookie by delaying tactics?Besides, if the rookie comes out with a bunch of armor and equipment to arm the crocodile into a strong fortress that can't be attacked, whether or not Shadow of the Blade can beat him will become the biggest problem.At that time, the delaying tactics may not be successful!
The second is naturally to use one's own reaction and operation to find opportunities under the tower and directly attack first!The shadow of the blade has made a brutal force, and if the main W skill is upgraded, the clearing of soldiers under the tower will be a mess quickly.At that time, as long as the crocodile moves carelessly, I can find a chance to kill him!
right!Just do it!Now, let's let you be arrogant for a while!

After making up his mind, Hua Shao put away the restlessness in his heart, and treated the game with a peaceful mind.What I have to say is that, as the strongest king, he still has a strong mentality control during the game.Many times, when novice players complain that their teammates are not good enough and lose the game, they should actually reflect on whether they have experienced the phenomenon of enthusiasm.

For an e-sports player, calmness is the most necessary basic quality.

This one-on-one match, after Hua Shao took the initiative to change his mentality, became extremely dull.After the pawn line gradually reached the opponent's tower, Wu Di certainly would not let the crocodile run down the tower foolishly and take the initiative to give the Shadow of the Blade a chance to consume blood, and the Shadow of the Blade's level is getting higher and higher, and the efficiency of clearing troops under the tower is also low. faster and faster.

Gradually, the number of last hits of Shadow of the Blade has been catching up. Except for the lost first blood and the twenty or so last hits suppressed by the crocodile at the beginning, the economic gap between the two sides is limited to this.

Hua Shao is worthy of being the strongest player at the king level. After calming down, his various operations are also impeccable.He is getting more and more into the state, and he has already made up his mind to kill the crocodile the next time they meet!
At this time, the two sides had a tacit understanding and returned to the city at the same time to replenish after clearing the line of troops.The shadow of the blade made a brutal force, and the crocodile made Tiamat (the general attack has a splash effect, which can be used actively to cause damage to the enemy target).

Hua Shaoshang sneered when he saw that the crocodile's outfit was attacking instead of defensive.Because the crocodile with this outfit is still very aggressive, but its HP is not much more than itself, and its armor is low, so it cannot withstand the blows of assassin heroes such as Shadow of the Blade.As long as you operate properly and don't make fatal mistakes, then it is entirely possible for you to lay the crocodile on the ground!
However, when Hua Shao saw that the crocodile had also purchased a True Vision Guard, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his mind.

The ultimate move of Shadow of the Blade can make oneself invisible for a few seconds, and the guard of true vision is obviously the nemesis of this ultimate move!

After Hua Shao calmly analyzed the situation, she couldn't hold back the aggrieved feelings she had received before.

snort!Real eyes?Do you think that when I use a set of skills to instantly kill you, do you still have a chance to let go of your real eyes?Later, I will let you see the super high hand speed of the strongest king!
When the shadow of the blade and the crocodile meet again on a narrow road, Hua Shao's heart is filled with murderous intent!
On the other hand, Wu Di is still like a Buddha statue, sitting upright, with his hands flying like flying, with a faint smile on his face all the time.No matter what the other party did, in his eyes, it seemed that he had already expected it.This demeanor made Qiao Qiao, who was watching the battle, very puzzled.

Qiao Qiao is a female player who really loves e-sports. She has also reached the diamond level, and even reached this level in the so-called hardest district.So her own e-sports level should not be underestimated.She likes to watch e-sports competitions, and likes to pay attention to professional players. After careful observation for a long time, she found that this kind of expression on Wu Di's face is usually only possessed by top players!

Concentrated and serious, it looks like a smile, but in fact it is because she has a well-thought-out plan and everything is under control.

Looking at the expression on Wu Di's face, Qiao Qiao couldn't help asking: Does this scarred face think that he is sure to win?
At this moment, the onlookers suddenly burst into sighs!
It turned out that when the crocodile and the shadow of the blade met, Hua Shao couldn't wait to let the shadow of the blade continuously use the W skill to consume the crocodile's blood.Moreover, all the W skills he used [Cut Weeds and Roots] were released from extreme positions!
[Cut Weeds and Roots] The release of this skill is also very particular.

After this skill is released, the special effect shown on the screen is: the shadow of the blade throws the flying knife, then the flying knife flies to the maximum distance at high speed, and then quickly returns to the shadow of the blade like a boomerang.The first time the throwing knife passes through the enemy target, it can cause the first damage, and when it is recovered in the hand, it can cause the second damage.

It is precisely because of this feature that its release has a trick.

When ordinary players use Shadow of the Blade, as long as they see an enemy hero entering the casting range, they will throw throwing knives directly regardless of the three-seven-two-one, while expert players will not release this skill so casually.

In the current version, the skill points of Shadow of the Blade are mainly promoted in the middle and early stages.On the one hand, it is because of the high efficiency of this group attack skill in clearing troops, and on the other hand, it is also because it is a blood-consuming magical skill, which can cause good damage to enemy heroes without having to face the opponent head-on.

Therefore, when master players use the W skill for blood-consuming tactics, the first consideration is naturally whether the two-stage damage of this skill can completely hit the enemy hero!
When encountering some heroes with displacement skills, of course they will pursue the ultimate distance release skills.

The so-called [Extreme Distance Release] means that the controller accurately grasps the limit distance of the flying knife, and then throws the flying knife at the moment when the enemy hero enters the limit distance!At this time, the throwing knife reaches the limit distance, and after causing the first damage to the enemy hero, it immediately moves in the opposite direction and swipes across the enemy hero again, naturally it can quickly cause the second damage to the enemy hero. damage effect.

Only the flying knives released from the extreme distance can deal two damage at the fastest speed after passing the enemy hero back and forth.

And if the throwing knife skill is not released at the limit distance, then when the flying knife is recovered in the hand to deal the second damage, it is easy for the enemy hero to use the displacement skill to escape the damage.

Hua Shao's Shadow of the Blade's blade is really good at throwing the knife at an extreme distance. The crocodile can't dodge it, and has already been hit by him twice in a row!
As soon as the audience saw that the scarred face was obviously poorly operated, and they didn't have time to use the crocodile's displacement skill to dodge the second damage of the throwing knife, they also expected him to be a novice!
The crocodile's health dropped suddenly, and of course Hua Shao also saw the hope of killing it. After taking a bottle of blue medicine to restore some mana, he made a decisive move, ready to seize the opportunity!
The attack routine of Shadow of the Blade is said to be complicated, but it is actually quite simple:
First use the E skill to immediately jump behind the enemy hero, and cause a short silence effect, then press the Q skill immediately after the basic attack once, refresh the back-swing action of the basic attack, and then hit a basic attack and Q skill damage , and finally immediately release the big move and W skill to make the final fatal blow to the opponent!

At this time, the operator must keep an eye on the position of the enemy hero, because the ultimate move [Shadow Strike] of the Shadow of the Blade will not only make him invisible immediately, avoiding the opponent's fatal counterattack, but also throw a bunch of flying flying The knife will return to the hands of the shadow of the blade after his next appearance.

If at this time, the shadow of the blade moves properly, it will allow all the flying knives to pass through the body of the enemy hero, and then hit the maximum damage value of the ultimate move.The timing of the release of this big move, as well as the positioning skills after the release, are all top players must pay close attention to.

Huashao's best hero is Blade Shadow. In normal matches, he often hits the damage of the big move that the opponent does not expect, because he has worked hard to study how to hit the maximum damage value of the big move.

Therefore, when he made a move, the audience immediately bulged their eyes, watching intently how he would perform Shadow of the Blade's flying knife stunt.

The Shadow of the Blade jumped behind the crocodile, making it appear as a sign of being silenced!Then, the skillful two basic attacks and the damage of the Q skill are fully played!At the same time, the W skill is released at the right time, making it difficult for the crocodile to move!
Next, just press the R button yourself, and then let the shadow of the blade cling to the crocodile, let it eat all the damage from the big move, in this way, coupled with the damage value of [ignite], the crocodile will undoubtedly die!

Hua Shao's set of combos came unexpectedly and unparalleled, but... this scene was all in Wu Di's expectation!

The silence effect of the Shadow of the Blade's E skill lasts for one second.In this second, Hua Shaoye did indeed play the first half of the routine, and caused the crocodile's health to drop rapidly.As long as the damage of the ultimate move is more than half, the crocodile must lie down first.

It's just... at this critical moment, after the crocodile's silence effect was lifted, he made three moves at lightning speed!
The first action was to insert the true vision guard beside him, so that the figure of the shadow of the blade was completely exposed!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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