Chapter 476
Suddenly seeing the true vision guard released by the crocodile, Hua Shao made a decisive decision and let the shadow of the blade immediately move tactically.

Shadow of the Blade's throwing knife has already been thrown, as long as the crocodile doesn't leave his side, even if he can't deal all the damage from the big move, the crocodile can be killed immediately on the spot!
Hua Shao was able to become the strongest king, so he naturally had a strength that should not be underestimated.At this time, while he was performing dazzling operations, he was also thinking about how his opponent would respond.

According to common sense, the crocodile will of course activate its big move, increase some life points, and then flash away.Because its health at this time can't compete with the shadow of the blade at all!
After predicting that the opponent would flash and flee, Hua Shao stared at the screen with blazing eyes, ready to flash past the moment the opponent flashed.Only in this way, the damage of the big move can be played!
As the crocodile's health dropped again, the situation had reached a precarious point.At this moment, Wu Di's second movement and third movement were completed almost at the same time!

It's exactly as Hua Shao expected to activate the big move, and then hand over his [Flash], which is also reasonable.A crocodile with less than one-third of its health must escape of course!
Escape... escape?Why did the crocodile flash behind the Shadow of the Blade? !
The audience and Hua Shao were taken aback at the same time—the location of the crocodile [flash] was not close to one's own defense tower, but behind the shadow of the blade?What on earth does the crocodile with residual blood want to do?
At this time, only a few people saw the crocodile's plan, of course including Huashao who was fighting!He took a closer look, and suddenly understood that the crocodile's flash was to avoid the damage from the shadow of the blade's big move!

The animation of Shadow of the Blade's ultimate move is to throw countless flying knives in all directions, and then after floating in the air for a while, they will fall back into the hands of Shadow of the Blade.If the shadow of the blade is standing behind the enemy hero, then all the flying knives will pass through the body of the enemy hero, causing all the damage of its ultimate move to be dealt, and if the enemy hero runs to the blade during the flight of the flying knives If you are behind the shadow of the hero, then the throwing knife will not be able to pass through the body of the enemy hero, and then the big move will not be able to deal the huge damage it deserves!

Hua Shao is very aware of the characteristics of the shadow of the blade, and also understands how the opponent should avoid all the damage from the ultimate move.So when the crocodile flashed behind him, he immediately understood that the other party wanted to avoid the damage of his flying knife!

I can't let you succeed!
After Hua Shao reacted, he immediately put his finger on the shortcut key of [Flash], and adjusted the direction of the shadow of the blade, ready to come behind the crocodile again!In this way, the throwing knife can pass through the huge body of the crocodile, killing it immediately!

Right now...

The crocodile after handing over [Flash], of course knows how the other party will respond.The moment Hua Shao manipulated the shadow of the blade to complete his turn, the crocodile raised the half-human tall giant scythe in his hand, and swished it three times in a row at the opponent!

[Grim Hunting]: Shortcut key W.Under normal circumstances, the crocodile swipes at the target twice in a row, causing moderate physical damage to it and stunning them for 0 seconds.If the crocodile has more than 75 points of rage, he will swing the target three times, causing higher physical damage to them, and stunning them for 50 seconds.

The three knives swung by the crocodile are exactly the deadly three knives under the full anger of the W skill!Not only did it cause a lot of damage to the fragile Blade Shadow, but it also made him stay in place!

At the same time, the throwing knife thrown by Shadow of the Blade's ultimate move also returned to his hand.However, none of these throwing knives passed through the crocodile's body!Therefore, the crocodile hardly suffered from his big move!

The whole audience was stunned, but the changes on the scene made them have no time to sigh:
After the shadow of the blade's shadow was fixed, the crocodile immediately used the Q skill again, causing a little damage to him and restoring a small amount of health.Then the crocodile had no intention of escaping at all, so it stood in front of the shadow of the blade, and wiped the sickle in its hand on the shadow of the blade again and again.

The moment before the Shadow of the Blade resumed its action, the crocodile immediately used the E skill to pass through the opponent, and stood in front of him, blocking his retreat route!Moreover, [Ignite] was also hung on his body at the same time!The crocodile that made Tiamat also took the initiative to release the automatic skill of this piece of equipment, causing a certain amount of damage to the Shadow of the Blade.

Hang up [ignite] this the rhythm of counter-killing?
At this time, Hua Shao was extremely shocked. He didn't know how fast the opponent's hand speed increased when he flashed the W skill just now. People who can be faster than him... I'm afraid there are only top professional players?
However, before he had time to think about it, he realized that the crocodile had already caused huge damage to the shadow of the blade. After the crocodile had finished a set of combos, the HP of the shadow of the blade was already lower than that of the crocodile!

Shocked, Hua Shao pressed the shortcut key of [Flash] almost subconsciously.At this time, he has no intention of fighting at all, he only hopes to use this flash to escape the claws of the crocodile.

However, since the crocodile has already used the E skill to pass through the body of the Shadow of the Blade, then his E skill can release the second stage!

In addition, the crocodile was already standing on the back path of the Shadow of the Blade, and the position Hua Shao flashed in a hurry was behind him, so after the Shadow of the Blade landed, the crocodile released the second E skill again, Once again came to the side of the shadow of the blade!

The crocodile's big move will cause continuous blood loss to the targets within a certain range, and the ignition can also last for a few seconds.At this time, although the shadow of the blade opened a certain distance from the crocodile, so that he could not launch a basic attack on himself, Wu Di never thought of basic attacking the opponent at all, but controlled the crocodile to chase the opponent all the way.

After a few seconds...

Shadow of the Blade's Q skill finished cooling down first, and Hua Shao, who was struggling to understand, looked at the crocodile's health, and immediately pressed the Q skill to turn around and fight the crocodile.

However, the moment the Shadow of the Blade turned around, the crocodile swung the sickle first and launched a basic attack!
The shadow of the blade fell to the ground, and the crocodile, which also had low health, survived again!
The audience was in an uproar.No one could have imagined that the shadow of the blade was killed by the crocodile in the situation of Dayou!

Hua Shao stared at the black and white screen in a daze, and kept reflecting in her heart: What went wrong just now?Why can't I take away the crocodile with a set of skills?Is it because of the crocodile's [flash] plus immobilization skill, which avoided the damage of his big move?

kindness!It must be so!I have used Shadow of the Blade more than a thousand times, and the damage calculation is very accurate. If the crocodile could take the damage from the ultimate move at that time, then he would definitely lie down first!
Damn, how could he make such a dazzling operation?Isn't he a rookie who has just reached level [-] and can participate in the qualifying round?Granny Bear!Get fucked!Even if this scarred face is not a professional player, he is at least the strongest in other regions!
I have underestimated the enemy... Next, it will be really difficult to fight.The crocodile has already won two kills, and it is more than 20 blades ahead of me in the last knife, and the equipment will naturally be better... Damn it!This hateful scarred face is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!
The reason for Major General Hua's second defeat was attributed to Wu Di's shadowing him.After seeing this scene, the other viewers naturally understood that the scarred face facing the hideous face must not be an ordinary person. For a while, everyone was whispering about what would happen next.Most of the onlookers are players with silver and gold strength, and there are also a small number of people who are high-ranked platinum or diamonds. After seeing Hua Shao's Shadow of the Blade being killed in succession, no matter whether they understand it or not, they can't understand it. It can be seen that the situation of few flowers is not optimistic.

Some schadenfreude viewers are already thinking about a possible scenario: if Hua Shao, the strongest king, loses later, how will he end up?
Qiao Qiao, standing behind Wu Di, naturally witnessed the whole process of the crocodile killing the Shadow of the Blade for the second time.As a diamond tier, she can naturally see that Wu Di's crocodile has been waiting for the opponent to take the initiative to attack, and then use that exquisite operation and judgment to complete the second kill.But... a player who can lay such a trap, is his strength really only at the strongest king level?
Qiao Qiao thought for a while, and prepared to make use of the problem.She patted Wu Di on the shoulder again, smiled and asked:
"Hey, big master, can you tell me quietly about how you arranged it just now?"

Wu Di was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Ha, you can see that I am inviting you into the urn? Heh, your level is not bad. Then tell me what you didn't understand. I can explain it briefly."

Qiao Qiao smiled sweeter: "Can you explain it from the very beginning?"

Wu Di wanted to refuse, but his subconscious mind did not allow him to do so.So he was a little puzzled, but said patiently:

"This... well. In fact, from the very beginning, I let the opponent fall into the trap I set step by step.

Didn't I let the Shadow of the Blade consume two hits with the W skill in the first place?That's where the layout starts.I intentionally let the crocodile eat two shots of W skills, so that its health dropped to a certain level. At this time, the opponent would of course think that it was possible to launch a strong attack, but you can see that although my crocodile has consumed its health, it has been Common attack creeps.

The crocodile's anger is superimposed by basic attacks. Although it has eaten the opponent's skills twice, its anger has already accumulated, which provides sufficient conditions for the next counter-kill.

Then, I expected that he would launch an attack, so I made preparations. After he finished playing a set and started his big move, I first clicked on the real eye to see his position, and then used the flash plus W skill to let my Crocodiles will not take damage from Shadow of the Blade's ult.

In the end, it is natural to predict his escape route and use the E skill in advance, so that the crocodile can immediately chase after the opponent's flash.After that... there is nothing to say.Oh, by the way, at that last blow, if the Shadow of the Blade didn't turn back, he wouldn't be hacked to death by the crocodile, but he would also be burned to death... Hehe, I seem to have said a lot of nonsense and didn't explain anything. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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