Chapter 477 Partner
There was no sound in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe.Apart from Wu Di explaining to Qiao Qiao in a low voice, there was no other voice.

One of Wu Di's only two supporters, the staff member could hear Wu Di's words clearly because of his position relatively close.He is also a fan of League of Legends himself, so when he heard Wu Di say that he had been planning the layout from the very beginning, he was quite surprised.

"Brother, you are amazing! You have set this trap for Shadow of the Blade from the very beginning. It's just that I still don't understand. What if Shadow of Blade kills you before counterattacking? Or Shadow of Blade doesn't Do you make moves as you imagined? Then your calculations will be meaningless."

Wu Di smiled, and lightly denied his opinion:

"The situation you mentioned will not happen. I have calculated the approximate damage capabilities of the two heroes, so my crocodile will not be the first to die; in addition, you said he will not make moves? It is unlikely, because... He is the strongest king."

After Qiao Qiao heard the words, she also showed the same puzzled expression as the staff: "How do you say that?"

"The players who can beat the strongest king all have judgment and calculation abilities that surpass ordinary players. Of course, their hand speed and reaction ability are also higher than ordinary players. If there is a fighter opportunity that can be grasped on the scene, they will definitely wait for it And move, will not let go of any opportunity. This is a kind of self-confidence, confidence in one's own strength, and it is also the inevitable result of the current version of League of Legends that encourages offense. In this version, assassin heroes are very strong. If there is a chance to kill Generally, no one will let it go, and he is the strongest player, so out of self-confidence, he will definitely do it.

Oh, by the way, there is one point I forgot to explain just now.My crocodile has always been the main W skill.When I suppressed him online before, I would hardly use the angry W skill to exchange blood with him.So he must have been bluffed by my angry W skill just now.According to my inference, that Young Master Hua probably never thought that the crocodile's single skill could hit the Shadow of the Blade's HP so much.

Whether it is a player or a player, after being frightened, his brain will inevitably hesitate for a moment, and it will affect his judgment, which will make his operation or reaction deviate.

Did you see where he flashed?In fact, if he flashed in other directions, maybe... he could survive with residual blood.And precisely because he subconsciously flashed towards his back, the crocodile's second E skill could quickly shorten the distance between him and the Shadow of the Blade. "

Unknowingly, just as Wu Di explained to the two of them, the shadow of the blade had come to the line again.

"Wait, wait until I quickly win this heads-up match."

Then, after ten minutes passed, Wu Di, who had the upper hand on the field, did not give Hua Shao any opportunity to take advantage of it. After killing his Blade Shadow twice in a row, Hua Shao was furious and directly did Out of [elementary school student] performance: hang up in the main base and not get out!
After Wu Di took a little more time to push his main base all the way, the heads-up match came to an end.

At this time, most of the supporters behind Hua Shao were so surprised that their jaws dropped to the ground, especially after Hua Shao hung up the phone, they didn't know why.According to their understanding, even if Crocodile's equipment is ahead of Shadow of the Blade, even if Hua Shao is at a disadvantage, he should give up the game.What's more, as long as you deal with the crocodile for a few rounds under the tower, it is not impossible to kill the opponent!

Of course Huashao didn't think so.After four head-to-head confrontations, he already understood that the scarred face sitting across from him was definitely a super master hidden in the city!

Apart from those first-line professional players, how many players are there in the entire Huaxia Kingdom who can beat themselves?

After thoroughly understanding that Scarface was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, his expression was extremely ugly. At this moment, he was wondering if his opponent would come and taunt him.

Wu Di stood up slowly, under the expectant and doubtful eyes of everyone, he said softly:
"Okay, you lost, then fulfill the agreement and help me find a player with a good sense of teamwork and a diamond rank. Of course, it's best to be in the first district."

Um?Before the heads-up match, judging by Hua Shao's tone, it seemed that the gap between the two was quite large?Is it already like fire and water?
Why did this scarface behave so... calmly after winning?There is no tit-for-tat as imagined!

Hua Shao was also confused by Wu Di's attitude and words.He thought that Wu Di would take advantage of this victory and insult himself.In the end he just let himself fulfill the bet?

"Hey, don't you want to go? Breaking the contract is a very unmanly thing." Wu Di continued, his face was very calm, and he didn't have the slightest joy of winning the heads-up match, nor did he show the slightest bit of contempt.

Hua Shao frowned, and after a brief silence, he still chose to be a man willing to bet and admit defeat.He jumped up from his seat, and immediately turned around, pointed to the two young men, and said:
"These two are diamond tiers. They generally play support positions, with good awareness and reactions, and they are also in the first zone. Well, what you asked me to do, I have done it. I'm leaving!"

After finishing speaking, Hua Shao immediately left the Blue Sky Internet Cafe with his former partners.Just like the classic saying of Mr. Xu Zhimo: I left in a hurry, just as I came lightly, waved my hand, and did not take a cloud away...

When everyone saw that Hua Shao, one of the parties involved, had left the scene in a hurry, and since he had made it clear from the beginning that he was Hua Shao's supporter, he didn't have much face to stay in front of Wu Di.

In the crowd, after someone made a coaxing speech, they dispersed.

The two players who were named by Huashao also walked up to Wu Di at this time, and asked at the same time with suspicious expressions:

"What are you looking for from us? We are a diamond rank in the first district."

Wu Di looked at the two of them, they were both young men who looked like college students, so he smiled and replied:

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask you to duo with me and help me least the Platinum rank. Of course, I will pay for it. It's a trivial matter, right? It will just take up some of your time."

The two people standing in front of Wu Di looked at each other, and both found the puzzlement in each other's eyes.Then, one of them continued to ask:
"You mean... Hire someone to play on your behalf? Oh, no, you mean to hire someone to partner with you and play qualifying games together?"

"That's what it means. I heard that Shao Hua just said that you all play the main support position?" Wu Di asked back.

The two nodded, and said in unison: "Yes, both of us are in the support position, and both of us have regular cooperative ADC players. I'm afraid I can't help you with this favor. Seeing that the crocodile played very well just now , you should be a player who mainly plays top units, if this is the case, you'd better find a mid laner or jungler to duo with you."

After speaking, the two young students, who were very afraid of the scar on Wu Di's face, turned around quickly and left. Wu Di said "Hello" twice, but still refused to turn around.

"Hey... Folk masters have the bearing of folk masters. Power cannot be subdued, poverty cannot be moved..." Wu Di couldn't help muttering a few words to himself, but Qiao Qiao who had been standing behind him could hear clearly clearly.

"Ha, you are looking for a diamond tier player in the first district, just to let you go up the level? Are you a new number? Are you the strongest king from other districts?" After watching the heads-up match, Qiao Qiao naturally defined Wu Di as Is a most powerful player.

Wu Di smiled wryly and said: "I'm not the strongest king, I was a few years ago. Now I just want to find a partner who can help me break through the ranks. You don't know, in the ten qualifying matches, I have knelt twice in a row .If I don’t find a partner, maybe I will be assigned to the bronze group. At that time, I really can’t laugh or cry. I wanted to come to the Internet cafe to find a master to rush down the rank, but the can also see When we arrived, those folk masters were very tempered."

After hearing the words, Qiao Qiao waved his hand and said proudly: "What's so difficult? You need to find someone to help, come to me. I am also from the first district, and I am also in the diamond rank. And, I am not the main Support, I mainly play mid laner."

A kind of joy that fell from the sky rushed into Wu Di's heart in an instant. He immediately swept away his slumped expression and asked in surprise:
"Are you telling the truth? Haha, I can't tell, a beautiful woman like you is still a LOL master!"

Qiao Qiao straightened her body and replied with a smile: "What kind of expert is it? I think I am far behind you. If it weren't for your own strength, I would not recommend myself Well. You don’t know how hard it was for me to climb up from a low rank. I don’t want to play with those craters anymore, really, sometimes, they don’t just piss you off, they can piss you off!”

Wu Di laughed, and replied: "Don't say that. I'll give you a word—it's best not to be angry, because it's punishing yourself for the mistakes made by others! Moreover, the spirit of e-sports is not to encourage abuse. If you really If you are willing to help me with this, please make an offer. If it goes well, I may need to partner with you all the way to the diamond rank."

Qiao Qiao frowned, and said with some displeasure:
"Offering a price? Are you joking? You are so much stronger than me, and I can learn a lot from you. This kind of opportunity cannot be exchanged for money."

"But..." Wu Di hesitated.

"Oh, are you a man? Why are you like a mother-in-law like a woman? I didn't say anything, what else are you?"

"Okay, give me your phone number. When do you usually have time? I'll find you then."

"I usually have time at night. This is my phone number 137...Huh? Wait! You don't have an excuse to get the phone number of a beautiful woman like me, do you?"

"Ah? No, no... You misunderstood, I really want to find someone to partner with me, and hit the winning streak in the first district."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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