The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 478 Winning Streak Record

Chapter 478 Winning Streak Record

The lights of the Lantian Internet Cafe were extremely bright. Under the dazzling light, Qiaoqiao was dumbfounded, and his heart was already filled with huge waves - he never thought that the man in his pupils was so ambitious.

This scar-faced man just played a [-]-level trumpet in the first district, and then threatened to hit the winning streak in the first district?

Who holds the winning streak in the first division?It was created by Wu Di, the world's number one genius, who has a perfect understanding with himself!And in this winning streak, I also contributed a lot!In the first [-] games, he partnered with Wu Di and achieved an impressive record of [-] consecutive victories, laying a solid foundation for Wu Di to create an unprecedented record.

Back then, I helped Wu Di create the record for the longest winning streak. Now, I want to help an outsider to challenge Wu Di's record?Is this God's will playing tricks on people, or good fortune playing tricks on people?

If the scarred face is Wu Di, then Qiao Qiao has already agreed.But this scarred face is not Wu Di, and his purpose of challenging Wu Di's winning streak is still unknown... For a moment, Qiao Qiao fell into silence.

Could it be that he is targeting Wu Di?Or maybe this scarface is a member of that [organization], who came to China specifically to harm Wu Di?
Countless question marks instantly popped up in Qiao Qiao's mind. Seeing her hesitation, Wu Di also asked with concern:
"What's wrong with you? Oh, are you worried that you won't be able to challenge the longest winning streak record? Don't worry, you just need to accompany me to the diamond group. If you don't want to fight at that time, I won't force you. "

After hearing Wu Di's question, Qiao Qiao turned around and had an idea in his mind.

"It's okay, I'll just fight with you. My sister, Qiao Qiao, keeps her word, and I won't let people go. By the way, what are you doing to hit the longest record? Although there is no conclusive evidence, it is rumored that the record It is maintained by the world's number one talent, Wu Di? He has recently come back and claimed that his strength has greatly increased, and he has formed a team to start all over again. If you want to challenge his record, does that mean you will challenge him in the future?"

Wu Di couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.In order to attract Danqing's attention, he will of course challenge his previous record with his current scarface status.When Qiao Qiao asked this, Wu Di had no choice but to put on a proud look, and replied impassionedly:

"Yes. Not only do I want to challenge Wu Di's record, but I also want to become a professional player and finally compete with him in the professional arena! This is my ultimate dream."

really!The target of this scar face is Wu Di!
Qiao Qiao's heart was awe-inspiring, but he still smiled kindly on his face: "Hehe, your ambition is commendable. Well, I will accompany you to the diamond group. If you think my level is good and you still want to cooperate with me, then we will Let’s talk more. By the way, what’s your name?”


"Inexplicable? Isn't it a stage name or a pseudonym?"

"No, my real surname is Mo, and my name is inexplicable..."

Qiao Qiao naturally felt that the name was fake, so she made up her mind to find out the identity of this Scarface!In the past few days, she has asked around, but has not received any news about the [organization].Just when she thought that the organization had died down and would no longer plot against Wu Di, this scarred face targeting Wu Di suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Heh, there is nowhere to look for when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. Since you have bumped into the muzzle of my gun yourself, then don't blame me.

For the sake of the man who made him worry about it, Qiao Qiao decided to cooperate with this "inexplicable".

"By the way, what position do you mainly play? Seeing that your crocodile is used so aggressively, are you mainly attacking the upper unit?"

Wu Digang wanted to say that he knew all five positions, but he swallowed the words.Although some amateur players can play in all five positions, at their own level, it is difficult to completely conceal their edge.So, after some consideration, he replied:

"Well, I only play top lane... Also, ADC can also play."

"Well then, every night from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock, I will fight with you for a week to see if I can help you get into the diamond group. But you have to be mentally prepared, I am now in the diamond group three, If you double queue with me, your opponent will be a platinum-level player at worst, and it will be very difficult to fight."

Wu Di couldn't help laughing: "No problem. I would rather my opponents are the strongest, and I don't want to experience the life in the crater again. There is another problem, let's not fight separately, and meet in this blue sky Internet cafe every day Bar?"

Qiao Qiao thought about it, and secretly thought that this is good, so that he can get in touch with this scarred face more and find out his details.

"Okay, see you at 8 o'clock tomorrow."

After the two made an appointment, Wu Di quickly left the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, while Qiao Qiao returned to his seat, still thinking about the purpose of this scar face...

At eight o'clock in the evening the next day, Wu Di arrived as scheduled.In order not to be influenced by others, Qiao Qiao specially opened a private room for two.

Wu Di probed in and found that the place was a little narrow, so he asked, " it a little small here?"

Qiao Qiao laughed softly, and replied: "It's just playing games, there's enough space, and it's not what you're doing. Don't you think too much, kid?"

Wu Di quickly waved his hand, pretending to be innocent: "No, I didn't think much about it. Then let's start, lest you make fun of me."

That night, Wu Di and Qiao Qiao fought non-stop for eight consecutive games, unexpectedly achieving eight consecutive victories.Of course, this has a lot to do with Jojo's rank.Qiao Qiao's opponents with Wu Di in double row are basically amateur masters in the Platinum group, and their level can be considered very good among amateur players, so Wu Di doesn't have to worry about meeting elementary school teammates anymore, and he won a good set with ease. Class results: eight wins and two losses.

In the end, Wu Di's new account was assigned to the silver group.

"It's only in the silver group. The mechanism of this placement match is a bit crazy... It seems that there are still opportunities to play in the next few days."

Seeing that Wu Di is not even gold, Qiaoqiao is a little worried.

Wu Di rubbed his eyes, and said a little tiredly: "It doesn't matter, it's better than being in the bronze group. Next, as long as you play steadily and don't encounter any disconnections and hang-ups, the leveling should still be very fast. Hehe, Now basically the opponents are all players in the Platinum group, and the level is not bad. Moreover, when our teammates saw that I was a new account, they all assumed that I was a substitute player, and your diamond frame was like a sea god needle. , let them take a reassurance, they are playing very hard."

"That's true. You're right. Well, that's it for today. I can't even fight eight games."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work. Shall I treat you to supper?" Wu Di suggested.

Qiao Qiao curled her mouth and pretended to be a little angry: "Snack? Don't you know that girls are usually the most taboo to eat at this point? And you heard that my voice has always been hoarse, you want me speechless?"

Wu Di only felt that Qiao Qiao was also a girl who was not easy to grasp her psychology, so she didn't get too entangled in these issues.He stood up with a whoosh, waved his hand to Qiao Qiao, and said with a smile: "Well, I won't invite you for supper. But when I hit the diamond team, you must give me an invitation to have dinner with you." Oh chance."

After finishing speaking, Wu Di disappeared in a flash.

Looking at his back, Qiao Qiao pondered in his heart: This not as vicious as he imagined, but rather approachable and easy to get along with.If he is really the person sent by the organization to deal with Wu Di, then such a person is very dangerous!How many people are there in the world who can hide in the city?

Day two.

Wu Di and Qiao Qiao simply no longer set an end time, but agreed to only play ten games a day, regardless of victory or defeat.Today, the goddess of luck seems to be very fond of the two of them. After these ten games, it is another ten-game winning streak!
After winning ten consecutive victories, Wu Di's new account not only made it to the promotion match of the Golden Group Five, but also refreshed his winning streak record to [-] consecutive victories!
"Haha, not bad, I also said to wait until the diamond group to hit the winning streak record, I didn't expect it to be a good start now. But if I can't reach the top ten in the strongest group, then I can't surpass it That world number one genius, so I still need to make persistent efforts and not slack off."

Wu Di smiled brightly, and felt that Qiao Qiao was a girl who could bring her luck.

However, Jojo obviously didn't think so.

Damn it, it's so easy to win [-] consecutive victories, why didn't there be a phenomenon of disconnection and hang-up?His level is extremely high, and I can't easily release water. With his level, I must be able to detect it immediately.If this situation continues, sooner or later he will break Wu Di's record!However, I haven't even figured out his true identity and purpose... What should I do?
Day three.

The phenomenon of disconnection and hang-up still did not appear. On the contrary, every time my teammates saw Jojo’s diamond frame, it was like a shot of chicken blood. The "new" pair of Qiao Qiao won another ten consecutive victories. Not only did Wu Di jump directly to the gold group 1, but also made the winning streak reach an astonishing 28 games!

As we all know, if a player can win ten consecutive victories, it is already a result of high incense, but the duo of Wu Di and Qiao Qiao has achieved an impressive record of 28 consecutive victories, although of course there will be Luck factor, but the strength of the two is also an important guarantee for this achievement.

Moreover, the news that the two teamed up for a 28-game winning streak spread like wildfire in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe.Sister Qiaoqiao's name is very famous in the Lantian Internet Cafe, so when they learned that she had achieved such a terrifying record in cooperation with that scarface, they all asked the two of them not to stay in the private room and play rehearsal secretly. It's not a competition, but it must be performed in the hall for everyone!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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