The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 479 Winning Streak Record

Chapter 479 Winning Streak Record

Qiao Qiao's popularity in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe has always been very good, so when Wu Di walked into the Blue Sky Internet Cafe on the fourth night, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere of the Internet Cafe tonight!
At this time, Qiao Qiao was frowning and sitting in the most prominent position in the center of the hall, instead of waiting for him in the private room as usual.

And behind her, a large group of tall and thick men stood in the same place, whispering among each other and talking a lot.After seeing Wu Di enter the gate, these guys all focused their attention on him.

Seeing that Wu Di arrived on time, Qiao Qiao also beckoned to him helplessly, signaling him to come over.

Wu Di stared at the question marks all over his head, walked to Qiao Qiao, lowered his head and asked softly: "What's wrong today? Why don't you fight in the private room? What are these guys doing? They are all standing behind you, they are your fans Guards? Huh? Why did you change your look today and wear a peaked cap?"

"Sit down first, I'll explain to you slowly later." Qiao Qiao pointed to the empty seat next to him.

"Okay..." Wu Di sat down and looked at the strangers behind him in puzzlement, only to find that the way everyone looked at him was quite different.

A few days ago when he and Hua Shao had a one-on-one match, these guys all had contempt or contempt in their eyes, but today everyone's eyes are only the obvious surprise?

At this time, Qiao Qiao leaned over and explained to Wu Di roughly why such a scene occurred.After Wu Di listened to it, he suddenly understood: Dare to see how many games his winning streak will last.

Wu Di smiled and didn't say much.After sitting down, he directly entered the game to invite Jojo, and immediately started the ranking tour.

Several hours passed by, and the eyes of the enthusiastic audience standing behind the two were filled with shock!
Ten consecutive victories... another ten consecutive victories!

So far, Wu Di's new account not only entered the Platinum Group 38 promotion match, but also continued his undefeated journey-his winning streak is an astonishing [-] consecutive victories!
Ten consecutive victories are rare, and 38 consecutive victories are extremely rare. Then, if you look at the entire e-sports world, a streak of more than [-] victories is also a rare record.Therefore, after the [-]-game winning streak was won by Wu Di and Qiao Qiao, the onlookers at the scene

His eyes had already widened, and he looked at Wu Di's back in disbelief.

However, Qiao Qiao's heart is also uneasy and worried: If this situation continues, tomorrow night... maybe Wu Di's 47-game winning streak will be broken!
Although this scarred face can't make it into the strongest group, or even the diamond group is unlikely, but this winning streak is real!What's more, now there is a group of enthusiastic men behind him to testify with their own eyes. If there is another ten consecutive victories tomorrow, then this brand new winning streak record will soon spread throughout the e-sports world!
Qiao Qiao frowned. Although she would become a record-setting celebrity once her worries came true, she didn't feel any sense of accomplishment at the moment.All she thought about was how to prevent this scarred face from setting a record!
Calm down, calm down, take a deep breath, don't worry!
Now it is only 38 consecutive victories, which is still a long way from Wu Di's winning streak.Tomorrow night, we will see the situation!If it doesn't work, I'll just come to a "toilet escape" so that he can't surpass Wu Di's record no matter what!

Then, Wu Di didn't want to stay here anymore, so after bidding farewell to the thoughtful Qiao Qiao, he hurried to the gate of the Internet cafe.

And when Qiao Qiao was planning how to destroy the scar-faced winning streak, a slightly immature voice stopped Wu Di who was about to leave the Internet cafe.

"please wait a while."

Wu Di turned around suddenly, and found that the person who called him was only a handsome young man of medium height.Judging from his appearance, the boy is estimated to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, just at the age where he can enter and exit Internet cafes.

"What's the matter?" Wu Di asked politely.

"Hello, my name is Su Ruye. I stopped you, mainly because I want you to teach me some top lane skills. I know I am very abrupt and reckless, but I did it anyway, I hope you can understand. Of course , you can directly reject me."

When the big boy spoke, he was neither flustered nor embarrassing. He looked very calm, with a calmness and maturity that his peers did not possess.

Wu Di was taken aback, and analyzed the purpose of the big boy's speech, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he replied with a smile:
"Su Ruye, hello. Regardless of whether I teach you skills or not, I want to ask you, aren't you afraid of me?"

"Afraid of you? Why are you afraid of you?" Su Ruye blinked, not knowing what Wu Di meant.

After Wu Di pointed to the "scar" on his face, Su Ruye immediately understood.

"What's so scary about this? I've been standing behind you all night, and I found that you were not in a hurry when you played qualifying, and you were not in a hurry, and you were quite a master. It's just that your face is a little... a little bit fierce, that's all. I think, judging by the calmness you displayed during the game, you should not be a difficult person to talk about."

Wu Di was shocked.He didn't expect that this immature boy, who was only three or four years younger than himself, could deduce his own background from his demeanor during the game?
"You're wrong, I'm very fierce. I'm not suitable for teaching people, you go." Wu Di deliberately put on an expression of not being close to strangers.

Who would have thought that Su Ruye burst into laughter after seeing Wu Di's expression.

"Scar...Brother, if others don't know, you must think you are a difficult person to get close to, but I can feel that you are a warm-hearted person. Let's not judge good people and bad people, but I know you will definitely not refuse my request."

"Oh? Is that so? Then tell me, why can't I refuse the request of a stranger I met for the first time?" Wu Di suddenly became interested, and looked at Su Ruye with great interest.

At this time, Su Ruye changed her previous calm appearance, and smiled brighter than Hua'er with her mouth open:
"If you are afraid that I am a stranger with unclear details, you can ask sister Qiao Qiao to testify. I am her distant relative. I am currently working as an apprentice in an advertising company. I like to play League of Legends in my spare time. I see you and Sister Qiaoqiao cooperates very well and has a good relationship with her. I think you will not refuse my request, right?"

At this moment, Qiao Qiao also discovered what Su Ruye and Wu Di were talking at the entrance of the Internet cafe.Somewhat surprised, she immediately came over, patted Su Ruye's head, and said with feigned anger, "What are you doing? Little Ye Zi, what are you calling this big brother to do?"

"I want him to teach me how to place the top order, sister Qiao Qiao, you came just in time, help me prove my identity, and then help me persuade big brother." Su Ruye said coquettishly in front of Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao was about to refuse, but after a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, he changed his mind:

"Hey, inexplicable master, my distant cousin wants to worship you as a teacher and learn skills, so you just sell me face, how about accepting him?"

Wu Di stared. He didn't know what kind of medicine this sister Qiao Qiao sold in the gourd, but he thought that Qiao Qiao had been queuing with a stranger like him for so long without taking any money, and he was full of pride. .So, he could only laugh and say:
"Okay then... Sister Qiaoqiao has already spoken, and I definitely can't be coy anymore. Let's do this, it's too late today, anyway, I will come tomorrow night, when the qualifying match is finished, I invite you Why don't you go drink something and talk about it later?"

Su Ruye nodded her head like knocking on a wooden fish, and her face was full of joy.Seeing that Wu Di agreed very simply, Qiao Qiao thanked him.

Afterwards, Wu Di hurriedly left the Blue Sky Internet Cafe.

At this time, Qiao Qiao called Su Ruye to his side, and told him:

"Little Yezi, how will sister treat you?"

"Of course! My sister has always treated me like a younger brother, what's wrong?"

"Well, you have to do my sister a favor, and I will be very grateful to you."

Su Ruye patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, sister Qiaoqiao, I will do as you ask me to go up to the oil pan at the bottom of the mountain!"

"No, why am I willing to let you do dangerous things, I just... want you to learn League of Legends skills with that scar-faced brother in the future, remember to find out his identity for me. Remember, to do Don't show off the mountain without revealing the water. With your maturity, you should be able to do it easily..."

"No problem! I will study hard, and at the same time help sister Qiao Qiao find out all the news about him!"

Eight o'clock at night on the fifth day.

The moment Wu Di walked into the Blue Sky Internet Cafe, he felt countless fiery eyes focus on him.

As soon as the staff member who was rewarded by Wu Di saw him enter the door, he immediately walked over with a smile on his face, and said in a low voice:

"Great master! You're finally here! Did you know? Because of your existence, the business of our Internet cafe has been extremely popular these two days, every day is full, and the sales of melon seeds and peanut drinks have skyrocketed. If the boss knows, he must My face is full of smiles!"

Wu Di showed a look of surprise on his face, but he said in his heart: Your boss is right in front of you now...but he can't stop smiling...

Seeing that Wu Di was puzzled, the staff immediately explained:
"Brother, the news of your 38-game winning streak with sister Qiao Qiao has spread throughout Tianfu University and the surrounding areas. Look! The Internet cafe is already very crowded, and they are all here to see you and sister Qiao Qiao hit the final battle Long winning streak!

According to gossip, the current record of 47 consecutive victories is held by the world's number one talent, Wu Di?Although there is no official testimony, everyone says so!Brother, if you can break his record tonight, then you are a genius beyond him, maybe the professional team will immediately favor you and offer you a lucrative contract.

At that time, big brother, if you can reach the sky in one step and become famous in the e-sports world, don't forget me and Lantian Internet Cafe.After all, this is where you made your fortune. "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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