The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 480 Winning Streak Record

Chapter 480 Winning Streak Record

I don't know if it was because of Wu Di's red envelope that the staff member was so elated when he spoke, which was extremely sensational.But at this moment, Wu Di smiled wryly in his heart.He has seen many ways to become famous, but he has never heard of such a way of using a new vest to challenge his previous record and achieve fame.

However, after carefully analyzing the staff's words, he still agreed.

What I want is to be spotted by Danqing, and then break into the enemy to spy on the news.If he can really win another ten consecutive victories tonight, then he is very likely to receive an olive branch from Danqing!
Wu Di looked around, and the e-sports enthusiasts in the Blue Sky Internet Cafe had already crowded the Internet Cafe to the brim.Under the leadership of the staff, he finally pushed through the crowd and walked to Qiao Qiao who had been waiting for a long time.

Qiao Qiao politely gave Wu Di a superficial smile, and then said nothing.Wu Di sat down, turned on the computer, logged in to the account, and after completing a series of actions in one go, his heart returned to peace.

Since recovering his memory in South Korea, Wu Di has now developed a good habit: as long as he sits in front of the computer, he can immediately put aside distracting thoughts and concentrate on the game or game.Although he was able to achieve this state after turning on the Bingxin state before, but now in his normal state, his state of mind is more mature, and his self-control is very comparable.

In the first game, Wu Di and Qiao Qiao won without any suspense, and within 10 minutes, the opponent directly chose to surrender.At this time, the winning streak was refreshed to 39 games.As long as he wins one more game, the [-]-game winning streak can already be ranked on the League of Legends winning streak list.

After discussing heatedly for a while, the onlookers kept quiet in a tacit understanding in order not to affect the impact record of this very unusual pair of partners.In the huge blue sky Internet cafe, apart from the sound of keyboard beating, there was no other noise.

After entering the game, Qiao Qiao's heart was already in a state of panic. Just as she was thinking about whether to use "toilet escape", 2 minutes later, she was pleasantly surprised to find that a teammate in her main base was motionless!
Very good!The long-awaited disconnection phenomenon has finally appeared!Oh, it really helped me a lot.I hope you stay offline until the game is over!
At the same time, Wu Di frowned and looked at his lineup, and found that this unmoving teammate turned out to be the most important ADC!If this kid returns to the game within seven or eight minutes, maybe he can turn things around by himself, but if this guy enters the field after 8 minutes, with the strength of the current opponent, it is difficult to win. It's skyrocketing.

League of Legends is a game that pays great attention to teamwork. Even if Wu Di can hit the road smoothly, it is still quite difficult to fight four against five in the team battle period, especially when the one who is offline is still responsible for the main output task. ADC.

No matter how much, first, within 15 minutes, the opponent on the road will be completely destroyed!If he can't link in after 15 minutes, it's twenty shots.

After making up his mind, Wu Di closed and opened his eyes, and he has activated his strongest [Ice King State]!
Combining the strengths of a hundred schools of thought and Bing Xin's Ice Emperor state, Wu Di's battle state can climb to the peak.With full firepower, in the next 10 minutes, he already made the opponent's top laner give up on the road!

However, after 10 minutes passed, the ADC teammate who was disconnected remained motionless in the pool, which also made Wu Di sigh lightly... Sometimes, you have to admit that luck can indeed determine the victory of a game burden!

After 10 minutes, the disconnected teammate has not been able to reconnect, so Wu Di said softly to Qiao Qiao: "Let's vote."

Qiao Qiao was already happy in his heart, but he still pretended to be unwilling: "Huh? Let's fight again, we are not at a disadvantage. Although it is four against five, but you hit the road, me and The opponents in the middle lane are evenly matched, only the bottom lane has been destroyed by two defensive towers, and they can still hold on, what if that trickster gets in?"

Wu Di smiled, feeling a little regretful: "No need. Our bot lane has broken two towers in a row, so it's impossible for us to control Xiaolong, and the opponent can take advantage of the huge gap to frequently invade us. Fang's wild area, basically...the defeat is already set. As long as the opponent doesn't lose or make two mistakes, they can easily win. The opponent has three platinum and two diamonds, and we won't get away with it Chance."

Qiao Qiao sighed softly: "Hey, I'm afraid it's only when you reach the diamond group that the vests of those top amateurs and professional players won't let the disconnection phenomenon appear... OK, I'll listen to you, although it's a pity. "

Then, Wu Di took the lead in initiating the surrender.Qiao Qiao pretended to hesitate for a while, but still pressed the agree button. Seeing that the situation was over, the remaining two teammates stopped being persistent and chose the button to surrender.

In this game, Wu Di lost the opportunity to hit the record of the longest winning streak due to the disconnection of his teammates. The winning streak between him and Jojo also ended at No. 30 nine games.

The onlookers sighed, feeling sorry for Wu Di and Qiao Qiao.And after losing this game, more than half of the audience behind them dispersed.

"Hey, man is not as good as God. Who would have thought that in this qualifying match, there would be disconnection. Our winning streak ended because of this, I am very unwilling." Qiao Qiao pretended to be melancholy, but in fact he was very sad. Satisfied with the current situation.With the end of the winning streak, Wu Di's record will naturally be at ease.

However, to Jojo's great disappointment, her partner, that inexplicably scarred face, seems to have gotten used to the scene in front of her?

"It's okay, disconnections, hang-ups and other phenomena are emerging one after another, so it has created a super-difficult qualifying match in the first district. I don't care, I don't know if you feel a little sorry? Let's continue to play, anyway, my original goal is to hit diamonds Group."

Wu Di said very calmly, without the slightest fluctuation in his tone.

Qiao Qiao stared at Wu Di dumbfounded, and then responded after a while: "Well, since you don't have any psychological barriers, let's continue. Anyway, I also promised to duo with you until you hit the diamond group. "

Wu Di nodded, and continued the qualifying journey with Qiao Qiao.At this time, since more than half of the onlookers behind them had dispersed, the two of them were happy and relaxed, playing the ranking game carefree.

It was approaching twelve o'clock, and the two fought seven more times, and achieved a remarkable record of seven consecutive victories.

Wu Di's rank has reached the second group of platinum, and he is also close to the diamond rank.He stretched and smiled at Qiao Qiao:
"That's the end of today. Although I am a little upset that the winning streak has ended due to irresistible factors, my original goal was to enter the diamond group. Now I am one step away from this goal. After finishing tomorrow night, I want to invite you to dinner, you must not refuse. By the way, your distant cousin...I won’t teach him tonight, let’s talk about it after changing the sky.”

"Okay, that's it, wait until you hit the diamond team tomorrow night, and then make another plan." Of course, Qiao Qiao likes to see such a scene. Although Su Ruye standing behind her is a little confused, she still obeys the two of them. Opinion.

Night of the sixth day.

Wu Di hit the diamond team as he wished, and it was almost midnight at this time.Su Ruye, who had been standing behind Wu Di and Qiao Qiao, could no longer hold back the impulse in her heart, and walked in front of Wu Di first, and suggested:
"Brother Inexplicable, you promised to teach me the skills of top laner, you can't play tricks! I know that you have already entered the diamond rank, and maybe you won't be partnered with sister Qiao Qiao. I have to grasp this only There is a chance."

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised. How about you persuade your sister Qiaoqiao to go have a drink with us, and then I can tell you something Single opinion."

Qiaoqiao weighed it over and over again, and in order to find out the details of this scarface, he readily agreed.

The three of them came to a barbecue stall outside the south gate of Tianfu University. After sitting down, Wu Di ordered some dishes at random, and Su Ruye couldn't wait to beg Wu Di to teach him quickly.

In the end, after Wu Di agreed to him, he suddenly turned his head and said seriously to Qiao Qiao:
"Your mid laner level is not bad among amateur players, but I don't think you are very good at this position?"

Jojo was startled, and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Wu Di smiled and explained: "It's very simple. I found that when you play mid-lane heroes, there is a very obvious characteristic, that is, you pay great attention to the hit rate of your heroes' skills, and you ignore the fact that you are in the top players. In fact, most of the mid laner hero's skills are used to clean up minions. Just for this, I don't think the position you are good at should not be mid laner."

Qiao Qiao turned pale with shock, and obvious doubts appeared on his face:

"You discovered this? To tell you the truth, I'm really not very good at mid laners. The account you partnered with is also my small account. My real large account has already reached the diamond group, and basically I Heroes in the support position are used for the top score."

"Naturally. Many amateur players ignore the importance of support heroes. When I saw that you paid great attention to positioning and skill release hit rate in team battles, I guessed that you should be good at support positions. "

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao was completely stunned on the spot, not knowing how to deal with Wu Di.Wu Di looked at the shocked expression on her face, and burst out laughing:
"Heh, you don't need to mind too much. Your mid laner level is more than enough for qualifying. I just saw some clues, so I deduced that you are actually good at the support position. Next, I want to get to the point. ?”

"On topic? What do you want to say?" Jojo was puzzled.

Wu Di paused, and said bluntly: "To be honest, I'm not only good at top lane heroes. I'm most sure about ADC heroes, and you are a support master. So, I want to break into the diamond group. In the future, I will still partner with you! Your auxiliary hero, paired with my ADC hero, I the first district of the national server, no one should be our opponent."

Qiao Qiao's face instantly became inexplicably surprised.This sentence sounded very familiar to her, because it was what Wu Di told her once!Back then, before Wu Di became famous in the world arena, when he used the account of [King Invincible] to compete on the public server, he once said such words verbatim.Therefore, Qiao Qiao was very impressed by these words.

She looked suspiciously at the scarred face in front of her again, and found that this person was completely different from Wu Di, so she replied with a smile:

"Aren't you a little bit unwilling to end the winning streak? That's why you said such words to comfort me? It's okay. I take these false names very lightly. You don't need to compliment me. I know my own strength very well."

Wu Di waved his hand, drank the drink in front of him, and then said with a smile:
"You don't need to underestimate yourself. Your strength... is actually very strong. Although I don't know why you deliberately concealed your good position, I still want to continue to cooperate with you. Sister Qiaoqiao, please allow me to say Some encouraging words.

Although the record is a false name, I can see that there is a trace of unwillingness in your eyes!As long as you continue to cooperate with me sincerely, breaking Wu Di's 47-game winning streak should be a no-brainer! "

Qiao Qiao never expected that in front of this scarred face, he would be seen right through by him!
"Okay, I don't deny that you are right, but I just want to say one thing... After you are in the diamond group, I will not cooperate with you anymore! Because... I am very tired."

Qiao Qiao rejected the cooperation plan with Wu Di, but he was not surprised.

"Oh! Actually, I've seen it for a long time. You are a little bit worried about my 47-game winning streak. Although I am not a troublesome person, can you tell me why? Are you and Wu Di In between, is there any ulterior secret?"

Wu Di told the truth, which made Qiao Qiao's forehead covered with beads of sweat as big as beans.

"I...I didn't! I'm just an unknown amateur player. If I have a chance to hit the record of the longest winning streak in League of Legends, I will definitely spare no effort to fight for it. Why do you think of me like this?" Jojo Sophistry said.

"Hehe, maybe you don't believe it, but I can tell you that in the game, whoever tried his best or not can't hide from my eyes at all! When hitting No.30's nine-game winning streak record, even though our side lost Alone, but I can clearly see that you showed signs of letting go in that game!
The mid laner on the opposite side is not your opponent at all in terms of skill level and operation!But you only played a [-]-[-] situation!If this is not deliberate release of water, what is it? "Wu Di stated his observations in detail.

"What? You can see it? Impossible! You blow up the top lane, it's because of your strength, but you say you can still observe the situation of other lanes, I don't believe it at all! I really didn't release water! From the beginning to the end, I Go all out!"

At this moment, Wu Di showed a rather meaningful smile, and continued:
"There's no need to argue... Maybe you don't believe that I have this ability, but I can do it. Since you don't want to explain, I won't force you. It seems that you don't want to continue working with me... ...Well, I have to find a new partner!"

Qiaoqiao suddenly saw Wu Di talking, it seemed that she was not joking, and she herself didn't know the details of the scarred face, so she said anxiously: "I am willing! I just don't understand why you would challenge that company. I have a winning record, so I have doubts in my heart, if you tell me the reason, I will definitely let go of all scruples and fight side by side with you!"

Of course, Wu Di couldn't understand Qiao Qiao's explanation. It's only natural for him to challenge the record of longest winning streak. Why does this Qiao Qiao ask the bottom line?
"Oh, don't be suspicious. I'll tell you the truth. I want to challenge the longest winning streak record, just to attract the attention of those top teams! I am a person who has suffered hardships you can't imagine, I don't want to live in the eyes of others in a humble way anymore. E-sports is a good direction for development. I have talent and talent. Why can't I develop well in this field? I challenge the winning streak record, not for Otherwise, just to be famous!
In this era, only by being famous by all means can you get everything you want! "

Wu Di deliberately fabricated a vivid reason, trying to persuade Qiao Qiao.Qiao Qiao pondered for a while, but did not find any flaws in these words.

"You just want to be famous? You want to be a professional e-sports player? To change your life?"

"Yes! The e-sports industry has been developing for so long, getting bigger and bigger, and my age has not exceeded its participation standards, so I want to make a name for myself in this industry! I heard that the annual income of a professional e-sports player is At least one hundred thousand, which is enough to change my life. Sister Qiao Qiao, maybe you have no worries about food and clothing, and you won’t take this 10 annual salary seriously, but have you ever thought about it, if I can get such a salary? With an annual salary, my embarrassing life can be completely changed!

Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also have a girlfriend who has been suffering with me for many years!She has never disliked me or blamed me, but when I saw that she had to wear a mask to live in front of people in order to make a living, my heart was as painful as a knife!For her sake, but also for myself, so I had to find a way to become famous! "

At this time, if you were someone else, you would definitely be moved by Wu Di's eloquent and expressive words.However, Qiao Qiao only wanted that the man he had dreamed of could fulfill her dream well, so the way she looked at the scarred face in her eyes still didn't change much.

Su Ruye listened to the conversation between the two of them verbatim, and when he saw Qiao Qiao's calm expression, he quickly wiped his mouth and said:

"Sister Qiaoqiao, I see that Brother Inexplicable seems to have experienced great tribulations and setbacks, but he has not been defeated by these hardships! Therefore, I dare to make a suggestion to you! Just promise Brother Inexplicable and challenge him again The longest winning streak!"

Of course, Qiao Qiao couldn't say clearly that he had a large part of the credit for the record of longest winning streak.But after seeing the sincerity in Wu Di's eyes, she was still a little tempted: "Well then... I can only do my best to help you beat it. As for whether you can break the record, that is luck. But... I want to declare in advance, I just want to Help you achieve a record of about [-] consecutive victories! The rest is up to you!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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