Chapter 481

As soon as the words came out, not only Wu Di was stunned on the spot, but even Qiao Qiao himself couldn't believe it.

Why did I blurt out a "thirty games" restriction?Did he regard this scarred face as the same character as Wu Di?Although he is very strong, compared with Wu Di, he should be more than one level behind...

Back then, when she partnered with Wu Di, her rank was only a platinum rank, while Wu Di's rank was a diamond group.The opponents they face are basically professional or amateur top players.After achieving [-] consecutive victories, Wu Di rushed into the strongest group early. After the two weighed repeatedly, Qiao Qiao offered not to hold him back, and asked Wu Di to continue to challenge the winning streak alone.At that time, Wu Di wanted to create the longest winning streak with her, but Qiao Qiao insisted not to fight, so in the next dozen or so consecutive victories, Wu Di fought alone.

Back then, I had only won [-] consecutive victories with Wu Di, but now in front of this scarred face, I subconsciously thought that I could only win [-] consecutive victories with him, and then it depends on his own luck?

Qiao Qiao didn't know why such an absurd idea popped up in his mind. After these few days of careful observation, this scarred face didn't bear much resemblance to Wu Di...

Su Ruye, who was at the side, clapped her hands ecstatically when she saw that Qiao Qiao agreed to continue to cooperate with "Inexplicable" brother.But he has another understanding of Qiao Qiao's decision: sister Qiao Qiao must want me to follow this scarred face, so as to find out everything about him!
Time flies, and half a month has passed quietly in the blink of an eye...

In the past two weeks, several major events worth mentioning have taken place.

The first major event was the purchase of 50% of the shares of Bright Club by means of financing from the leading conglomerate Yoon's Group in South Korea!Although the fans understand the situation of the Brilliant Club, the e-sports club they have loved for many years has been infiltrated by a Korean consortium, which more or less makes the fans feel tangled.

Half a year ago, South Korea's second-ranked Gao Group first took over the old powerful Brilliant Club. Now, another strong team that has risen in recent years, the Brilliant Team, has also been purchased by Yin's Group. half of the shares.The two giants in the Super League have been acquired by Korean consortiums one after another, which has made fans sigh unceasingly.But the only good news is that only 50% of the shares of Team Brilliant have been sold, that is to say, they still have considerable control, instead of becoming a Korean power like Team Brilliant.

And the second major event is still related to Team Brilliant.The number one star of the team and the number one ADC in China, Lu Li immediately posted a big news on Weibo and other online platforms after learning that the team had been bought a large amount of shares by the Korean conglomerate: I want to quit!

In the eyes of fans, this big-name star has always been straightforward and never beat around the bush.The message he released was very short, just four words, but these four words caused a wave of violent shock in the Chinese e-sports circle!

transfer?Lu Li wants to transfer?Currently the most commercially valuable e-sports player in China wants to transfer?

This news made the giants of all parties ready to move.Although a considerable price will be paid to snatch Lu Li, this all-star player who is playing with integrity and shows no signs of decline will definitely bring considerable economic benefits to his team!

Among them, those overseas consortiums who have just arrived in Huaxia are gearing up and preparing to work hard on Lu Li.After the news was released, these top teams with overseas consortium backgrounds immediately worked overtime to make a recruiting plan, and rushed to Tianfu City non-stop. Even some well-known foreign teams were salivating at Lu Li. The gate of the base is about to be broken by these delegations who come to poach the corner!

However, the one who is most anxious right now is of course the Yin Group, which has just joined Team Brilliant!With Wu Di's help, they successfully acquired 50% of the shares, but within a few days of being happy, the top player in the team clamored to quit and leave, which was extremely detrimental to their money-making plan!Therefore, they were looking for Lu Li to "talk" every day, to do his ideological work, and the remuneration they gave him continued to rise. When his annual salary figure became the highest-paid e-sports player in China, Lu Li began to use it. The established strategy - dragging words!

He has been reluctant to sign his name on the contract extension for a long time, and at the same time, the Yin Group is jumping up and down like ants on a hot pot.Just when they were on fire, another member of the team, the heart-throb sister Qin Rou, was also afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so she directly posted the information on the Internet that she also wanted to quit!

Qin Rou's behavior of adding fuel to the fire made Yin's group angry, but on the surface they also had to implement a soft policy towards Qin Rou. While appeasing her, they also greatly increased her salary.

What kind of serious consequences will a professional team have without big-name stars?
Yin's Group can get a clue from the sales of annual package tickets!Before the start of the previous seasons, the thousands of annual package tickets of Team Brilliant would definitely be sold out before the official start of the season, because they are the most powerful contenders for the championship!But today, because the two leading players have continuously released information about wanting to change jobs and transfer, fans are naturally keeping a close eye on their wallets, and will never easily spend money to buy a package ticket before the transfer turmoil is over.

In addition, there are a lot of sponsors behind these two star players.If these two players change jobs at the same time, the Yin Group will have a huge financial deficit!

Therefore, during the past half month, the Yin Group almost racked their brains and tried every means to retain the two leading players.

Whether it is from the perspective of retaining fans or financial considerations, they must keep the two of them at all costs!
At the same time, the actions of two well-known e-sports players, Lu Li and Qin Rou, actually caused a large part of the top players in the Super League to imitate!The main players of the aces of the major teams, under the slogan of "realizing their championship dreams", began to form teams and prepare for a strong alliance.The method they use is very simple, that is, a few players with good personal relationships, after making an appointment in private, say on the online platform who they are willing to fight with in a team.

As a result, the teams of these star players are also in a headache. Their situation is no better than Yin's Group!Talking, eating, improving treatment, and even giving certain privileges, these are the major things these teams are currently doing.In order to keep their ace players, they, like Yin's Group, carried out a double strategy in terms of money and favor, trying to make these top players who have a good understanding of each other stay in their team honestly.

However, for this transfer incident, only some senior e-sports professionals and related insiders have grasped some important facts that are not known to everyone!

First of all, the teams of these top players clamoring for a transfer all have more or less overseas consortium backgrounds!Secondly, these professional players who are clamoring to team up to win the championship... have actually quietly joined the Huaxia National E-sports Players Professional Union!

In addition, they cannot learn more inside information through this transfer incident...

Just when the Huaxia National E-sports circle was caught in a turmoil about the transfer, another piece of news made many professional players and private masters struggling in the second and third tiers excited.

This news comes from the Hebei Provincial Team of the First Division League—Fengyun Team!
As we all know, Team Fengyun is currently ranked No. [-] in the first half of the first division, and they are in the limelight. As long as they don't make any major mistakes, they will basically enter the Super League after the season is over!The recruitment announcement issued by such a team with unlimited potential immediately attracted the attention of most e-sports professionals.

In this recruitment notice posted on the online platform, they not only want to recruit a large number of college graduates who understand e-sports in the League of Legends College League, but also publicly announce that they want to recruit team members!Among them, there are six first-line players, sixteen second-line players, and 28 third-line players.After entering the team, the team will spend a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate talented e-sports players, and offer an average salary that is not inferior to the super league giants.As soon as this news was released, it attracted the attention of all the amateur masters in Huaxia and those depressed second- and third-tier professional players.

Team Fengyun's way of recruiting players is also very unique. Any player or player who intends to apply for a job only needs to hand over his resume and five game videos that he thinks best demonstrate his characteristics to the recruiting team of Team Fengyun.If the conditions are up to the standard, there will be a special person to discuss with the applicant in detail and negotiate a good salary, and whether it is a first-line main player or a third-line substitute player, the minimum starting salary is far higher than the salary level of the first-line team in China!

Coincidentally.Not long after the Fengyun team's recruitment announcement was released, another team from the Gui Province, Starry Sky Team, also from the First Division and currently ranked second, also published a recruitment announcement that was exactly the same as the Fengyun team!

If the publisher of this recruitment notice is ignored, the content of the two notices is almost exactly the same!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance: Is this Starry Sky Team not to be outdone, and is going to confront Team Fengyun in a grandiose manner?
These two teams basically have half a foot into the next season's Super League. In this extraordinary period, the two teams issued two almost identical recruitment notices. Isn't it competition? Is it mutual assistance?

Wu Di closed the browser, silently wrote down the two teams, and then continued to play double row with Qiao Qiao.In half a month, he has entered the strongest group!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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