Chapter 482

Su Ruye stood behind Wu Di, watching Wu Di's every move intently.For the past two months, he has done this every day.This young boy would tell Qiao Qiao his observations every day, and gradually, Qiao Qiao also had a vague understanding of the scarred face beside him.

The face is fierce, but the heart is tepid, very calm, or in other words, the city is deep.Sometimes I like to make a few jokes, sometimes I am silent, and my eyes are as calm as water from beginning to end.Overall, this scarface has a very high EQ, and his ability to control his emotions far exceeds that of ordinary people.

This is Qiao Qiao's impression of Wu Di's new face.

And after half a month of hard work, Wu Di entered the strongest group, and the winning streak was restored to 29 games. This also made Qiao Qiao feel amazed at Wu Di's e-sports strength.

Aside from the accidental game in which her teammate dropped offline, and a game in which the opponent's equipment was several levels ahead due to the collapse of the other two lanes, and finally lost the game with a big advantage in the bottom lane, after she and Wu Di played in duo , It was a rare defeat?
Qiao Qiao has a thorough understanding of his own strength, at best he is at the level of a group of diamonds, but when facing a group of top players, this scarred face can really do what he says, and he has played unmatched in the bottom lane. Momentum and record!
Since he cooperated with Wu Di, he has also played nearly a hundred qualifying matches, but the record is quite amazing, only two losses - Qiao Qiao is puzzled.

According to the usual situation, no matter how strong a person is, how can it be difficult to lose in the high-level qualifying matches?League of Legends attaches great importance to teamwork. Even if his laning strength has reached the top level, why is his team still so difficult to beat?This is a passerby bureau!
In a trance, a familiar figure appeared in Qiaoqiao's mind: Wu Di.

The feeling she had when she cooperated with Wu Di back then actually appeared on this scarred face?This scarred face... Could it be that his strength has really reached the level where he can challenge Wu Di?
"Sister Qiaoqiao? There is still one more game. If I win again after this match, I will start solo queuing as agreed. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I will definitely treat you and Xiao Yezi to eat." Great meal!"

Wu Di said suddenly, with a sincere smile on his face.

Qiao Qiao turned around and replied: "Well... Another winning streak that I can't even believe myself... You are really strong, beyond my comprehension. I can ask you a question ?"

"But it's okay to talk." Wu Di laughed.

"You said that you have only been in contact with League of Legends for less than a year, is that true?"

"Of course it's true. There's no doubt about it. Hehe, do you think I've been exposed to League of Legends a long time ago because I'm so good at it?"

"Well...then you are really a rare e-sports genius in ten years! By the way, I have a heartless request, and I want you to agree."

"You say. As long as it doesn't make me very embarrassed, I will promise you."

"I think... how about you take Xiao Yezi by your side from now on? He is helpless. Although he is only a distant relative of mine, I treat him like a brother. If you can make him grow up, I will be happy I really can’t thank you enough.”

" mean, you really want me to accept him as an apprentice? I'm just a newcomer with no reputation."

"You can't say that. I can see that with your e-sports talent and strength, it is absolutely easy to become famous! Xiao Yezi's current job is not satisfactory, and she only earns more than 1000 yuan a month, and she is treated like a bull by the boss." If you are so tired every day, you can’t learn any real skills. I think it’s better to ask him to follow you. Maybe one day he will be enlightened and make a name for himself in the e-sports industry. Can you Doubt his potential Oh, this kid has a maturity that his peers don't have, following you will definitely not hold you back.

By the way, I saw you browsing the webpage for a while, and looked at the recruitment advertisements of Team Fengyun and Starship Troopers, are you..."

Wu Di squinted his eyes slightly, stared at Qiao Qiao for a while, and then smiled freely:

"That's right! I just want to apply for these two teams. It's just that one of them is located in the north and the other is in the south. I'm a little confused as to which place is more suitable for me. Besides, do you really want Xiao Yezi to follow me? Then there will be a lot of suffering in the future. I still can't see the hope of the future, let alone bring Xiao Yezi to the top. I advise you, it's better to give up this idea, and don't delay Xiao Yezi's real future. "

After speaking, on the surface Wu Di pretended to be helpless, but in his heart he was like a bright mirror.With his insight, he has long seen that Qiao Qiao has been trying to stuff Xiao Yezi to himself, in fact, he wants to find out his true identity.Wu Di has an important mission on his body, so of course he won't bring a half-hearted person by his side at will.Therefore, he politely rejected Jojo's proposal.

However, Qiao Qiao seemed determined to investigate the scarred face. After hearing his refusal, he pretended to be sour and said:
"Hey...forget it, if you insist on not accepting Xiao Yezi as your apprentice, I won't say anything more. I don't like to force you, Xiao Yezi, sister, I have tried my best to plan a future for you, but planning is up to you. It's up to God, your inexplicable brother doesn't want to take you with him."

Qiao Qiao blinked at Xiao Ye Zi, and Su Ru Ye suddenly realized.So, he launched a tender offensive against Wu Di.

Wu Di couldn't stand Su Ruye's hard work, and expected that an ordinary young man would not bring any resistance to his work, plus Qiao Qiao accompanied him for a long time to hit the record in double row, and he didn't charge a single penny. He felt a little guilty, so he had to reluctantly agree: "Follow me... Of course I have no objection, but you have to think about it, Xiao Yezi, this is a road full of hardships. You see, I am just an unknown person now. amateur players."

Su Ruye patted his chest, and replied vigorously: "Don't worry, brother Mo Ming, you only teach and I only study. If I can't learn something, I won't go all the way to the dark. I'm young now, and I can Various attempts."

This sentence gave Wu Di a reassurance.As Su Ruye said, he is still very young now, and he can still choose the path he likes according to his own wishes.And if the road is blocked, he can turn back in time.

Thinking of this, Wu Di completely agreed.Next, Qiao Qiao simply asked Wu Di to stop for a while, and opened the browser, asking Wu Di to quickly submit his resume and game video.

Wu Di smiled mysteriously, and refused: "No need. Since I can hit the longest winning streak record, then I don't want to attract attention in an ordinary way. Coming to the door on my own initiative is completely different from the treatment of the other party's Lixian corporal. "

"Well, you are actually a stubborn person, so just do as you say."

When Qiao Qiao played another qualifying match with Wu Di and helped him get 32 consecutive victories, Qiao Qiao turned off the computer and watched Wu Di brush the winning streak to [-] games, Wu Di got off the plane , get up and say goodbye.

"In the next few days, I'm going to hit the winning streak record, winning or losing. If I don't succeed, I want to try again with you. Of course, if I succeed, then I will soon Someone will come to the door in person. At that time, I will take Xiao Yezi to enter the world of e-sports together, don't worry."

After returning to the small hotel where he stayed, Wu Di stood by the window, looking up at the starry sky, but he kept thinking about a key question:

Team Fengyun and Team Starry Sky made such a big effort at the same time, there must be a big financial group behind it... Judging from the recruitment information released by the two teams, the power behind the two financial groups is still equal.

Then, here comes the question - who is the boss behind the scenes of these two teams, which one is Danqing?If one of them is Danqing, then who is the other?Who can so blatantly oppose that [organization]?Is this force that opposes the [organization] an enemy or a friend?Can I trust it again?Or... the enemy of an enemy is a friend?
The fundamental reason why Wu Di didn't submit his resume and video application right away was that he didn't know which team's boss was Dan Qing!

... Another week has passed by in a hurry.

The transfer turmoil of the Brilliant team came to a halt, because Lu Li and Qin Rou both received satisfactory salaries at the same time, and the Yin's consortium also promised to double their sponsor investment income within two years.As a result, the net worth of these two leading stars has multiplied several times, and their annual income figures are enough to make people stagger.In addition, other teams with overseas consortium backgrounds also paid the price of heartache, and were able to keep the leading players in the team.Quietly... There is already an astronomical figure in the small coffers of the Huaxia National E-sports Players Professional Union...

At the same time, Wu Di, who has already achieved great strength in e-sports, also achieved his wish to tie his winning streak within this week!
47 consecutive victories!With just one more win, he can break his own record for longest winning streak.

However, when he hit 47 consecutive victories, he stopped and stopped hitting the record.Because, the two IDs have already added him as friends, and after asking for his QQ number, two emails with roughly the same content were sent at the same time.

These two emails are two invitation letters, from Team Fengyun and Team Starry Sky respectively.The wording on the invitation letter was basically the same, they all blatantly wanted to recruit Wu Di into the team, and promised him the main position of the first-line player and a higher annual starting salary.

Wu Di looked at the two emails dumbfounded, but felt confused:

Where should I go?If you go to the wrong place, it will not be so easy to get out...

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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