Chapter 483 Surprise

When Wu Di was hesitating, his father's phone call was like a timely spring rain, which completely dispelled his doubts.

"Hey, how is my son recently? I heard that you volunteered to do some earth-shattering events without your father's consent? Do you know that it is a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair, and the danger is extremely high. Don't treat it as a tourist attraction. Ancient sites, you can retreat completely. Listen to what I said, and quickly dispel your thoughts."

Facing his father's advice, Wu Di snorted coldly, and said firmly:
"So what if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire? Can I let sister Ninghan go alone and take risks? Didn't you teach me from a young age that a man should stand upright and not let others bear everything for me? I just obeyed you It’s nothing more than my diligent teaching. I’ve made up my mind, and I’m not a fool. If I see danger, I will be tough. I will know how to advance and retreat.”

Wu Tianhao was silent for a moment, and soon made a decision.

"Okay! Our Wu family men don't have so many mothers-in-law and mother-in-law, so you can go as you go, just be careful in everything. Mu Piaopiao is a capable woman, and she should be able to take care of you comprehensively.

Actually, I was just testing your mind just now... Now that you have made up your mind, I will send you good news.Danqing's team is the Fengyun team of the Ji Province team!And the starry sky team that is clearly going to fight against him, the force behind it is also an acquaintance of yours. "

Wu Di was startled, and immediately asked: "Who is it? Someone I know?"

Wu Tianhao laughed, and replied: "I remember you once went abroad to play a game, and when you came back, you told me enthusiastically that you beat a foreign girl to the ground! You were very proud when you were young and ignorant, why? Forgot so quickly? Didn’t your memory fully recover?”

Wu Di suddenly realized.It turns out that the force behind Star Wars is actually the family consortium behind Yuna!Back then, he had defeated Yuna in the competition, and after the competition, he let her, a master fighter, lose to him. The foreign girl Wu Tianhao was talking about was naturally her.

"Her family consortium has also entered China? What about her?"

"How can one or two consortiums share such a big piece of cake in Huaxia's e-sports industry? Of course her family will extend its tentacles to Huaxia, but I don't know if she will come or not. Don't you know how to ask yourself?" ?Silly boy!

Well, I just called you so that you don't run around like a headless chicken. Your sister Ning Han is also in the Fengyun team, but she hasn't played yet.Oh, I want to remind you, when the time comes, you will see her, don't be a fool and blow yourself up! "

Snapped!As always, Wu Tianhao didn't say a word of nonsense, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

After receiving this confirmed news, Wu Di also closed his eyes, thinking carefully about the coping strategy.After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and quickly replied an email to Team Fengyun.

The content of the email is naturally to have a good talk with someone who can make decisions.

After a while, he had already received a reply.At the same time, an unfamiliar QQ number also made an application to add him as a friend.

This QQ number is very long, it should be a newly registered new number, Wu Di smiled, knowing that Big Fish had already taken the bait, so he decisively agreed to this friend application.After the other party successfully added friends, he asked first:

[Hello, are you the one with the 47-game winning streak? 】

[Yes, may I ask who you are? 】

[My name is Danqing, I heard from the staff of the recruitment team, do you want to talk to me? 】

【Danqing?Are you the behind-the-scenes investor of Team Fengyun?I just want to have a chat with someone I can talk to. 】

【kindness.Basically, I can do all the affairs of the Fengyun team.If you have any questions, just say so. 】

【Well.I have seen your recruitment announcement on the Internet, and I know that you are ambitious and plan to flex your muscles after entering the Super League, but I would like to ask, do you really have a way to make the team quite competitive?As far as I know, among the first-line professional players in China, there is not a single well-known player who has been recruited into the team by you. 】

【Heh, you are very interesting, and the question you asked is also very interesting. At the same time, this is the first time I have heard such a question from an applicant.I have chatted with some amateur players or professional players. Usually, they will ask me about the specific salary and treatment, and whether they can guarantee their main position.But you asked me, can you guarantee that the team will be competitive.

For the sake of your ingenuity in asking this question, let me tell you the truth-after the Fengyun team is promoted to the China Super League, they will compete for the league championship in the first season!This is our stated goal. 】

[As a newly promoted team, hit the top league championship in the first season?Ha, it looks like Team Fengyun can really impress me.It's strong can the team be? 】

【Your doubts are normal.Heh, just before I tell you about our team's strategic plan, can I ask a few questions first?It seems that the current situation is... I am the examiner, and you are the applicant? 】

【Haha, it’s true that the cart has put the cart before the horse.You ask, basically what I say is true. 】

[I have read your account information, after you hit the record of the longest winning streak of 47, it seems that you did not continue to hit a new world record?You know, as long as you win one more game, you can create a unique winning streak, not standing shoulder to shoulder with everyone else. 】

【I know.Originally, I was planning to continue playing... To be honest, when I received the invitation emails from Team Fengyun and Team Star at the same time, I didn't want to play anymore—because my goal had already been achieved. 】

【oh?It seems that you thought that we and Star Troopers would have a plan to recruit you?You are confident, which is a good thing, but at the same time, being overly confident is a sign of ego. 】

[Of course I am confident!Because I am a man who wants to surpass the number one genius in the world!It is rumored that he played the longest winning streak, so I want to challenge this winning streak.As the saying goes, it is easier to make greater achievements by stepping on the shoulders of giants.My idea is very simple, as long as I can surpass my predecessors, I will definitely be caught by others! 】

【Heh, you said that our Fengyun team is ambitious, but you are also a guy with a lot of ambition.Beyond the world's number one genius?I haven't heard this sentence in a long time.very good!I appreciate you a little bit!You gave me my first surprise!Now, let me ask you a second question.Can I video with you? 】

Wu Di looked at this question and was in a daze, but he thought about it for a while, and agreed decisively.

The moment the camera was turned on, the familiar figure caught in Wu Di's eyes, and Danqing was also slightly taken aback after seeing the obvious and terrifying scar on Wu Di's face.

【Heh, this thing on his face is kind of scary, isn't it?Don't mind if it is caused by friction with others when you are young and not doing anything. 】

[Well, we never look at appearances or qualifications in selecting players, only look at his strength and talent!If you can hit that winning streak, you are already a very strong existence.One last question, aren't you surprised to see me?I'm a foreigner. The investors behind the Fengyun team are also from overseas. Do you have any taboos about this?

As far as I know, some Chinese people seem to be particularly unimpressed with foreigners. 】

[Of course I was surprised!You, a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, have such a high level of Chinese, which makes me a little amazed.As for your last question... Hehe, I'm not one of those prejudiced Chinese people, it doesn't matter whoever is the boss, the premise is that you can afford my salary! 】

【oh?I'm a bit confused.Judging from your tone, it seems that you are going to offer a high salary that makes me dumbfounded?Please forgive me, even if you have extraordinary strength and talent, you are still just a rookie.So, how can a newcomer get an astronomical annual salary? 】

Wu Di showed a sinister smile in front of the camera, and then immediately replied:

[I am a person who has suffered a lot and experienced a lot of tribulations.In my opinion, either don't do it, or do it to the extreme!I just entered the e-sports circle, and I don't know much about it, but I set the world's first talent as my goal. From this point, you should see that my ambition is still very lofty.That being the case, if I can perform as well as the No. [-] talent in the world, or surpass him, why can't I pursue a maximum salary contract?I don't need to say more about this truth, you should understand it too.What kind of level, what kind of salary, I's that simple. 】

Danqing in the camera was obviously taken aback by Wu Di's words, and then replied after a while:
[Not bad, not bad, indeed a rare talent.Mature state of mind, full of ambition, and super strength, these points all meet the requirements of our Fengyun team.This is the second surprise you gave me... In this way, I won't talk nonsense with you, how about I offer you a guaranteed annual salary? 】

[Guaranteed annual salary?What is guaranteed annual salary?What is the specific number?Oh, you thought I was funny just now, but I'm not the same as the pro players you've come into contact with—I'm still very interested in money. 】

[Problems that can be solved with money are not problems... Guaranteed annual salary means that I will give you a rough figure, no matter what kind of performance you perform, you can get that much money.And once the Fengyun team wins the league championship, then you can get a higher number of rewards.Of course, this number will be several times higher than the guaranteed number! 】

[So that's it, I understand.So what is the guaranteed number? 】

[Before determining this number, I need to know more about you.Please don't worry about this, it's not that I don't trust you, but as an investor, I need to make every investment worth more than it is worth.

Is it convenient for you to join League of Legends now?I want to fight you five heads-up.Of course, in these five heads-up games, I ask you to use different heroes in each game, and play in the order of ADC, support, mid laner, top laner, and jungler. 】

 Ask for all support, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, subscriptions, everything.

(End of this chapter)

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