Chapter 484 Surprise

What Wu Di was most afraid of was Danqing making such a request.

When the strong meet, the most undeniable thing is the aura.And although he made a breakthrough again and his strength improved greatly, if he was singled out with this Danqing, he might uncontrollably unleash his full firepower... Wu Di knew his heart very well, he had great hatred for Danqing!This man is from that [organization], and has participated in various plans to destroy the progress of the king's team.In essence, it was thanks to him that he was forced to leave Korea.Therefore, if he and Danqing were really going to have a heads-up match under such circumstances, Wu Di only felt that he could not control his temper freely.

In addition, when he met Danqing for the first time, his master Shui Ge warned each other that he and Danqing should not play heads-up matches privately no matter what.The reason is also very simple. When two tigers fight each other, one will be injured.

Moreover, since Wu Di and Danqing's combat power index has exceeded [-], if they really want to fight, if the two go all out, I am afraid that it will not be the result of "one injury", but "both of them will suffer"!
what to do?If you agree, how should you deal with it?If you don't agree, then you can't leave a good impression in his mind, and then enter the more core circle...

For a while, Wu Di was in a dilemma.At this time, Danqing seemed to see Wu Di's hesitation, so he asked casually:
【how?Do you think I'm not qualified enough?Hehe, you are overthinking, if you use combat power index to describe my strength, then this number will surprise you.In addition, I am not only the representative of the investors behind the scenes, but also one of the main members of the team.My e-sports prowess should be higher than yours.I want to play five games with you, just to see which position you are most suitable for.

Don't think I'm arrogant, just say you're not as good as me when you haven't even hit me.When you officially become one of us, you will know how appalling my e-sports prowess is - I don't like to brag, just like you, I have to say what I have to say. 】

After listening to Danqing's explanation, Wu Di suddenly realized.So this is what he wants to test his best position to play?
Hey, since it is a test, then I have a countermeasure.

After a while, Wu Di agreed to Danqing's proposal, and quickly opened the game and entered the interface.Afterwards, the two began a heads-up match as agreed.

Before the game started, Wu Di turned off the video screen on the grounds that [playing with the video on will make the network slow down].

The moment the video screen was turned off, Wu Di smiled and moved the mouse to his left hand.

If I fight you with my left hand, all kinds of operating habits will change, and my strength will also drop suddenly. I can only use about [-] to [-]% of my own strength... If you can see who I am, then I will Abandon the [Masquerade] plan!
The five games were played quickly, and Wu Di deliberately concealed it, which had an unexpected effect.Soon, Danqing turned on the video screen again, and said with a friendly smile to Wu Di: "Well, you used five different types of heroes in five games. Although you didn't win any of them, you gave me a third surprise— —Did you know? It’s very rare for you to get an all-rounder task. Your development potential is huge, because you can be competent in all five positions! Of course, the premise is that you have to train hard, and you can’t be arrogant, and you can’t give up halfway.”

[I can play in all five positions?No way, I usually only play top laner and ADC.How do you know I can play all five positions?Could it be that you are fooling me just to tap me, a potential rookie, ha ha. 】

[Oh, you are really interesting.I never tell lies, as for how I saw it, I will tell you clearly.

You play a lot of top laners and ADC positions, so I won’t go into details one by one, but do you know what is the most important thing for a mid laner?According to my understanding, an excellent mid laner must have two basic skills.

One of the basic skills is the skill of making up the knife!You were suppressed by me, but the last attack under the tower was done very well, change the adjective, it is quite perfect!In fact, your CS is not much pulled away by me. At least I haven't met a rookie player who can do this.

The second basic skill is the ability to grasp the timing of skill release.Although you rarely hit the heroes I control when you release non-pointing skills, that's because you are facing me!If you switch to other less powerful players, your non-pointing skills can easily hit the opponent's hero.

In fact, the hit rate of non-pointing skills can at most judge the strength of a mid laner.Because of its release, players need to have super anticipation and psychological game ability.Heroes can move in eight directions on the map. During a battle, how to use psychological games to predict where the opponent will move next is the core element that determines the hit rate of skills.At this point, you have done quite well, but because my strength is far superior to yours, and you don't have much battle experience, it is difficult for you to hit the heroes I control.I'm not talking big, I'm praising you!Because you do have the rare predictive ability of a mid laner!
As for the support position, I think you have been playing bot lane for a long time, even if you have never seen pig running, you have eaten pork.The core combat idea of ​​the auxiliary position is only two points-the first point is to find ways to create an output environment for the ADC, and the second point is naturally to protect the ADC from successfully escaping when the GANK comes.With your talent, it is not difficult to comprehend the essentials of this position.

The last jungle position, why should I say that you are also suitable.In fact, the reason is simpler... We all say that excellent junglers can best bring about the rhythm in the middle and early stages of the game, but what is rhythm?In my understanding, rhythm is to gain insight into all the opportunities on the field that are conducive to attack or defensive counterattack!The rhythm of the jungler is expressed in three ways: GANK, anti-squatting, and invading the wild area, and these three ways of bringing rhythm must require the jungler to have excellent sense of judgment.Where is the opposing jungler?Which line is best for ganking and which line is best for defensive counterattacks?A jungler who can make accurate judgments about these things is excellent!To put it simply, judging whether a jungler is good depends on how well he grasps the concept of "timing".In this regard, you have done a good job, and I can see it from the timing of your every attack or retreat. 】

Wu Di intentionally waited for a while, pretending to have finished reading Danqing's long speech, and then slowly replied:

[Oh, I've been taught!It seems that you are indeed a super expert.I have never heard of what you said, and it is completely different from my own understanding of the five positions of the League of Legends.Well, since you say I can play five positions, I can, that's even better!Because I know that the number one genius in the world is also a super genius who claims to be able to use all heroes to fight.Hahaha, I didn't expect that I also have such a talent.By the way, you said to use the combat power index to calculate my strength, what level should I be? 】

[Your combat power index... 3000 is impossible, and [-] is still not up to it. If I estimate it, it is probably only a little over [-] now. 】

【ah?Only a little over 3000.I see that the average level of those first-line professional players is 3500, that is to say, I can't match them now? 】

[This is natural.You are just a rookie, it's pretty good to have such a combat power index.As long as you train hard and don't be arrogant or impetuous, in time, you will definitely surpass the current batch of professional players. 】

【Oh, you are very strong, quite strong, and I have no power to fight back.So I take the liberty to ask, what is your combat power index? 】

This question was the real question Wu Di wanted to ask after going around for a long time!

[My combat power index?Heh, now we are not close partners, so it is inconvenient for me to disclose.But I also want to remind you that numbers are not everything.The higher the level of professional players, the numbers have no reference value, you have to remember. 】

[Okay... Now, have I passed the interview? 】

[You have already given me three surprises, of course I passed.

Through the five games just now, I also found that you are indeed a talent to make, and my interest in you is also growing.In order to express my sincerity in inviting you to Team Fengyun, let me set a price first... a guaranteed minimum annual salary of 30, if you increase your combat power index to 4000 within a year, this number will double , and so on for every additional 1000 in the future.If you can become a player as good as the number one in the world, then I can promise that your annual salary will never be lower than eight figures. 】

Seeing Danqing offer this price, Wu Di was also secretly delighted.Because he has already confirmed that Dan Qing has indeed taken the bait!
However, after weighing it over and over again, Wu Di didn't immediately agree, but instead asked:
[Salary, let's not talk about it for now... I still want to know the composition of the Fengyun team and their specific strength.If I earn more money, I will spend more, and if I earn less, I will not spend it. What I value most is whether you can give me a platform to show my ambitions!With strength and fame, money will naturally come faster and more.

Also, I'm very straightforward, no matter what price you offer, I will contact Star Troopers.After all, someone took the initiative to send me an invitation letter, and I have to contact others if I want to.But, I can tell you clearly that I was the first to contact Team Fengyun. 】

Wu Di's words seem to be a little bit unpopular.But his current identity is a newcomer eager to meet opportunities and show himself, eager for money and fame.Therefore, after carefully reading Wu Di's reply, Danqing did not become suspicious, on the contrary, he greatly appreciated Wu Di's truth-telling.

[Very well, I like dealing with straight-forward people.I understand what you said, feel free to contact Star Wars.Of course, if they can offer better conditions than me and make more promises, I won't force you.

Now, let me answer your question... At present, our team, including me, already has three top players!Oh, I forgot that you are in Tianfu City now, so, have you heard of Xia Ninghan's name? 】

 Ask for all support, for anything.

(End of this chapter)

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