The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 485 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 485 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey
The Lord is finally on the stage.

At this time, Wu Di felt a strong impulse in his heart.He wanted to yell angrily in front of Danqing: Why is that my childhood sweetheart, my good sister, my girlfriend, maybe my wife who will get married in the future!Did you say I've heard of it? !

However, looking at Danqing's confident appearance in the video, Wu Di still suppressed his excitement and pretended to be surprised.

【Are you talking about... Xia Ninghan, the closed disciple of Lu Feng, one of the four strongest members of the first generation of e-sports players? 】

[Of course it's her, there is only one Xia Ninghan who hangs out in the gaming circle. 】

【Didn't she develop in Tianfu City?Why did you go to Team Fengyun?I have seen her play, very strong!Oh, by the way, I remember she was still the girlfriend of the first genius in the world!do you know about this 】

【Heh, Xia Ninghan is indeed very strong, but she has broken up with Wu Di for a long time... I had a good time with Wu Di, so I know him.Xia Ninghan is indeed playing in the Fengyun team now, but he has never played before.If you want to ask the reason, the answer is also very simple-the First Division does not need our Fengyun team to go all out! 】

【Well, I've seen the leaderboard for the first half of the league, and you are indeed ranked first.And if Xia Ninghan and you are not on the field, you can achieve such a result, it seems that your team really has extremely strong strength.

Oh, and who is the third top player?Can you tell me? 】

[Inexplicable friend, I have already mentioned Xia Ninghan's name, you still want to get to the bottom of it?Hehe, if I had a good chat with you now, and you ended up talking with Star Troopers, you just walked away and ran to it, wouldn't I indirectly give important information to the opponent?So, it's not that I don't trust you, let's wait until you decide which team you want to join.

I appreciate you very much.The current situation is... the value of top professional players has risen with the invasion of overseas consortiums, and newcomers have also seen this bright prospect, and began to continuously improve themselves, trying to enter the professional league and become an excellent professional player.Your talent and strength are outstanding among the newcomers I have seen.You also understand your market value very well, and you are negotiating with me very cleverly... Don't worry, I just admire your style of doing things, a smart person, and only a smart person will appreciate it to the end.In the e-sports world, there are too many hot-blooded men, but their brains are not turning fast, so their achievements are limited.But you have been able to chat with me for such a long time, which is indeed commendable.

Alright, go talk to the head of the Star Wars team, and remember to notify me as soon as you make a decision.Whether you will join the Fengyun team or not, the door here is always open for you. 】

After finishing speaking, Danqing waved to Wu Di in the video, and then turned off the camera.

Wu Di sat in his original position, staring at the computer screen brightly, his mind spinning rapidly.After a while, he still sent an email to the Star Wars team with the content of "seeing someone who can make decisions".

Since Wu Di's second record-tying 47-game winning streak caused quite a stir in the e-sports circle, Wu Di's email soon attracted another friend request from an unfamiliar QQ number.

After agreeing to the other party's application, the other party popped up a window without stopping.

A gigantic smiling face appeared in front of Wu Di's eyes—heh, this is the iconic expression of that blonde beauty Yuna in chatting.

[You are the invincible newcomer in the legend, who loves flowers when everyone sees them, and when the car sees a car with a flat tire?The super rookie who played the longest winning streak comparable to the world's first? 】

[Hello... I'm just a newcomer.Haven't reached the level of invincible, super, etc. 】

Wu Di looked at Yuna's words dumbfounded, this was indeed Yuna's style of chatting.

【Hahaha, young people don’t need to be humble, excessive modesty is also a kind of pride.To be able to tie the world's longest winning streak, your strength must not be underestimated.Hello, I am the temporary person in charge of Star Wars. My name is Yuna. I am from the United States. The power behind it is one of the largest consortiums in the United States. If you join our Star Wars...according to your Chinese old saying, you will be popular Drink spicy, you can have whatever you want! 】

【…】Wu Di had no choice but to reply with an ellipsis.After weighing it over and over again, he still didn't want to tell anyone his current identity.

【ah!Super rookie, you're humble again!This is not good, after you follow me, you must learn to be high-profile!Of course, it is high-profile work, low-key life!Now is your critical moment, you must be more high-profile! 】

[Why is it my critical moment? 】

[You have to tell me how powerful and powerful you are, so that you can ask me for a good salary!fool! 】

Wu Di only felt Wu Yaqun slipping past his forehead quickly in front of his eyes—this girl is really unrestrained and direct as always.

Then, Wu Di didn't want to waste any more time, so he had a brief chat with Yuna, only to find out that Yuna's offer was exactly the same as Danqing's!
Wu Di thought for a while, and suddenly realized.It seems that this blond beauty who has a deep friendship with him came to Huaxia Kingdom to represent his consortium and attack the [force] behind Danqing?Judging from the generous remuneration offered by her, maybe Danqing already has her inside line...

very good!Wu Di is very satisfied with this situation.This exotic beauty has done what is most beneficial to her both in public and in private, which makes Wu Di feel very gratified.But then, the smile on his face stopped abruptly - this girl actually has the same sex as Danqing, and she wants to watch Wu Di's appearance in the video!

When Wu Di's terrifying scarred face appeared in Yuna's eyes, she covered her mouth and exclaimed with an extremely exaggerated expression.After a while, she felt that she had lost her composure, and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry... I just didn't expect that you look a little scary. It's okay, I'm not a person who judges people by their appearance.

Um?You looked at me for a long time, why don't you feel surprised and uncertain like me? "

Yuna is a famous beauty top laner in Europe and America. Her promotional posters have been spread all over the e-sports world. According to her understanding, Wu Di should roar in surprise immediately after seeing her real person ...

Wu Di was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted.Then, of course, he showed a symbolic expression of surprise.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Wu Di was straightforward and immediately refused:

"I'm sorry, Miss Yuna, although Starry Sky Team has a good development prospect, and you are a well-known e-sports player, and the power behind it is quite amazing, but I still want to choose to join... Fengyun Team!"

"Ah? What? You rejected me just like that? Without thinking?" Yuna's eyes were full of surprise.

"Yes, because I am more optimistic about the Fengyun team. Excuse me, Miss Yuna, I will still have the luxury to keep in touch with you."

Wu Di smiled politely and cut off the video.Then, he popped up Danqing's window again and sent out a video request.This time, Wu Di directly explained the reason for looking for him without hesitation, which made Danqing laugh heartily, nodded repeatedly and said:

"Okay, very good! The head of the Star Wars team is a big beauty. I thought you would choose her team, but you surprised me again, and it was so fast! I will send you a detailed contact address later and phone number. Go and book your flight ticket, we will pay for it. I hope to see your arrival with my own eyes tomorrow evening!"

Wu Di replied with a faint smile, and made another application: "My girlfriend must come to the team with me. In addition, I have a little apprentice... who eats with me. These two people must accompany me, I wonder if you mind?"

"No problem! Special treatment will naturally be given to special talents! It's such a happy decision, see you tomorrow evening!"

Afterwards, Wu Di hurriedly informed Mu Piaopiao, told her the good news, and at the same time contacted Su Ruye to get him ready to fly with him to the Fengyun team in Ji Province tomorrow morning.

After everything was ready, Wu Di lay on the bed, Xia Ninghan appeared in his mind...

Sister Ninghan, here I come!
The next evening.

Mu Piaopiao, who was dressed in trendy clothes, was holding Wu Di's hand, and Su Ruye, who was in sportswear, was beside him.The three of them just got off the plane when a man in black appeared in front of them.

"Hello, are you Mr. Unknown?" The man in black extended his hand friendly.But Wu Di looked at him suspiciously, and asked suspiciously, "Where's Danqing? Why didn't he come?"

The man in black withdrew his hand calmly, and said with a smile: "Little Boss, he is waiting for you at the team base. He is busy with trivial matters and cannot leave for the time being, so he told me to come and receive you. If you don't believe me, I will let you Talk to the little boss."

After speaking, the man in black took out his mobile phone, contacted Danqing, and handed the mobile phone to Wu Di.

"Ha, inexplicable, I have a fact that I can't get out of it right now, that staff member will take you to the base of the Fengyun team, just follow him, please don't mind."

Wu Di said "En", and led Mu Piaopiao and Su Ruye into a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle driven by the man in black.

Ignite, start, and the commercial vehicle slowly left the airport...

About an hour later, although Wu Di was a little puzzled and wanted to ask how long it would take to arrive several times, but he saw the man in black facing calmly and driving the commercial vehicle calmly, so he didn't hesitate. Good to speak.

After arriving at the destination, the commercial vehicle stopped with a creak.

After Wu Di got off the car, he looked up, and the first thing he saw was a high-rise building that was no less imposing than any five-star office building.Moreover, this building obviously seems to have been built for a while, so Wu Di felt a chill in his heart towards Dan Qing and the [organization] behind him - such a big plan for a rainy day... It seems that the organization has long planned Going to enter the e-sports market in China!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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