The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 486 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 486 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey
"Mr. Inexplicable, please bring your friends and follow me closely. This building is the base of Team Fengyun, and there are many rooms in it. If you are not careful, it is easy to go to the wrong room."

The man in black walked in the front and reminded him kindly.Wu Di nodded and followed him into the building without further words.

After passing through two corridors, the man in black did not take them to a higher floor by elevator, but led them to a large conference room at the farthest end of the first floor.

"Mr. Inexplicable, the timing of your visit is a bit unlucky. At this time, it is the time for the small boss to have a meeting. Every week today, he will hold a regular meeting and make work arrangements."

Wu Di was puzzled, and said strangely: "Oh, I can understand this. Since he is a small boss, of course he will be very busy, but I don't understand... Look at us with big bags, you don't lead us to where we live , how did you bring us here?"

The man in black smiled slightly, and replied: "This is the order of the little boss. He asked me to bring Mr. Unknown directly here. As for the reason, I will never ask. Please invite Mr. Unknown to go in now."

After finishing speaking, the man in black turned around and left, which made Wu Di and the three of them look at each other, not knowing what to do.

"It doesn't matter, if you come, let's go, let's go!" Wu Di didn't bother to think, and directly pushed the door and entered.

However, when the door of this conference room opened, Wu Di instantly felt a series of complex eyes with each charm cast on him.Wu Di pretended to be careless and blocked all the eyes of people he didn't know. After scanning around the venue, he found Danqing sitting at the front of the conference round table.He raised his hand, intentionally not looking at the others, and called familiarly:
"Hi, Boss Danqing, I'm here. It's just that I don't are busy with business, why did you let me come here directly?"

Seeing Wu Di coming, Dan Qing stood up politely, walked over quickly, and shook hands with Wu Di.

"The regular meeting of the staff has ended, and now we are holding a team meeting. Therefore, you, a new member who joined us, naturally need to be present. I asked the staff to pick you up in a hurry, so that you can meet everyone as soon as possible. On the one hand, get acquainted."

Danqing pulled Wu Di enthusiastically, turned around and introduced to more than 20 team members present:

"Heh! Didn't you just keep discussing just how strong is the super rookie who won 47 consecutive victories? No need to discuss, he has come now, and he will join our team and become a comrade in arms fighting side by side with us!

This is the surprise I promised you.Now, please applaud and welcome... inexplicable joining! "

Although Danqing's opening remarks were full of enthusiasm, only a few of the more than 20 members raised their hands and slapped a few symbolically—the scene suddenly became extremely awkward.

At this time, anyone with a normal IQ can tell that these members don't seem to be interested in Wu Di, and they don't even care about it?Wu Di glanced around again, and found that these people's eyes were more or less contemptuous, and he was a little surprised that Xia Ninghan was not among the participants of the so-called [Team Meeting]. trace?

Danqing saw everyone's inaction, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural.But he still let Wu Di sit down, and let Mu Piaopiao and Su Ruye sit in the corner of the meeting room, waiting patiently for a while.

After sitting down, Danqing just wanted to continue the meeting, when a member sitting at the side of the meeting room interjected:
"Little boss, I have a question and I want to ask you."

"Oh? Zhang Qingtian, what do you want to ask, please." Dan Qing smiled.

"You once said... that we should gather newcomers from all corners of the country together for a training camp. I don't have any objection to that. But you said that you want us to be temporarily placed in the second or third tier teams, and I have some opinions; And just before this scarface entered the meeting room, you said that he would directly enter the first-team bench lineup. Regarding this, I have a very serious opinion! I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation."

Danqing rubbed the bridge of his nose, and after thinking for a while, he said slowly: "There is no need for any explanation, because he is very strong, so he can directly enter the first team's substitute lineup...he has the qualifications."

Zhang Qingtian snorted coldly, and quite a few of the other 20 members also made the same movements as him.

"Little boss, you saw it. Everyone seems to have objections to your decision. They are also newcomers who have just joined the team to report. Why is there such a big difference in treatment? Isn't this scarred face just won the longest winning streak?" Record? What is there to be proud of? As we all know, hitting a winning streak requires luck. He just has a lot more luck than ordinary people.”

Wu Di listened without saying a word, and instantly realized why Xia Ninghan was not there.It turned out that this was a meeting for newcomers who had just reported to Team Fengyun.And listening to the tone of these newcomers, it seems that they are very dissatisfied with themselves.

Facing the doubts of a group of rookies, Danqing still smiled calmly:

"Zhang Qingtian, and other members, you worry too much. E-sports players have high or low strength, strong or weak talent. Inexplicable is indeed a very strong rookie player, I think... I have no such arrangement any problem."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion among the more than 20 newcomers.After Zhang Qingtian looked at Wu Di contemptuously, he stood up with a whoosh.

"Little boss, I believe everyone is very unhappy with what you said. Since we are all newcomers, if we use the combat power index to describe the strength, then the combat power index of all of us is almost the same! Then, why is this scarred face Can you be above us? I am a straightforward person. If I offend the little boss because of my words, please forgive me. I just represent everyone and want to ask you for justice. When you invite us, you can promise However, you will not favor any newcomers, and will give every newcomer a fair and open opportunity for promotion! But now... I think you are a little too partial to this scarface."

The rest of the newcomers immediately nodded in agreement with Zhang Qingtian's words.At this time, Dan Qing ignored these newcomers, but turned his face to Wu Di, and asked with a smile:
"Mr. Inexplicable, look... what should I do now? I intend to support you, but the big guy thinks I'm taking sides with you."

As soon as Danqing asked, Wu Di understood clearly—Danqing brought himself to the conference room in such a hurry, did he dare to let himself show off, to "kill chickens to scare monkeys"?
"Huh? Boss Danqing, I don't quite understand what you mean." Wu Di pretended not to know.

However, Danqing no longer talked to Wu Di, but looked at Zhang Qingtian, then at the other newcomers, and then said with a smile:

"Then what do you think we should do? He is indeed very strong, stronger than you all."

"I don't accept it! Little boss, if you can't prove that he is better than us, we will immediately withdraw the ticket and leave! Because you can't be fair and just!"

At this time, Danqing looked at Wu Di again, made a look of bitterness and hatred, and sighed softly:
"Mr. Inexplicable, I really can't help it. These newcomers think that you are no better than them. You see, what to do. Of course, if you can prove your strength, then they will be convinced."

After finishing speaking, Danqing glanced at the two laptops placed not far away.

After this action was noticed by the careful Wu Di, he naturally understood that his deduction seemed to be correct—Danqing could not control these grassroots newcomers from all over the country very well.Rookie players will inevitably be arrogant and arrogant, and don't take anyone seriously.Even if you are the boss and the person who can determine their career path, they will not take it too seriously.

The current economic and living standards have been greatly improved. These newcomers are not very old. At home, they are all little emperors who want wind and rain. They have never been wronged or despised.

Danqing asked him to come here, it seems that he wanted to let him make a move.One is to let these defiant newcomers realize the true meaning of the old saying-there are people beyond others and there are heavens beyond others; the other is to make these newcomers no longer question their decisions through their own strong performance.Moreover, if he couldn't even deal with these newcomers, then the price he offered... would be a bit exaggerated.Until this moment, Danqing had never talked with him about the details of the contract.That is to say, he also wants to actually verify his own strength?If he is a newcomer who speaks too much, then he also has the capital to bargain with himself?What a clever way to leverage strength... This is a plan to kill three birds with one stone!
This Danqing... the depth of the city is indeed a terrifying opponent.

Wu Di was like a mirror in his heart, he had thoroughly thought out the ins and outs of the matter.Therefore, he also made a decisive decision.

"Heh, the boss's situation looks extremely bad. If that's the case, then please allow me to show my hand? Although the gap between me and the boss is not small, it should be more than enough to deal with these newcomers."

Wu Di's words were quite arrogant and arrogant, coupled with his casual attitude, it aroused the dissatisfaction and indignation of more than 20 newcomers present.

Danqing was also stunned by Wu Di's words.He was indeed as Wu Di expected, and wanted to use this trick to achieve his goals.But he never expected that this scarred face was very cooperative, and also activated the great sarcasm technique, attracting the hatred of all the newcomers to him?Is this... a rescue for my boss?

Just when the newcomers were discussing hotly and scoffing at Wu Di's big words, Wu Di once again put down a big move for everyone.

"You guys... line up and fight me one-on-one. If I can't settle you within 10 minutes, I'll just leave!"

 Ask for all support, all kinds of requests.

(End of this chapter)

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