The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 487 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 487 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey
Danqing's goal has been achieved.

But he didn't expect that this scar-faced contestant with full of personality would directly put forward such a suggestion, blocking all his own escape routes!Among these newcomers, the player with the highest combat power index has already broken the 3000 mark!Even if I were to engage in a round-to-wheel battle with a group of players with a battle strength above 3000, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bear it...

And the most important thing is... Danqing thinks that the combat power index of this scar-faced rookie is at most in the early 3000s. Although his strength is a little bit higher than these rookies, it is at the same level at best.And if you want to defeat an opponent of the same level within 10 minutes, this is basically a fantasy.

Although Scarface's strength and potential are good, it may be difficult to win consecutive victories... Danqing must not sit idly by, so he persuaded:
"This...Mr. Inexplicable, you don't have to be like this. One-on-one is fine, but you are all members of the team I hired, and you are all close partners. I think...even if you lose, you don't have to vent your anger Just leave."

Wu Di walked up to Danqing, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Wherever you go, this kind of exclusion happens. Boss Danqing, you don't have to worry about it. In the e-sports world, strength is everything! I saw the look you gave me just now." ——You want to teach this group of ignorant newcomers a lesson. No problem! I will help you do it!"

"But..." Danqing just wanted to say that Wu Di's strength is not enough, but Wu Di replied with an evil smile: "Don't worry! When I played against you yesterday, my girlfriend was disturbing me. My strength is far beyond what you imagined That! Although not as good as you, it is more than enough to deal with these newcomers! By the way, if I help you control the situation, you have to promise me one thing!"

Dan Qing frowned, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

"It's very simple. After officially signing the contract, I don't want to play until the team enters the Super League! Can you agree?"

Danqing's mind turned sharply, and he quickly replied: "Naturally. Our Fengyun team will always preserve its strength. When entering the Super League, we will give those first-line teams a blow. It's okay if you don't want to play, but can you tell me the reason? "

"None of the teams in the First Division are my opponents! My real challenge is in the Super League!"

After throwing down the big words that made Danqing dumbfounded, Wu Di stood up straight, waved his big hand, glanced around with his domineering eyes, and said indifferently:

"Since everyone is dissatisfied with me, I naturally have to make some achievements. I can't let everyone look down on me? I have been listening to you in silence just now, and I can see that you all have doubts about my strength and think that I should compete with you. enjoy the same treatment?

Since you think you are better than me, then come here.However, due to the large number of you, the rules are simpler, the map of the howling abyss, three heads and one tower, dare to come?Let me declare first, whoever loses the fight with me will call me Brother Mo whenever and wherever they see me in the future! "

Wu Di's words are more shocking than a sentence, more powerful and domineering than a sentence.However, apparently these 20 or so newcomers thought that Wu Di was provocative.Therefore, Zhang Qingtian who spoke first was the first to jump out.

"Just fight! Are you afraid that you won't succeed? I want to see if your record of longest winning streak is genuine!"

After the imposing manner was exaggerated to the apex by Wu Di, the next step was naturally to use his real materials to shut up these arrogant newcomers.Danqing looked suspiciously at Wu Di who had turned on the laptop, with complicated eyes, and after a while, he called the staff and gave some instructions in their ears.

And just after Wu Di defeated the loudest Zhang Qingtian with his aggressive style of play, several heavyweights entered the meeting room again.

Wu Di glanced up casually, only to see a beautiful figure that he had been thinking about day and night—Xia Ninghan!

Xia Ninghan was wearing a knee-length down coat and a black scarf with checkered patterns, and as soon as she appeared on the stage, she amazed the audience.Her queen demeanor was so sudden that all the newcomers' eyes widened, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

They come from all over the world, and they are all talented and potential rookies, but at the same time, they have also heard that a famous beautiful rookie appeared in Tianfu City more than half a year ago.This beautiful newcomer has amazing strength and outstanding appearance. She has been enthusiastically sought after by countless e-sports fans when she first entered the e-sports circle, but then disappeared without a trace.

In the end, never thought that she was already a member of the Fengyun team?But why haven't I seen her play any games?
All kinds of questions arose in the hearts of the newcomers, but Xia Ninghan looked at Wu Di with a terrible scar on his face with great interest, and met his eyes.

Oh, interesting.Although the face is a bit scary, there is no impurity in the eyes. Although the words and actions are a bit high-profile, the confidence implied in the words is obvious.This very interesting!

However, Wu Di was obviously not as calm as Xia Ninghan saw on the surface.He tried his best to suppress the feelings of longing in his heart, and tried his best to show an arrogant demeanor of indifference.But he also knew clearly that if he continued to read, he might not be able to control his emotions.

Since recovering his memory, he has become more mature and sensible, and he also understands that no one can replace the relationship with Xia Ninghan.Even though he did some misleading things when he lost his memory, in his heart, only this woman in front of him is his favorite!
A few seconds later, Wu Di looked away unwillingly, and continued to shout at the absent-minded newcomers: "Who's next? Hurry up! I've been on a plane for several hours, and my back hurts. Hurry up, don't delay It's time for me to rest!"

After hearing the words, the rookies realized that now is not the time to admire their beautiful teammates. The most important thing right now is to attack this scarred face that is countless times more arrogant than them!

The second newcomer stood up and walked to the laptop without saying a word. Before sitting down, he just whispered to Wu Di:
"I don't have the heart to compare, but you... I hate you! So, I'm here to suppress your arrogance!"

However, after 10 minutes, the second challenger who uttered big words was hastily defeated and sat down in his original position.

After suddenly seeing Wu Di defeating two rookies in a row, making their voices of criticism much quieter, he also softly said to Xia Ninghan and the other team members: "I called you here to let you see the strength of this Mr. Inexplicable. Yesterday I have played five heads-up matches with him, and I think his combat power index is only in the early 3000s, but he said it was because his girlfriend was interfering... I was afraid that my judgment would be wrong, so I called you to watch it together Look at his performance, and help me infer his true strength!"

Xia Ninghan nodded, and responded calmly:

"I watched the match just now. This scar-faced man is indeed very strong, and his style of play is untraceable. Like a rookie who just debuted."

Several other people also have the same opinion, and there are not many objections.After listening, Danqing smiled and said:

"I have asked someone to conduct an investigation. He used to live in Tianfu City and came from a remote mountain village in Sichuan Province. He has eaten bad food.
Less suffering, and a little older, but his contact with the League of Legends is very short, only about a year.he is a
He is an out-and-out rookie, so I am willing to offer him a high price to join our team.i want him to be a

A typical example of a late bloomer. "

"I just watched one game, let's watch it again. I can't just judge a person's strength after just a few minutes of observation.

By the way, you said you haven't officially signed a contract with him yet?Hehe, you are still as cautious as ever. "

Just as Xia Ninghan gave her own suggestion, her cell phone beeped.So she stepped aside, opened a
Look, it was a text message.

But just after she glanced at the text message hastily, her expression changed drastically, and her eyes were even more surprised!
She hurried out of the conference room, came to an empty corner, and once again concentrated on reading the content of the text message.Finally, it was confirmed that she didn't miss the content of the text message!
[Niece Ning Han, that kid is determined to go his own way, and he might already be by your side now.You two must take care of each other and don't reveal your secrets.Just do your own thing well, don't be too outrageous, and Uncle Wu will handle the rest for you!After reading, please delete! 】

Xia Ninghan instantly understood who the person mentioned in this text message was.Afterwards, she followed Wu Tianhao's instructions and quickly deleted this text message...

you idiot!Knowing that the danger is extremely high, you still want to run in like this!really...

Although Xia Ninghan scolded someone bitterly in her heart, she couldn't help showing a knowing smile on her face.

This man risked himself so much, not for anything else but for himself...

After receiving this shocking news, Xia Ninghan walked into the conference room again, and Wu Di also continued his wonderful performance of "Passing Five Stages and Killing Six Generals". The two rookies fell off the horse.

At this time, through these few matches, the newcomers also clearly understood how powerful Wu Di is.

"Who else? Is there anyone else who wants to learn my strength? Is there no one among you who can fight better? If not, please keep your mouths shut and don't criticize the boss's decision! If there are any If you want to play, just come, I haven't warmed up yet!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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