Chapter 488 Reunion

Wu Di's extremely arrogant words certainly aroused the dissatisfaction of the rookies, but they asked themselves that their strength was almost the same as that of the rookies who appeared before, and if they played rashly, it would only increase the aura of this scarred face.Therefore, they chose to remain silent for the time being.

After seeing Wu Di's "performances" in these few performances, Danqing suddenly felt that he had been mistaken!
This man with a scarred face, his strength may have reached the level where he can wrestle with first-line professional players!

At this time, after seeing Xia Ninghan go and return, he also inadvertently asked with concern: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

If Xia Ninghan looked at the fire in the cave, she immediately realized the current situation, so she smiled and said:
"It's okay. But this Mr. Inexplicable seems to be invincible in [Fengyun], why don't you just let me play and let me experience his strength?"

As soon as these words came out, not only the newcomers were shocked, but even Dan Qing was extremely surprised.

This queen with a cold temperament has always been uninterested in anyone.Whether it is a well-known first-line professional player or a rookie player who is bent on proving the Tao and becoming a god, she will not be half-interested.

What's going on today?Is the sun coming out in the west?Is this glamorous queen going to personally experience the power of this scarred face?Could it be that this scarred face's e-sports talent is really different from ordinary people, and has reached the highest level that can alarm Her Majesty the Queen?
"Hehe, I don't mind if you want to end. I haven't seen you compete with others for a long time. It's just... are you sure you want to do this? I'm getting more and more skeptical about the strength of this Scarface Well, if something goes wrong..."

"Don't worry, he can't defeat me."

After finishing speaking, Xia Ninghan stepped on dark black high boots and walked in front of Wu Di.

"Hi, my name is Xia Ninghan. I'm not a rookie, but I really want to compete with you. Please don't show mercy, I am an opponent you can go all out for."

Xia Ninghan's words also greatly increased Wu Di's interest.No matter how much he imagined the scene when he reunited with Xia Ninghan, he never imagined that the first thing he would do after reuniting with Xia Ninghan was to have a heads-up match!

"Haha, I've heard of your name, Xia Ninghan, the apprentice of one of the four strongest players in the first generation of e-sports players, who practices data streaming and is able to accurately calculate all situations on the field. Alright, Well done, you can be regarded as the first real master I have met."

Xia Ninghan nodded with a smile, but there was already a bit of imperceptible excitement in her eyes.

After entering the game, Xia Ninghan also changed her cool and quiet image, and directly typed a sentence on the public screen:
[Little brother, don't think that I'm just a vase, if you don't use all your firepower, you will definitely lose miserably! 】

Wu Di was stunned, stunned, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind - "little brother"?This was Xia Ninghan's favorite title to tease herself back then!Could it be that she...

【Who wins the game is still unknown.Just ask the first beauty contestant to spare no effort, and I will give you a satisfactory answer! 】

Before the two started fighting, it seemed to be full of gunpowder.When the newcomers suddenly saw this rare scene, they all turned their heads to Danqing.However, the little boss shrugged helplessly, saying that he had no solution to this situation.

The match started very quickly, as soon as Wu Di and Xia Ninghan met face to face, sparks sparked everywhere, very intense.After 10 minutes passed, in the end, this high-intensity confrontation ended with Xia Ninghan's victory.

"I admit it, you are indeed very strong, almost at the level of a first-line professional player. Our little boss seems to have found a treasure, and you are welcome to join, inexplicably."

Xia Ninghan, who was bullying people in the prosperous age before, called Mo her "little brother", but at this moment, she took the initiative to walk in front of Wu Di, and stretched out her right hand? ?The glamorous and noble queen took the initiative to greet and shake hands with a defeated general?Is this because of the heroic feelings of Xixi, or is it a further slap in the face?
After seeing this unbelievable scene, several first-line team members who came with Xia Ninghan stood there in a daze, at a loss for what to do.And Dan Qing knew nothing about Xia Ninghan's actions.After being recruited into the Fengyun team by him, this beautiful player has always been reticent, but today she made frequent moves towards this newcomer who had just joined the team to report, which also puzzled him.

Wu Di restrained the enthusiasm in his heart, extended his hand politely, and held Xia Ninghan tightly. After a while, he took the initiative to let go of Xia Ninghan's hand.

"Sansheng is lucky. I am satisfied to be able to hold Miss Xia's hand. It's just..."

Wu Di suddenly changed the subject, and said in a cold voice: "I define your behavior as provoking me, the defeated player! Within half a year, I will fight you one-on-one again. If I can't win, I will automatically disappear and leave the team! "

"Okay, I'll just sit and wait for that day to come." Xia Ninghan smiled lightly, then turned around and walked away.However, the moment she turned her head, she added in a low voice: "See you on the rooftop at 12 o'clock."


Danqing looked at the two of them in embarrassment. Although he had already passed the match, he deduced that the scarface's combat power index was infinitely close to 4000, but his main player, Her Majesty the Queen, seemed to have formed an alliance with him. Not a small beam.

"Mr. Inexplicable, you don't have to be so angry. Xia Ninghan's master is Lu Feng, who has a very high starting point. It's only natural that you can't beat her yet. Of course, as long as you work hard, sooner or later you will surpass her one day.

Now, let's formally sign the contract.Oh, by the way, do you newcomers have any questions? "

When the newcomers saw the well-known Xia Ninghan, they had to put in a lot of effort. After fighting for 10 minutes, they managed to defeat this scarred face. All of a sudden, they understood: this knife Scarface is really not to be underestimated!

Faced with the little boss's questioning, they naturally shook their heads unwillingly, and then Danqing asked the staff to take the contract for Wu Di to take a closer look at.Wu Di glanced at it hastily, and signed his name on the contract with a smile: inexplicable.

"Ha, I am very glad that Mr. Inexplicable has become a member of our Fengyun team! You are tired from the journey today, and you must be tired too. Please take your girlfriend and apprentice to go back and have a good rest. We will talk about it tomorrow."

Twelve midnight.

Unusually cold winter nights.Although Wu Di is physically strong, he still stood silently on the roof in thick winter clothes against the bitter cold wind.

After a while, the familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Heh, your look is so ugly! Who did your makeup?" Xia Ninghan walked up to Wu Di and joked.

"This look is cool and stylish. I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?" Wu Di replied with a smile.

"Good? How can I find you? There are so many beauties around me every day, and I went to Korea for a long-term vacation. My life is very nourishing. My life is quite boring. Apart from training every day, it is training and leisure. I can only stare at the sky in a daze. Or, just think about why I have to suffer like this!

Mind you, what exactly are you here for?That guy is much more difficult to deal with than you imagined! "

Xia Ninghan's tone suddenly became heavier, and she kept a distance of one meter away from Wu Di. Whether it was speaking or moving, she seemed extremely unfamiliar, which also surprised Wu Di.

"What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy to see me? Of course I came here to take you away! In this dragon's pool and tiger's lair, your situation is too dangerous. Come with me! I will deal with my own affairs , You don't need to take risks like this!

The woman who followed me can arrange all retreats for us. "

"Male chauvinism... I am here, a small part is for you, and a large part is for my family and other innocent people!
Do you know that in order for that counterfeit to appear in front of you logically, that [organization] used an extremely clever method to deceive my family.But it was because of this that I discovered that that organization has the power to reach the heavens. If it cannot be eradicated completely, more innocent people will be harmed!

It's a good thing for you to come here rashly for your own selfishness. What if something happens to you? "

There was a hint of anger in Xia Ninghan's eyebrows, which made Wu Di, who was overjoyed, immediately turn from joy to anger, and said angrily:
"Okay, okay, it's unnecessary for me to come here, can I go? If you are still angry with me, you can beat me and scold me! The scene you saw at that time...I admit, I kissed Ye Ling... But do you know her condition? She will soon forget everything around her! That was a promise I made to her before she lost her memory.

I am now fully recovered and I know this was very inappropriate, and I now offer you a formal apology.But why did you give me another chance to explain?You slammed the door and called you, and you even said that we were over...

Is it my responsibility for the misunderstanding between me and you?I tried my best and worked hard to come to you, but you didn't say anything nice, instead you came to question me.In the end what you want?

Okay, let's not talk too far, now I want to ask you, are you going or not? "

"Don't go." Xia Ning coldly rejected Wu Di's proposal, which made him even more anxious.

"Xia Ninghan, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I should ask you this. If you really want to deal with that organization, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. It is enough for me to be here alone. If you came here to see me, you have already seen me, you have to go , please go back by yourself."

Wu Di frowned, he never thought that Xia Ninghan would treat him like this, when he was wondering, he suddenly found that there was an extra figure on the rooftop!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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