Chapter 489 Opportunity
Wu Di's eyes widened, his face paled in shock.He also thought that things had slipped through the trap, and someone noticed his strange behavior.At this time, if someone from the Fengyun team found himself meeting and talking with Xia Ninghan here, it would be difficult to explain.

And just as he was pondering how to speak, the figure walked up to the two of them and said in a cold voice:

"This is the end of the reminiscence. You two are so naive! Where do you think this is? You two are playing a game of house? This is the headquarters of that [organization] in China! Hurry up and leave!"

Wu Di and Xia Ninghan took a closer look at the same time, and suddenly found that the person who came was Mu Piao Piao.

"You are?" Xia Ninghanhu questioned, and she was also very surprised.Before coming to the rooftop, she had confirmed that no one was following her, and no one knew her movements.But this beautiful woman was able to tell the truth, and discovered the whereabouts of the two?

"This is what I said, someone who is capable of arranging our way out. What's wrong with you, Sister Ninghan? Are you really unhappy to see me?"

Wu Di felt relieved when he saw that he was one of his own, but he was still very puzzled by Xia Ninghan's attitude.

"Okay! If she doesn't want to go back, she won't go back. If the three of us stay here for a while, people will soon find out! At that time, even if you two jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to cleanse yourself!"

Xia Ninghan felt that what Mu Piaopiao said was very reasonable, so she immediately turned around and left. Wu Di called softly twice, but she still couldn't make Xia Ninghan turn back.

Looking at the back of Xia Ninghan going away, Wu Di couldn't help sighing and said to himself:

"Hey, how did Sister Ninghan become so deep? Could it be that my tone of voice was wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of whistling wind rang in his ears!Mu Piaopiao raised his right leg, and a powerful high-leg kick quickly hit Wu Di's left ear!
The area under Wu Di's feet, after barely avoiding it, asked in surprise: "What are you doing?!"

"Nonsense! I should ask you what exactly you want to do! If you still don't understand why you came here, I will beat you up myself!"

After hearing the words, Wu Di was stunned for a moment, and his heart suddenly became clear.

That's right, what are you doing here?One is to take care of each other with Xia Ninghan and ensure her safety, and the other is to assist Mu Piao Piao to collect information and evidence!However, he cared about it and put forward a suggestion that he wanted to take Xia Ninghan away...

Xia Ninghan didn't want to leave, she must have discovered something!
After thinking it over, Wu Di touched his head and said with some guilt: "Well, I was too self-assertive this time. I thought I could use this method to solve everything, but sister Ning Han obviously found some clues, and I think I can follow the clues Grasp some important information... I will sing this good double-reed show with her!"

Mu Piaopiao retracted her elastic long legs, and after standing still, she calmly said:

"What did you do long ago? Now that you understand?"

"Yeah, I reunited with Sister Ninghan after a long absence. When I came up, I lost my sense of proportion and lost my mind. Oh, I won't do anything bad."

Mu Piaopiao glared at Wu Di: "There is no next time! This is not a game. If you don't know the priorities, I can't protect you. It's okay, I don't expect you to make any achievements. I will give you a reminder. It’s time for you to get acquainted with this place.”

"Familiar with this place?" Wu Di was puzzled, "Isn't the special department behind you here to collect evidence? This is just the base of the Fengyun team, and it's nothing to do with the evidence."

"Others, you don't have to worry about it. Although you are a top star in the e-sports world, in my eyes, you are just an ignorant and ignorant boy. Don't you want to be a team of Kings? Team Fengyun will obviously become you Your biggest opponent, if you don’t carefully understand its organization, characteristics and personnel composition, can you easily defeat your opponent in the e-sports field?”

Wu Di suddenly realized: "Yes! Before I came here, I said that I would only focus on e-sports, and leave the rest to you. Your reminder is very good, I finally understand why I am here! "

"[Organization] has been in operation for many years, not only because of its powerful behind-the-scenes boss, but also because of its near-perfect execution! Now that Team Fengyun has become its base in China, and we can take the opportunity to enter here, then Don't miss this great opportunity!" Mu Piaopiao's expression was determined, which also greatly affected Wu Di, he understood that this was a long and arduous struggle...

In the following month, Wu Di and Xia Ninghan never met in private again, and even when they met, they never exchanged a word.Those who don't know, of course think that Xia Ninghan suppressed the aura of the scarred face, which made the scarred face extremely unhappy.

During this period of time, Wu Di calmed down, and while following Danqing's arrangement to participate in various trainings, he also slowly figured out everything here.

After he initially grasped the current situation of Team Fengyun, Wu Di was also shocked in his heart.

Reasonable organizational structure, complete staffing, methodical work style, here is a precision instrument running at high speed!

Of course, with Wu Di's status at this moment, it is impossible for him to enter the core decision-making level, but it is only through his personal experience that he discovered that the [organization] was able to cover the sky with one hand, and did everything without leaking anything. But take advantage of this opportunity because of its perfect execution!On this point, Wu Di can get a glimpse of the leopard from the operation of the base of the Fengyun team.

Mu Piaopiao, who came with him, is only a family member of the team, so what she can do is more limited than Wu Di.After working hard for a month, she did not find any breakthrough.As for Su Ruye, she participated in training with Wu Di every day, watched the training games, and didn't talk too much, so Wu Di also felt that this big boy's calm temper made people feel a little palpitating.

Just when Wu Di and Mu Piaopiao felt that this place was almost invulnerable, this evening, they ushered in an opportunity.

Danqing called all the team members to the conference room and held an impromptu meeting.

The meeting had only one theme, and that was to announce the future strategic plan of Team Fengyun.

Standing in front of the projection screen, Dan Qing kept a faint smile and said to everyone:

"Dear comrades, especially the more than 20 rookies who just came here, today is the time to let everyone know the strategic plan of our Fengyun team. After the Fengyun team was acquired by us, the goal is of course not just to enter the super power of China. League!
This is just the first step we have taken, and it is a necessary step.After entering the Super League, we will complete a feat that shocked the world that year - as a newly promoted team, we will aspire to the league championship and represent China in the World Club Champions League. The team is pulled down from the altar!

We're going to be the new world champions!We want to write a new e-sports history!We want to create an undefeated record beyond the legendary team! "

After Wu Di heard these words, he instantly deduced several extremely important pieces of information in his mind.

The first message is naturally the legendary team that has always been favored by the [Organization]... It seems that there is a conflict with the [Organization]?And this contradiction is likely to be irreconcilable!Otherwise, the [Organization] would not have had to make such elaborate arrangements to play a big game in Huaxia; of course, it is also possible that the [Organization] regarded the legendary team as a pilot target from the very beginning. [Organization] In fact, they have been coveting the big cake of the e-sports industry for a long time, so they first cooperated with the legendary team to try the depth of this industry.Then after enjoying the sweetness, he made a decision to go it alone and swallow this big cake in one bite!
No matter what the situation is, Wu Di is happy to hear it.Because it seems that these two former close partners will definitely have a fight...

The second piece of information is based on Wu Di's understanding of Danqing, he is definitely not a person who likes to talk nonsense and talk nonsense.Everything he does and every word he says must be communicated to others only when he has absolute certainty.And he said that the Fengyun team can win the league championship and the world championship in the first year of being promoted to the Super League, so he must have something to rely on!And this reliance is extremely reliable and powerful!
But... What exactly is he relying on?
With such doubts, Wu Di continued to restrain his mind and listen to Danqing's strategic plan.But after he finished introducing the strategic goals and various plans, Dan Qing turned off the projector and showed a strange and secretive smile to all team members.

"Everyone, I know that the vast majority of people here are newcomers who are not well-known in the e-sports world, including Miss Xia Ninghanxia who you are familiar with! Although she is famous, she has no actual achievements to continue to win popularity. , in essence, it can only be called a potential rookie.

So, do you want to let your own strength advance by leaps and bounds?Do you want to make yourself famous and gain a higher e-sports status and popularity?Do you want your own income to rise accordingly, reaching a seven-figure or even eight-figure annual salary?If you have such a strong desire... then, I will have a one-on-one chat with you later, and then propose the most suitable growth method for you according to your own characteristics!
The e-sports world is extremely cruel. Every year, countless newcomers enter this circle, but only a very small number of people can really become famous.After these people become famous, money, fame, villas, mansions, beautiful cars and beautiful women will follow!

You must have your own dreams in your heart.But there is only one way to realize your dreams, and the competition is fierce, and you will even do everything you can!

Next, I will give you a free lesson!Do you know why the legendary team has been able to win the championship smoothly for five years?Is it really so powerful that it cannot be defeated?Think about its winning process? "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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