The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 490 Confidentiality Agreement

Chapter 490 Confidentiality Agreement
There was no sound in the conference room.All newcomers were greatly interested in Danqing's question.

In the past five years, the legendary team has won the world club championship trophy five times in a row, and has achieved a brilliant e-sports history.On its way to win the championship, of course there will be stumbling blocks, but in the end no opponent can shake its position and snatch away its championship trophy, even Wu Di, who was the world's number one genius at the time, couldn't do it!
However, Danqing's rhetorical question "It's really too powerful to be defeated" still made everyone in the room fall into reverie.There are always victorious teams, but it is really unimaginable to be able to secure the throne for five years in the fiercely competitive e-sports competition.

Under Danqing's deliberate reminder, some gossip rookies recalled the legendary team's path to winning the championship in the past five years.

In the first two years, they successfully angered the number one genius in the world, causing him to do something that was not conducive to internal unity, and then snatched the most important e-sports championship from him; The importance of cooperation, the world's No. [-] talent led the Brilliant team, and when he was one step away from winning the championship... But something happened to him; in the fourth year, China's No. [-] ADC Lu Li and [Mermaid] Ye Ling made a strong attack. reached the semi-finals.All the audience thought that the Bright team could break the legendary team's championship monopoly, but in the crucial third match, Lu Li had diarrhea, and Ye Ling suffered from serious health problems due to excessive pressure!In the end, the legendary team entered the finals by virtue of their opponents surrendering without a fight... and in the last fifth year, because Jones, the head player of the legendary team, has comprehended a very strong fighting state, allowing them to It is even more invincible in the world.And its old opponents, either fell into internal strife, or the ace in the team had a big or small change...

All these signs showed that the legendary team's five consecutive championships didn't seem so convincing?Every time they fight against their opponents, there will be such and such changes?
Danqing looked at the puzzled look on the faces of the newcomers with satisfaction. He was silent for a while, and then he clapped his hands to interrupt the contemplation of the newcomers, and said something astonishing that made everyone change color. language!
"It seems that everyone has carefully analyzed the process of the legendary team winning the championship. Did they win the championship... Is it really because of their strength? In my opinion, it may be more than that. So, the five consecutive championships of the legendary team, look It looks brilliant, unprecedented, and maybe there will be no future, but in fact they just mastered some deeper gameplays in the e-sports industry!"

A more courageous newcomer immediately stood up and spoke their hearts:
"Little boss, do you mean to say that there is a certain powerful force behind the legendary team? This force paved the way for them to win the championship! The news that is often seen in the media magazines is actually not a coincidence at all. But this faction is clearing the way for the legendary team?"

Danqing was noncommittal, just nodded with a smile.

"Impossible! Boss, the World Club Champions League is the most grand event in the e-sports world. How could someone interfere with it? And it's under the watchful eyes of everyone? I believe that behind the legendary team, there must be someone who contributes money and effort, but If according to your inference, it won the championship by using those shady methods...then what else can we do?
If we can't get rid of the black hand behind the scenes, how can we newcomers full of dreams have a bright future?

I think, little boss, you should be worrying too much!The e-sports world should not be this complicated. "

Danqing pursed his lips and smiled, motioning for the newcomer to sit down first, and then unhurriedly talked about a world-famous actual case.

"In your spare time, do you like to play football or watch football games? Or, are there any fans among us?

Heh, let me tell you a real example. The example in the 1998 World Cup final in France!
[Alien] Ronaldo, who was in full swing at the time, could completely change the result of the game with his performance alone. At that time, he was the nightmare of all team defenders.As long as he catches the opportunity, breaking the door is a breeze.

But on the eve of the World Cup final, the world-famous superstar had diarrhea?I don't know if you still have any impression?

Yes, he had diarrhea, and it was said that he collapsed, and it was difficult for him to play, but in the final, he still played as the main striker.Of course, there are sponsors for this.In the future, if you become big stars in e-sports, you may also encounter such a situation-although your body is not good in every way, but the sponsors require you to appear on many big occasions, otherwise, you will lose a lot money.

But what is the next fact?It was the famous Ronaldo who was completely sleepwalking in the nine 10-minute game!The camera desperately tried to capture the wonderful shot of him flashing with consonance, but he seemed to have evaporated on the field, completely losing his former deterrence and presence.

May I ask, this is the final of the World Cup, which is one of the most grand sporting events in the world. Why is Ronaldo, who is in poor form, still obsessed with starting in a crucial battle that is related to the team's ability to win the world championship? play?Is it really just because of strong demands from sponsors?
After the game, it was rumored that European gambling forces were making a big fuss behind the scenes, causing the aliens to lose their status. Although this news has not been verified, the eyes of the masses are discerning.In the final, the Brazilian team was beaten 3:0 by the French team, which had home court advantage, and lost the world championship!Ronaldo evaporated from the audience, without any sense of presence...

What do these facts show?

I think, I don't need to say more... The World Cup is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. "

After listening to Danqing's words in amazement, the newcomers fell into shock!Indeed, as Danqing said, in that World Cup, many rumors and rumors continued to spread after the game, but there was no evidence to check and no evidence to rely on.Fans can only catch wind and hotly discuss those sensitive topics, but the final fact is... the French team won the world championship!
After a moment of silence in the conference room, another newcomer also stood up with a whoosh, looked directly at Danqing, and said solemnly:

"Little boss! Nothing will come out of nowhere! Regardless of whether Ronaldo was plotted against at the time, or there were other truths, but the Brazilian team, which was more optimistic at the time, still lost the world championship!
I know, you want to use this classic example to show that when it comes to competing for the e-sports championship, some teams will definitely use everything!

And the typical representative of this kind of example is the legendary team!In this regard, I am convinced!
Therefore, when outsiders say they are invincible, they are following the trend and worshiping them, but in my eyes, their strength has not reached the level of dominating the world! "

Danqing continued to smile, asked the newcomer to sit down first, and then got to the point:

"Okay, I cite this example, and I also want you newcomers to understand a truth - when facing interests, some people can protect themselves wisely, while others will join forces.

You are all newcomers, and you are all newcomers eager to become famous. I don't want to question your dreams, but I just want to tell you the cruel reality.Sometimes, in order to stand out and achieve your goals, you must use some extraordinary means!
I have finished speaking, and now I will chat with you alone for a while.

The topic of the chat is very simple, how to make you stronger!In our Fengyun team, there is actually a shortcut to quickly improve our strength, but before we have an individual interview with each other, I need everyone to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the team. "

[Confidentiality Agreement] When the four big characters were heard in Wu Di's ears, he immediately cheered up and sat up straight.It looks like... Danqing is going to make a big move!

When the newcomers heard that they had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, their eyes widened and they were confused.They all looked up at the smiling Danqing, not knowing what the little boss wanted to do.

Danqing saw that everyone's appetite had been slackened by himself, so he said slowly:

"If you want to quickly improve your strength, then please sign a non-disclosure agreement without hesitation; if you are a little puzzled or suspicious of the team's approach, then I will not force you. Everything is voluntary. Just, Huaxia I want to pass on the old saying from China to everyone——after passing this village, there will be no such shop.

Next, the staff will send you a non-disclosure agreement, you can read it, and it will not harm any of your interests.It's just that the team has to do this in order to keep it secret.In addition, those who sign the agreement can get the full support of the team and provide a shortcut to quickly improve their strength. "

Then, an agreement was placed in front of all team members.Wu Di got it in his hand, looked carefully, and found that the agreement was indeed as Danqing said, but the signer must promise not to disclose what he saw and heard in the Fengyun team.Moreover, the penalty for breach of contract is very severe. If there is any violation, Team Fengyun will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility, and the violator will be required to pay a liquidated damages of twenty times the annual salary figure on the contract!
After the newcomers read the agreement, they were all puzzled.The little boss first reminded everyone of the legendary team's winning process, and then asserted that it was backed by powerful forces, and its five consecutive championships were not glorious; then, he mentioned an unsolved mystery in football; now , Let everyone sign a non-disclosure agreement?And the penalty for breach of contract is so heavy?
When these newcomers came to Team Fengyun, they only valued the excellent treatment and a good development prospect. They never thought that they would indeed face a choice today.Some rookies with extremely quick brains have already understood a truth: after signing this non-disclosure agreement, the team will fully cultivate you!And provide that shortcut to you!And if he didn't sign, even though he didn't lose anything, he might be blacklisted by the team?

This is a psychological game... shall we sign or not?

When all the newcomers hesitated, Wu Di smiled, waved his hand, and signed his name on the confidentiality agreement first!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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