Chapter 491 Insiders

Xia Ninghan glanced at Wu Di suspiciously, and after thinking for a while, she also signed her name on the non-disclosure agreement without thinking.The difference is that what she signed was her real name [Xia Ninghan], while Wu Di signed her pseudonym [Inexplicable].

The rookies signed the confidentiality agreement without hesitation when they saw the team's top beauty player and the hideous, powerful scarred face. Some fresh-blooded rookies expected to sign without any loss, so They picked up pens and signed the agreement.

After a while, all the team members present signed their names on the confidentiality agreement.After Danqing saw this scene, he also smiled and said:
"Thank you for your trust. Next, I will have a private interview with you. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Now, please wait outside for a while, and those whose names I call, please stay. Then after the interview , please remember the non-disclosure agreement you signed, and don’t mention the content of the interview with anyone. I’m going to say something ugly, if someone breaks the agreement, I will not be polite! You are all newcomers, and you are all eager to succeed, so...don’t Easily destroy the opportunity that I have waited so hard for!"

After finishing speaking, Danqing named a newcomer, and the rest of the members exited the meeting room in an orderly manner.

After Shuyi left the conference room, whether it was the rookies or other members of the Fengyun team, they all gathered together in small groups, discussing what the little boss wanted to talk to him about.

[The little boss asked us to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and then talked with us one by one, what exactly will we talk about?Also, what he just said confuses me. 】

[What are you talking about?It must be the shortcut to improve our strength!And he said a lot before, and now he signed a non-disclosure agreement, and then had a private interview. This series of actions... should be to insure this "shortcut"!
Think about it, if this "shortcut" can really greatly improve our e-sports strength, then it will be the biggest reliance on the future rise of Team Fengyun!If it is easily leaked out, it will definitely strengthen the strength of others.

If I were a small boss, I would definitely do the same. 】

【Hey, what exactly is the shortcut to improving your own strength that the little boss mentioned?I think the little boss has always been well prepared, as if this "shortcut" will definitely improve his strength? 】

[Who knows.But since the little boss is so mysterious, it must be very useful... What the hell, he has to interview everyone anyway.After you finish chatting with the little boss, won't everything be clear? 】

[By the way... the little boss said that the five consecutive championships of the legendary team is not glorious, what do you think? 】

[Every successful person has a variety of histories behind him.It doesn't matter if it is disgraceful or glamorous, he is already the overlord of five consecutive championships, so how can he fall off the altar after a few casual comments? 】

[Your words really reminded me... I think the little boss is giving us a big hint by citing the example of the legendary team and the World Cup!And the implication is - that "shortcut" is probably not very glorious! 】

[No way... The improvement of e-sports strength must be based on persistent training. I guess this "shortcut" is at most some more scientific training methods. It should not be shameful. 】

[Not necessarily.Anyway, I can tell from the tone of the little boss that the shortcut is not only mysterious, but also probably a little... a little side-tracked!It is estimated that it should be a way between violation and non-compliance! 】

While the newcomers were talking about Danqing's mysterious method, Wu Di was standing by the window alone, looking into the distance.In order to avoid suspicion, Xia Ninghan also stood at the other end and kept a certain distance from Wu Di.

However, both of them seemed to sense some doubts in the other's heart, so they looked at each other frequently and tried to make eye contact.

Of course, the two of them have never learned lip language, nor have they learned any inscrutable communication methods out of thin air. There is more of a look of reprimand between the two of them.

Wu Di was complaining why Xia Ninghan signed the agreement and took the initiative to wade into this muddy water; while Xia Ninghan was very dissatisfied with Wu Di's way of signing the agreement without even thinking about it.

In addition, the two have always been at odds on the surface, so some staff members who are interested in monitoring the players' every move just think that the two people still have the discordant relationship that they don't like each other.

The first interviewer walked out of the meeting room very quickly. Just as everyone wanted to get together to ask for clarification, they were stopped by the staff on the side and reminded them that they had already signed a confidentiality agreement, so there was no need to ask the first interviewer. Get to the bottom of it.

As soon as the newcomers thought of the severe punishment of the agreement, they had no choice but to put away their curiosity and continue to wait anxiously.

Then, the interviewer frowned tightly, and without leaving a word for his teammates, he hurriedly left here with his fists clenched.

The second interviewer was called by the name of the staff, and within 2 minutes of entering the meeting room, he also walked out with a touch of sadness.

Similarly, this interviewer quickly disappeared from everyone's sight with the same anxious expression as the previous team member.

Next, the third, fourth... No. 30 members repeated the same process. When they left, the expressions on their faces were all carved out of the same mold, basically the same.

Wu Di looked around, and suddenly found that among the members waiting outside the door, there were only two left!The other one is Xia Ninghan who has always been as plain as water!
At this time, Wu Di was called in, and before he entered, he gave Xia Ninghan a meaningful look, but unexpectedly, his sister Ninghan was completely puzzled and gave him a supercilious look.

After entering the meeting room again, Wu Di found that Danqing was still sitting in his old seat, with that mysterious but familiar smile on his face all the time.After sitting down, Wu Di just opened his mouth to ask a question, but Danqing was the first to ask:
"Heh, Mr. Inexplicable, do you know why I put you in the penultimate place?"

Wu Di was taken aback, shook his head and replied, "I don't know. It can't be because I'm special, right?"

"Yes! You guessed right. It's because you are special that I made this arrangement. You are the first team member to sign the non-disclosure agreement. You have a lot of trust in our team, so I am willing to give you more Time, let's have a good chat.

Not much nonsense, now you can answer a few questions for me first.

The first question, you told me before that you want to become an existence beyond Wu Di, until now, has this idea changed? "

"Of course it hasn't changed! You speak straight, little boss."

"Well, the second question, I mentioned the five consecutive championships of the legendary team, and the case of the 98 World Cup. Do you think that those who make big things need to pay too much attention to those small details?"

"Those who make big things don't care about small things! This sentence is one of my creeds, little boss, I don't think we need to go around in circles like this. If you have any requirements or ideas, just say it. I don't like to stick to words. .”

"Well, I know you are a straightforward person. Since your beliefs have not changed, and you don't care about the glory of the means, now I will give you a shortcut to improve your strength... Whether you want to take this shortcut depends entirely on You yourself, Fengyun team and I will never force you, including other players.

The short cut is...we can get a legal drug with a great calming effect.This kind of medicine can allow players to enter a wonderful state... Yes, your eyes tell me that your deduction is correct!This kind of medicine can allow players to comprehend the [state] in Brother Shui's theory after a lot of training!
As we all know, Brother Shui's theory elaborates on [Status].The state is based on the player's own personality, and then uses the power of spirit and psychology to let himself enter a state of selflessness during e-sports competitions, and use this to improve the professional player's pre-combat state and combat strength.

In today's e-sports world, professional players who understand the "status" are no longer rare. More and more people recognize Shui's theory, and through experiments and hard work, they have mastered their own status.

And my team and I have conducted in-depth and detailed research on [Status], and found that it is actually a way to use people's own psychological and spiritual power.

No one can tell the limit of a person, and the power of spirit and psychology is also the strongest. A person with firm belief can often make incredible moves beyond everyone's imagination. [Status] Not far away from us.

After a lot of research, we found some drugs that can allow e-sports players to control their emotions well, and then it is possible to enter that wonderful [state]!And once an unknown player can comprehend his status and greatly improve his e-sports strength, then he has the qualifications to become famous in one battle!

You're gifted and strong-willed, and you're actually one of the most likely candidates to get the status quo.But our time is limited, instead of waiting for our team members to comprehend the [state] by chance, it is better for us to directly guide you into the [state]!
However, I would like to emphasize here that this drug is just a legal drug similar to sleeping pills. It has no side effects on the human body and is not a banned drug. Although it has not yet been marketed, it has various licenses.It's just... taking medicine to promote the improvement of one's own strength, such a method will be misunderstood by most people, and even cause resistance.

Alright, I've finished my words, and now the pill in my hand is what I call the calming medicine! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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