Chapter 492 Insiders

Danqing took out a dark round pill from a small black box beside him, and then threw it into Wu Di's hand.

Wu Di took the pill and took a closer look, then smelled it carefully, and found that the pill was very ordinary and had no peculiar smell.

"This pill... can really achieve the effect you said? What you just said is reasonable. Of course I have some concerns! Using medicine to improve one's own e-sports strength? Not only does it sound like a fairy tale , and in my heart, it's a little hard to accept. Little boss, let me tell the truth, don't worry too much."

After hearing the words, Danqing smiled lightly and explained:
"This pill only acts as a catalyst. Whether you can comprehend [status] or not depends on the professional player's own comprehension and quality. Among the guys in front of you, in terms of talent and strength, they are still comparable to you." distance.

I still say that, everything is voluntary.There's nothing wrong with the pill, and I wouldn't force anyone to take it. "

Wu Di stared blankly at the small pill in his hand, his mind racing rapidly. After a while, he raised his head and asked abruptly:
"You asked us to sign a non-disclosure agreement because you thought that even if we don't take this drug, we can't spread rumors that are unfavorable to Team Fengyun. Oh, act carefully, first shake our hearts with a large number of facts, and then throw away Out of this shocking [shortcut]... I can take it, and swallow it right now! But I have an unkind request!"

Dan Qing froze for a moment, never thought that Wu Di would take it on the spot without hesitation, so he smiled with great interest:
"Oh? Just say it."

"Since this pill is so powerful, has no side effects, and is a legal drug, it must be fine if the little boss comes to take one himself, right?"

With an evil smile, Wu Di lifted up the small pill, squinted one eye, and looked at Danqing playfully.

Danqing was startled for a moment, then burst out laughing:
"Haha, Mr. Inexplicable acts cautiously, which surprises me constantly. You mean, don't you just want me to take one? If there is nothing wrong with this pill, you will take it too?

Of the more than 20 team members in front, none of them made such a constructive request. You are the first one.I appreciate you more and more.good!In order to dispel your doubts, I will take one now! "

After finishing speaking, Danqing opened the box, took out a pill, opened his mouth and fed it!

Wu Di's eyes widened, and he realized that the pill was indeed swallowed by Danqing in one gulp!
He never expected that Danqing would really believe his proposal as a joke, and swallowed that pill right in front of his eyes!

At this moment, Wu Di was already shocked in his heart.

"How? Look, I've already taken this pill, and there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

Wu Di frowned, and looked at Danqing's throat suspiciously, but Danqing smiled slightly, took his own water glass, and gulped down a few mouthfuls.Then, pointing to his esophagus, he said with a relaxed smile, "Don't look, it's already here."

In order to dispel Wu Di's doubts, Danqing also pushed the water glass over and asked him to check if there was anything else in the water.

Wu Di squinted his eyes slightly, just glanced at the glass of clear water, and then looked at Danqing intently.After a while, he found that Danqing was still sitting upright, his expression unchanged.So, with awe in his heart, he raised the small pill in his hand and fed it directly into his mouth!
As soon as the pill entered his mouth, Wu Di felt a familiar sweet taste spread to his taste buds, which made him even more puzzled—why is this pill so sweet?What exactly is this pill made of?Can this pill calm the mind?
Wu Di raised his head and looked at Danqing again in surprise, and was about to ask a question, when suddenly the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the three newcomers who had previously had a private interview with Danqing broke into the conference room together!Behind them, the staff tried their best to stop them, but to no avail.These three newcomers were all from the northern cities of Huaxia Kingdom. They were tall and powerful, and the staff members who were pushed away by them could only look pitifully at Danqing for help.

Dan Qingyun smiled lightly, waved to signal the staff to go out first, and then asked the three newcomers with a smile:
"You rushed in in such a hurry, what's the matter? Did you figure it out, are you willing to take it, or do you have other ideas?"

What surprised Wu Di was that among the three, the tallest man was the first to slap the table and shout:
"Of course we have other ideas! We were a little confused by your foreigner's mysterious words before, but now we have completely figured it out! What the hell, you let us use medicine to improve e-sports strength? Really special What is absolutely against the spirit of e-sports! Moreover, you, a small boss of foreign nationality, do not teach us to use proper methods and unremitting efforts to improve ourselves, but teach us heresy ways, what is your intention!

Although the three of us are eager to become famous and become top-tier players, we also have our own consciences!We disdain to use such dirty means to improve ourselves!

What calmness, what legal pills, we already understand!This is an illegal drug similar to a stimulant!

You have not shown us the qualification certificate of the drug, and you also said that the pill has not yet been marketed and cannot be bought outside. Aren’t you just trying to hide the fact that this drug is a prohibited drug?
snort!We broke in to uncover your hypocrisy. We will take pictures of everything here with our mobile phones and use them as evidence to sue you!It wasn't until today that we discovered that you, a foreigner, came to China and offered generous conditions to recruit new players. You definitely have another purpose!You are not qualified to talk about e-sports at all!We want you, a foreigner with ulterior motives, to get out of China, so as not to tarnish our e-sports world! "

The man spoke out all the inferences in his heart in one breath. After Wu Di heard it, his heart shivered, and he suddenly discovered that these three rookies had fallen into a well-arranged round!He turned his head to look at Danqing in amazement, only to find that he had stood up slowly, and applauded the newcomer rhythmically!
"That's a good point, but I want to ask, is what you just said just inferred by the three of you? Have you already taken that pill?"

The three newcomers glared at each other immediately, and shouted at the same time: "Do you think we are fools? You still take this pill knowing that there is something wrong? What we just said is the truth! You were hit by what we said, so you forced your face Laughing? Huh, stop laughing, we will collect evidence on the spot now! Take pictures of everything! Forgot to tell you, the three of us have already recorded all the conversations!"

At this time, Danqing unexpectedly raised his thumbs up to the three of them, and praised:

"Well done! Did you record your recording from the very beginning? From the beginning of the team meeting? Well, it was indeed well thought out, and the matter was done in an extremely secretive manner. It seems that you have come prepared. Can you tell I, behind your back, who ordered you to do this? Is it Star Troopers?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Wu Di was taken aback, but even the three newcomers who were confident and powerful showed inexplicable expressions of astonishment.Wu Di could see that Dan Qing's deduction seemed to speak to the hearts of these rookies.

"Hmph! You don't care who is behind us. In short, once your behavior is exposed, you can't easily escape responsibility! Even if you can't be brought to justice, it will make you shameless in the e-sports world. !"

Danqing laughed even more unscrupulously.His laughter became louder and wilder, and the spacious meeting room was filled with echoes of his laughter.The three rookies didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the Danqing gourd, so they categorically shouted again:

"What are you laughing at? The conspiracy was revealed, so you want to confuse us with laughter? It's useless! You're finished!"

Wu Di raised his head, and was about to speak to the three rookies, but was interrupted by Dan Qing who stopped laughing and said:

"Mr. Inexplicable, please tell them what the pill was just now!"

The three rookies looked at Wu Di at the same time in bewilderment, and his heart suddenly became clear—the medicine he and Danqing took just now was not a medicine with the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. From the sweet taste, He could deduce that the pill was actually a kind of chocolate!

Danqing intentionally set up a big fan formation, shaking the team members mentally, and at the same time having individual interviews and taking out drugs for testing. His ultimate goal should be to lure these three "undercover agents" with ulterior motives!
Just now he heard what Danqing and the three newcomers said clearly and clearly, so he instantly realized that the medicine made of chocolate was just a bait for the three ghosts to show up!

"Scarface! Did you take that medicine? How are you? Are you feeling unwell? If there's anything wrong, go to the hospital! We'll leave this place to us, and we won't let this bad-bellied foreigner get away with it. of!
Um?say something?Scarface, what's wrong with you?Why don't you speak?Do you feel uncomfortable? "

After a while, Wu Di slowly raised his head, and replied with infinite sigh:
"You... are too hasty, this is not a medicine at all, it is made of chocolate! If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself!"

The three newcomers turned pale with fright when they heard the words, but Danqing had already opened the box, picked up the black "drug" and swallowed it like a snack.

"'s still too sweet, and this newly released black pill-shaped chocolate is still not suitable for me."

"Chocolate? How could it be chocolate?" The three newcomers rushed in front of Danqing, snatched the black box into their hands, sniffed it, and licked it suspiciously. A sweet smell spread into the brain in an instant—it was really... …Sweet?chocolate?
Danqing stood with his hands behind his back, and shouted coldly to the three newcomers:

"I know that I am being targeted by the opponent, and the team has already been assigned an inside line. I deliberately set up this game, one is to see if the team members trust us with each other, and the other is to find out you guys Wearing a rookie sign, he is actually an insider sent by a competitor to spy on intelligence!
Now, I announce that the three of you have been expelled from Team Fengyun!I am very merciful, I will not pursue liquidated damages! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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