The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 607 Do you want to ban him?

Chapter 607 Do you want to ban him?

The mood is different, and the state of battle is different.

The side that is impatient and wants to win the game quickly will often be very aggressive in the game, but at the same time expose the most flaws; while the side that is calm and step-by-step will naturally be able to advance and retreat appropriately and be full of flexibility in the game.

The Yaohuang team was angered by Wu Di's sentence "You are really not strong", so naturally they couldn't maintain their usual calmness, but there were still some experienced veterans in their formation, and it didn't take long for their brains to become congested before they became sober come over.

With a straight face, Bai Wu shouted in a cold voice: "Calm down, everyone! This is the opponent's trick. If you are fooled, you are not worthy of becoming professional players! It is very important for Xiaolong to compete. Since the army's morale has been disturbed, it has lost its footing!"

The captain's reminder made several young players who are not very experienced adjust their mentality, temporarily control their emotions, and stare at the computer screen intently, always guarding against the opponent's possible first-hand attack.

In team battles, who starts the team battle first is a topic worth studying, but in the battle for dragons at the beginning of the game, whether to fight the dragon or the man first is also an issue that will change with the situation on the field.

Usually, the side with a slight advantage, or the side that reaches the Xiaolong Canyon first and has a time difference, will kill the dragon immediately.

In modern e-sports competitions, the time for the first dragon to be killed is much earlier. Even some strong teams will send three heroes to steal the dragon together when their heroes are only at level three or four.It's just that in this game, both sides' visions were relatively good, and their predictions of the situation were evenly matched, so the battle for the first little dragon was delayed until this time.

This is a delayed battle for little dragons, but its significance is definitely more important than being pushed off the tower by the Demon King team!Because the dragon battle is often an important turning point to change the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides in the early stage of the game!
After several months of joint training and intensive training, the overall action ability of the King's team is no longer the same as before. Under the command of Wu Di's dispatch, they arrived at Xiaolong Canyon a little faster than the opponent. Therefore, Xia Jie directly controlled the spider and began to attack the dragon.

Spider, a jungle hero, is a master at killing wild monsters and dragons.In the spider form, she can summon several small spiders to fight with her, and an excellent jungler naturally knows to use the small spiders to resist the damage of dragons or wild monsters first, so as to reduce the loss of her side to a minimum. lowest.

Moreover, spiders are very popular as defensive equipment in the current version, so it won't consume too much when fighting dragons.

By the time the Demon King's team had assembled and had fought from their own wild area to the vicinity of Xiaolong Canyon, the King's team had already wiped out one-third of Xiaolong's health.At this time, there are two choices before Bai Wu:

The first choice is to rush into Xiaolong Canyon immediately and start a team battle first!In this way, they can turn Xiaolong into their best sixth man, so that opponents can be attacked.

The second option is to continue to let the dragon consume the opponent's overall HP. When the dragon has a little life left, he will suddenly go berserk and attack. This will not only snatch the dragon, but also kill the enemy hero who has been consumed more easily. .

The Demon King team has heroes like the prince and the weapon master who start the team first, and the Qin girl's group control ult that can be used first and then later, and also has two high-output burst points, the dark head of state and the explorer. It was very powerful during the war, so Bai Wu just glanced at the screen hastily, and immediately ordered:

"The prince and the weapon master go directly! Qin Nu is going to prevent the crocodile from rushing in, pay attention to hand over the big move in time to control the crocodile's figure, don't let it go deep into our back row, or it will use the classic routine with the clockwork Otherwise, our back row is still very dangerous. The dark head of state pays attention to keep up, first a crispy skin!"

Crispy hero first?
The professional player who replaced Wei Xiaoxiao in the Yaohuang team was a little confused.

The crocodile on the opposite a tough hero; the spider not only has defensive equipment, but also has flying skills, which can resist all skills; Defense and the W skill that can reduce damage are not very good for instant kills...

Then, the remaining Holy Gun Ranger is a crispy skin, and the Clockwork Demon can be instantly killed by himself if the opportunity is right-but these two so-called crispy heroes are standing in the deepest part of Xiaolong Canyon !Unless he uses flash himself, he won't be able to touch these two heroes at all!

"Captain... the current trend is to give priority to killing the opponent's support heroes in team battles. But... that Garen who is so hard as SX is not easy!" have no choice.

His reminder also made Bai Wu stunned—yes, other supporters, except for the relatively hard Goddess of Dawn, are all things that are extremely easy to be killed in seconds, but this king's team, the number one genius in the world, What I took out was a hard product that was born to be extremely durable.So... What about him in seconds?this is a problem……

But the enemy is currently, how can there be room for Bai Wu to think carefully, the opponent's control skills are much less than his own, except that the Clockwork Demon has a group control skill, crocodiles and spiders can only be controlled by point, so... He immediately looked After clearing up the situation, he shouted:

"Go! Don't hesitate! Go straight! Follow the routine just now! Don't worry about who you have to kill instantly, whoever appears in front of us, kill him! It's only the early stage of the game, everyone's equipment is not good, and the level is not good. High, seconds are the same for everyone."

At this time, if Bai Wu could see that Galen made the taunting equipment of the killing sword after returning to the city, he would definitely choose to focus on Galen first!

However, this guy is not staying with the main force now, but is hiding in the blind spot below the canyon, ready to move at any time, and if he is not seen by the other party after returning to the city, then the opponent will now Can't see his equipment yet!

So, after the prince and the weapon master took the order, they both rushed to the gate of the Xiaolong Canyon, and after realizing that the other party was still few people, they immediately rushed into the enemy formation!
Just after they made their attacking gestures, Galen also hurried over from below.When Qin Nu realized that the opportunity was really good and threw her big move at the enemy hero, all the members of the Demon King team realized that Cao Conglun who was carrying a big sword had appeared in his back row middle.

Since most of the control skills of the Yaohuang team are used to deal with the other four enemy heroes in Xiaolong Canyon, and they concentrated their firepower to beat the clockwork into residual blood, and after a while, they should be able to get her But at this moment, after Galen rushed into his back row, they also panicked a little.

In Xiaolong Canyon, although the four heroes of King's Team were bombed by their opponents collectively, and their lives were on the verge of death, the crocodile, spider, and Paladin still had a relatively safe health.So, the moment Galen rushed into the enemy's formation, they also collectively started to fight back!
If Galen appeared a few seconds later, then he would definitely not be able to change the situation and turn the tide, but it was this just right time to attack that made the situation on the field change suddenly!

The clockwork still fell down, which is normal, no hero can survive after eating several control skills of the opponent, but before she fell down, she still made a contribution - her big move, let Qin The figure of the female and the dark head of state was charged!

Galen is like a meat grinder, turning around among the enemy heroes, causing horrible damage that can be discerned by the naked eye, and after the crocodile and spider enter the field, they also start to control the opponent's crispy heroes individually, and soon Quickly put the choppy piano on the ground.

The Holy Gun Ranger ran to the lower right, and while attacking with his teammates, he avoided the weapon master's stun skill and the prince's ultimate move.

Under the sudden counterattack of the king team, the dark head of state fell under Galen's [Demacia justice], and the explorer used the displacement skill early to avoid the edge.

Next, although the dominant Kings team lacked a mid laner, their momentum was like a rainbow. Relying on the three front rows to resist the damage, the Paladin Ranger could output without any scruples, but it was hard to beat The opponent is forced to retreat!

Bai Wu saw that her control skills were cooling down for a long time, and the opponent obviously had more strength and advantages in pursuit, so she had no choice but to order a retreat.

After repelling the enemy heroes, the king team started to kill the little dragon again, and the explorer released a big move to snatch the little dragon, but Xia Jie's extraordinary hand speed was fully displayed at this time - in the explorer's [bullet] [Scene Essence] Before passing through the canyon, he had already used punishment to take away the little dragon!
Afterwards, the situation of the game gradually became clear under the King's team's double roaming tactics.

With the advantages of a defensive tower and a small dragon, coupled with Galen and Spider constantly invading each other's wild area, or directly going around to kill the enemy hero under the tower, the King's team has gradually won the game Potential!

Especially when Galen made the Burning Armor and the Lanzhao Shield in the three-piece set of despair, Bai Wu already knew that the Demon Emperor's team was powerless.

Why...why did that guy come out with a weird Garen support, so that we can't see the hope of victory? !
What is wrong?We have no problem in the laning period, the only problem is that Galen killed the Qin girl once after reaching level [-], and after gank on the top lane!

We lost a small dragon battle, and then were exhausted by their double-roaming tactics. Finally, when a Garen with a dozen layers of killing swords and two defensive equipment appeared in front of us, we already felt I can't move him anymore!

Galen, can you really play like this?So... in the next game, should we ban him?
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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