Chapter 608 Ice Appears!

Bai Wu was conflicted in her heart.

He has played countless professional games, but he never thought of banning one of the three newcomer players' favorite heroes in a formal professional game.

However, Wu Di's three most powerful heroes, those three heroes whose winning percentage can explode, had to be banned again!
Bai Wu had seen the situation where Wu Di used those three heroes. It really was the Buddha blocking the Buddha God blocking the killing god. He had never seen anyone who could play the three heroes he played so well. to that extent.

So... according to the pre-match arrangement, let's ban the three heroes with the highest winning percentage of Wu Di.

Bai Wu made a decision, and the ban remained unchanged. He didn't have the confidence to deal with Wu Di's three heroes with the highest winning percentage, but he suddenly sneered and thought of a way to deal with Galen!

【You rely on Galen's ability to resist and fight, and you can bully the crispy support heroes in the bottom lane, then I will choose a support who is tougher than you!At that time, let me see how you are still like Miaoqin girl, go and second our auxiliary hero! 】

The coup that Bai Wu thought of to deal with Galen was to use the Goddess of Dawn, the most durable support hero, to fight against him!
The Goddess of Aurora is not as crispy as the Qin Girl, so it is absolutely impossible for her to be taken away by Galen. Moreover, the Goddess of Dawn has three control skills. back row.

This is the best hero to deal with Galen, so after the banning session in the second game, the Demon King team was the first to capture the Goddess of Dawn!

Just when Bai Wu was looking at his screen complacently, thinking that Wu Di would still release Galen, he suddenly found that after all five heroes of Team King had been selected, Galen didn't show up? !
I rely on!

Bai Wu uttered a swear word in her heart, she was completely at a loss, she didn't understand why the number one genius in the world didn't continue to use Galen who had shined in the last game.But at this time, he took a closer look, only to find that in the second game, the King's team actually sent two ADC heroes—the explorer and the ice hunter?
Bai Wu rubbed her eyes, and after making sure that she read it correctly, she finally figured out one thing: The king team selected two ADC heroes, not to use dual ADC tactics, but the so-called rookie's favorite hero. Yi's ice shooter is used to play support!

Whether Han Bing can be used as an auxiliary hero has been debated for a long time. Although her ult is a powerful ability to control the angle of view, he is a crispy hero in itself. If there are two ADC heroes in a team, among them If one is not a single-line development, but as a support, then your own lineup is actually quite impatient.

Therefore, in order to make up for the crispness of the dual ADC lineup, the Kings team selected two front row heroes: the crocodile in the top lane and the dragon turtle in the jungle!In addition, in order to prevent the opponent from rushing into the back row easily and causing damage to the two ADC heroes, the mid laner choice of the king team this time is... Void Prophet!
The ultimate move of the Void Prophet can suppress the opponent for two to three seconds. During this time, it can completely guarantee that the explorers and ice shooters of one's own side will not be easily rushed to death.

In addition, as a dragon turtle with super mobility, he can not only rush into the opponent's back row to taunt the core output heroes, but also stay in his own back row to protect his own ADC and APC, and cooperate with the crocodile to disrupt the situation. This lineup is a very strong late lineup!

But... nothing is absolute.This lineup also has obvious disadvantages: most of their heroes are very dependent on equipment. Although they can make opponents suffer a lot in the later stage, it is definitely difficult to play too many advantages in the early stage.Moreover, their lineup, including Ice, is still based on point control, and there are no too powerful group control skills.

In the last game, they at least had group control heroes like Clockwork Demon, but in this second game, they actually gave up group control heroes?
The Demon King team collectively stared dumbfounded at this strange lineup of the other side, and were shocked in their hearts.

The chances of Ice Archer appearing on the stage are pitifully small, and even if she does, she will be used as the main ADC. The cases where she appears as a support are almost rare in the professional leagues of the entire e-sports world.

As a support, Ice was developed in amateur games.Players who are good at thinking, the reason why Ice Archer is used as the support position is because every once in a while, she can use passive skills to accumulate a basic attack that is bound to crit!

That is to say, in normal laning, at regular intervals, Frost Archer can use this basic attack that will definitely hit a crit to greatly consume the opponent's HP, and over time, the opponent will be able to find his own The blood volume has been exhausted by the ice.

Moreover, the cooling time of the Frost Archer's W skill will be greatly reduced as the level increases. The multiple Frostbolts that can be fired every few seconds can not only cause considerable damage, but also make the enemy heroes Obtain the deceleration effect, so it will naturally make the enemy hero advance or retreat.

However, due to the short legs and no displacement skills, the Ice Archer is very easy to be killed by the opponent's concentrated fire, so his operation and prediction are particularly important.The ADC players who have been famous in the professional league for a long time, dare not pat their chests and promise that their Han Bing is the smoothest and can perform the best, so her chances of appearing on the stage are so low.

Wu Di chose the Ice Shooter, and the King's team also brought out the dragon tortoise, which rarely appeared, which surprised the Demon King's team. After confirming that this is their lineup, Bai Wu sneered, and said in a deep voice:

"Hmph! They are looking down on us more and more!

In the first game, they used Cao Conglun to make troubles, but he disrupted the rhythm in the end and lost the game; An unpopular hero in the professional arena!
They are trying to tease us to the end!Brothers, do you think you can bear it? "

As the leader of the first team, Bai Wu naturally had to shoulder the responsibility of mobilizing the morale of his teammates, so under his encouragement, the teammates were completely on fire.

E-sports competitions are about strategy and tactics, teamwork, and of course momentum and morale!
After being humiliated by the number one genius in the world and his team one after another, everyone in the Demon King team was furious.On paper, their strength is far superior to that of the Kings, but they were still robbed of the victory in the first game by their opponents, which made them very angry. In the second game, the opponent lost again. When the two unpopular heroes came out, it was a mentality that they didn't take themselves seriously!
Therefore, as soon as the second game started, the Demon King team was ready to launch a first-level team battle to give the opponent a blow!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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