The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 610 Heads don't equal advantages!

Chapter 610 Heads don't equal advantages!
The king's team quickly changed from the ice-assisted routine to a dual ADC tactic. Such a change caught the Yaohuang team and Bai Wu by surprise.But after being surprised for a short time, he also understood that the wonderful lineup and tactics will not be so easy to achieve amazing results in the professional league!
Your own lineup is much stronger than the opponent's. As long as you have enough advantages on the two lines during the laning phase, the opponent may not even be qualified to start a team battle with you.

Therefore, after making up his mind, Bai Wu also decided to play more aggressively in the bottom lane.The opponent's support has become a crocodile, and Han Bing has become the main ADC. It looks very novel, but what can they do?
The crocodile needs development, last hit, and economy, and the same is true for the ice shooter. The two heroes who are extremely dependent on development are crowded in the bottom lane, so what are they afraid of?
Therefore, he gave the order to attack when the Paladin Ranger and the Goddess of Dawn had just reached the third level, which was the most useful time to attack.

At this time, neither the Ice Archer nor the crocodile had reached the third level. After seeing the goddess of dawn stepping forward, they naturally knew that this was a posture to attack themselves.

"Let's go back, let them be arrogant for a while, and when we reach the third level, they will be good-looking." Wu Di laughed softly, and Jin Qiqi and Wu Di had conducted some tactical drills in the joint training, and now it is just time to take out some tactics. try.

After the Holy Gun Ranger and his partner, the Goddess of Dawn, forced the Ice Shooter and the Crocodile back, they didn't dare to go deep into the hinterland easily. They just stood slightly forward, trying to suppress the Ice Shooter's last knife operation.

However, Wu Di didn't panic at all as if he didn't see these two people. As long as the opponent moved forward, he would back up.

Finally, after this situation happened two or three times, Bai Wu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted in a deep voice:

"You fucker! Go straight up! If you can hold the ice, you can hold it. If you can't hold the ice, you can hold the crocodile too! In short, you come forward and block me, so that I have a chance to fire. Don't be afraid, you three!" Level up, the double resistance after turning on the W skill is still more objective, just go up!"

The support players are indeed a little afraid of Wu Di, especially after being killed by Wu Di's Galen in the last game, he could not find the southeast and northwest. Some shadows are avoided.But this time, under the captain's stern command, he also went all out, and immediately charged up with his spear.

However, it is extremely difficult for any player to control the hero controlled by Wu Di. Therefore, the E skill of Goddess of Dawn happened to hit the crocodile!

At the same time, golden light flashed on both the crocodile and the ice shooter, reaching level three.

"Good opportunity! Just hit Shuguang, don't worry about Holy Gun Ranger." Wu Di shouted awe-inspiringly, and the next moment he activated his W skill.


The addition of the ice shooter is also very particular.If the opponent is strong online, the low-level Ice Hunter can use the E skill. On the one hand, it can detect the opponent’s distant grass, and on the other hand, it can also get extra money after killing minions. If the Ice Archer is Playing the auxiliary position, this skill is undoubtedly a must-have at the third level.

But at the beginning of Wu Di's debut, he practiced a very aggressive and domineering style of play. Now that he has changed from ice-assisted routines to dual-ADC tactics, he will naturally not be too conservative.So the third level of ice put two skills on the W skill!

The ice shooter's routine is very simple, that is, the kite opponent.

Her skills can slow down the opponent. After turning on the Q skill, the basic attack can also give the opponent the disadvantage of slowing down. Therefore, as long as she pays attention to her position and maintains the position between herself and the enemy hero, it is possible to kill the opponent. Kites kill.

Besides, beside him is a ferocious crocodile boss, if combined with his own kite style, it will definitely make the opponent miserable!

The Goddess of Dawn underestimated the power of the combination of the crocodile and the ice. After the crocodile was hit by E, she still skillfully used the EQ two-hit combo, which made the crocodile be fixed on the spot, and was beaten by the Paladin Ranger. half.

However, when the crocodile regained its freedom of movement, the crocodile boss of [Level [-] Will Kill You] immediately went berserk and fought back!

With the swing of the giant scythe, the Goddess of Aurora was reversed, and then the crocodile used the Q skill to recover some HP, and then the crocodile slid from the front of the Goddess of Dawn to the back of the Goddess of Dawn!
This is... What are you going to do?The crocodile is obviously taking tons of damage from the Paladin, but why does it use the E skill to slide to a position where the opponent is easier to hit?Is he trying to die?
Just when the ADCs of both sides focused their output targets on each other's auxiliary heroes, the ice shooter activated the Q skill, and chased after the goddess of dawn, while the holy gun ranger knew that the opponent wanted to exchange one for one, so he also Without hesitation, all firepower was concentrated on the crocodile.

However, the crocodile slipped again, sneaked into the grass, and before leaving, set a light on the Goddess of Dawn!

Under the pincer attack of the opponent duo just now, the Goddess of Dawn's blood volume dropped very badly, and the current life value is less than one-third, and this ignition obviously frightened the support player of the Demon King team—he immediately Surrendering the flash, he escaped from the range of the general attack of the ice shooter!

Will the ice shooter flash and chase?This is the question in the hearts of all spectators.And according to their understanding of Wu Di, he will definitely not miss this first blood easily.

However, to everyone's surprise, the Ice Archer did not flash up and continued to cling to the Goddess of Aurora, but directly changed the attack target to the Holy Gun Ranger!

If she flashed and chased the Goddess of Dawn at this time, she might have won it with one blood, because the Ice Archer's Q skill can stick to the opponent, but she didn't do this, but started to attack the Paladin with basic attacks?What kind of trick is this?

Han Bing's choice, in the entire e-sports venue, only a few big masters can see the clue.

Uncle and Yun Wanwan have been watching the battle from the sidelines. After seeing this scene, they just smiled slightly and said:

"This kid... is becoming more and more unfathomable now. If he flashed and chased the Goddess of Dawn just now, he might have taken the head. But the Holy Gun Ranger will definitely flash and chase the crocodile, and do one for one!

In this way, even though it's a one-for-one exchange, if the Holy Gun Ranger and Ice are singled out, they won't be afraid at all.

And Han Bing didn't kill Shuguang, but used slowed-down basic attacks to hold back the Paladin Ranger's footsteps. Firstly, it would allow the crocodile to escape, and secondly, it could also take the advantage of being the first to consume blood.In addition, after Shuguang was forced away by their own side, after the crocodile's skills were cooled down, they could come up and directly threaten the Paladin Ranger, thus completely occupying the advantage of the bottom lane.

This kid's understanding of the League of Legends is already at the master level!
Sometimes, getting a head may not necessarily give you an advantage! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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