Chapter 611
Bai Wu was very anxious.

The crocodile's head was about to become his possession, but he was held back by the Ice Archer's decelerated basic attack, preventing him from flashing to pursue it.If he forcibly flashes to chase after him, Paladin can only hit a basic attack but cannot take away the crocodile, and then he will be dragged back by the ice shooter, and then he will watch the bloody crocodile slip away from his eyes , and, oneself will fall into a disadvantageous situation.

"Damn it!" Bai Wu cursed angrily. He was unwilling to get the first blood, but when he was thinking about how to face Han Bing, he found that Han Bing was addicted to beating himself?

Since Ice Archer had activated the Q skill, she had been chasing after the Holy Gun Ranger, one arrow after another, hitting nearly a third of the Holy Gun Ranger's HP!

"court death!"

As soon as Bai Wu saw that the Paladin Ranger's skills were all cooled down, she immediately used the displacement skill, and while sliding forward, she was also ready to start counterattacking the ice.

If we only talk about the one-on-one abilities of these two heroes, before Han Bing made the core output equipment, he would not be able to defeat the Paladin.

But just when the Paladin was about to enter the best output position, the W skill of the Ice Archer had also been cooled down.

Whoosh whoosh, several frozen arrows with deceleration effect passed through the field, making the Holy Gun Ranger's footsteps stagnate, and his personal rhythm suddenly stopped.Then, Han Bing withdrew his longbow and quickly retreated backwards.

This is the most disgusting part of the ice shooter.

She can first use the W skill and the general attack with the deceleration effect to consume the opponent, and then when the opponent wants to go crazy and counterattack, she can use the deceleration effect of the skill or the general attack again to prevent the opponent from chasing herself.

Moreover, when facing Han Bing, remember not to retreat easily!Otherwise, the deceleration effect that can make you want to die will definitely make the hero you control have no choice but to die.

Of course, the current Frost Archer doesn't have any equipment, and he only has Dolan's sword on him, but if he makes an electric knife or a demon's blade, then her kite routine will be extremely lethal.

Seeing that the opportunity to counterattack had been lost, Bai Wu also retreated immediately. At this time, the goddess of dawn had also returned to the base, and he was the only one going down the road for the time being.But when he glanced at whether the crippled crocodile would also return to the city, he found that the other party had not pressed the return button.

With just this one action, Bai Wu knew that the crocodile should be waiting for an opportunity, ready to cooperate with the ice shooter to put pressure on him again!And once the crocodile is fixed on the field, coupled with the disgusting deceleration effect of the ice shooter, I am afraid that he can only use flash to escape.

After weighing it over and over again, Bai Wu saw that the bottom line was very close to the opponent's defensive tower, so she retreated out of the opponent's field of vision and pressed the return button.Rather than doing nothing here, it is better to go back early to replenish and make equipment. There is no problem with Bai Wu's decision.

However, the moment the Holy Gun Ranger had just returned to the base, the crocodile also started counting down the seconds to return to the city after helping Han Bing clean up the enemy soldiers in front of him.At the same time, Wu Di commanded Lin Xiaoxiao in the headset:

"Explorer control the line, I'm coming to the top road, ready to suppress the weapon master. The dragon turtle is going to gather on the top road to see if the prince is here to help the weapon master guard the tower, or go to the bottom road to forcefully kill the crocodile. If he wants to come to the top road, You just stand still and restrain the prince's actions, and if he wants to go down the road and jump over the tower to kill him, then we will also go up the road to kill him!"

After arranging the tactics, Wu Di also sent the Ice Archer back to the base, and purchased the eye stone, a special auxiliary equipment.

Until this moment, most of the spectators realized that Ice Archer was not one of the main ADCs in the double-ADC tactic, and her position was still the support position!The king team still uses the ice shooter auxiliary routine.

However, the Demon King team didn't think so.Before they saw Han Bing, they didn't realize that Han Bing had made a sight stone. They still thought that Han Bing would appear in the bottom lane, and the opponent would still use double ADC tactics.

Therefore, Bai Wu took a look at the situation on the field, and found that the weapon master was suppressed by the explorers because of his inferior level, and immediately said to the prince: "You go to the road and help the weapon master to gank. It is a good time to GANK when you are close to your own defense tower!"

After receiving the instructions, the viewers from God's perspective naturally discovered an interesting phenomenon: the ice shooter and the prince rushed from the base pool to the top road at the same time, while the dragon turtle continued to spawn monsters in the wild area, Haven't reached the road yet.

When the prince came to the grass with a huge sword and prepared to squat to guard the explorer, his eyes suddenly lit up—that ice shooter who was supposed to appear on the bottom road came to the top road again?
"Captain! Ice is on the road! They still have to use Ice's support routine! They didn't use dual ADC tactics-Ice has already made a sight stone!"

After Bai Wu heard the words, she was taken aback, and quickly checked Han Bing's equipment, and found that it was really like this!
"Damn it, this guy changed around and ended up playing the support position? Well, that's great! Now they don't have level [-], you and the weapon master forcibly consume them! Remember, don't be stingy with flash, you have a chance You must take the head!"

The prince led the attack.But just before he reached the grass in the river, he discovered that a light arrow had illuminated the entire range around him - this was the E skill of the ice archer.Ice Archer can actively shoot a scouting arrow, gaining vision of the unknown area that the light arrow passes through, and the vision will last for several seconds.

Oops, found out!
The prince stopped immediately.

The so-called gank is naturally to surprise the opponent and sneak attack the opponent. After being suppressed by the opponent like now, he naturally dare not come to the line easily to help the weapon master.

In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat quickly, but this jungler has relatively rich experience, and he always feels that the opponent's actions will not be so simple!
Sure enough, not long after, the prince who was hidden in the bushes at the Sanchakou saw the figure of the dragon turtle!
"Weapon master, don't go out! The dragon turtle is here!"

The top laner of the Yaohuang team was about to show off with the help of the prince, but when he heard the voice of warning from his teammates, he immediately withdrew all his thoughts and ran back to the tower.

"Captain, they are likely to forcibly push down the tower, what should we do? Are we sticking to the tower?"

Bai Wu held back in a hurry, and shouted:

"Of course you have to defend! You are going to help the weapon master on the top lane. Shuguang, the crocodile should be the only one in the bottom lane. Let's play more aggressively so that he can't make up attacks! It seems that this time, they are definitely going to use lane change Tactics. Then in the lane-changing tactic, whoever pushes down the defensive tower on the less-accessed road first will have the advantage, so we must push faster!"

Not long after, when the prince helped the weapon master clean up the soldiers who had arrived at the tower, he also heaved a sigh of relief and prepared to leave the top lane and go to the middle or bottom lane to make a fuss.At this moment, the explorer and the ice hunter teamed up to quickly push another wave of enemy minions, allowing the line of soldiers to reach the tower again.

"Captain, I can't be distracted to help you. Push faster, they are determined to push the tower."

As a result, both sides began to speed up the speed of pushing the towers, trying to push down the defensive towers with less traffic before the other side.

The scene was at a stalemate - the prince and the weapon master tower cleared the troops very quickly, and the crocodile was not too far behind. The speed push tactics of the two teams encountered great resistance at the same time.If there are no other variables at this time, then the upper and lower defensive towers may hold back the footsteps of both parties for a long time.

Just when the audience focused their attention on the tower pushing action in the upper and lower lanes, the Void Prophet and the Dark Head of State in the middle lane quietly reached the sixth level!
Since these two heroes are not easy to get close to each other, and it is not easy to hit each other with skills, so both sides play very cautiously in the middle, and the speed to reach level six is ​​almost the same.But this phenomenon is enough to change the stalemate in the upper and lower lanes!
Going to the top lane, the dark head of state can help your side defend the defense tower; while going to the bottom lane, you can be sure to push down the opponent's bottom lane defense tower and get the head of the crocodile!
On the contrary, the situation of the Void Prophet is not much different from that of the Dark Head: if you go to the top road, it is easy to push the tower, and there is great hope for overcoming the tower; Opportunity to fight back against the opponent duo.

So, whether the stalemate on the field can be changed depends on the choice of these two mid laners.

On the road, or off the road, choose one of the two.

Bai Wu observed the situation on the field again, and decisively ordered the mid laner:
"Don't worry about the top lane, come down the lane quickly! We must push down the defense tower faster than them!

After you come, we can go around and outflank the crocodile, and we can quickly push down the tower, and more importantly... we can continue to kill a small dragon!This kind of deal is cost-effective, even though they pushed down the upper tower, and killed the prince and the weapon master, but generally speaking, we are sure to make money without losing money! "

Bai Wu's analysis is of course correct.The importance of the bottom lane lies in the fact that it is extremely close to Xiaolong Canyon. If you give up the bottom lane, it means giving up Xiaolong to the opponent!

In formal professional competitions, Xiaolong's status is definitely different from that of amateur duels on public servers.Here, there is no plug-in to help the team see clearly the refresh time of big and small dragons and various BUFF monsters. All data needs to be memorized by professional players in their minds.

And once a team kills a little dragon quietly, then they can fully grasp the timing of the little dragon's refresh, and then seize the opportunity to kill the little dragon before the opponent every time, so that the opponent is completely defeated by themselves. lead by the nose.

Therefore, it is naturally the best strategy under the current situation for Bai Wu to let the head of state of darkness come down to attack!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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