The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 616 I won't join your group!

Chapter 616 I won't join your group!
The weapon master was very depressed.

I didn't have time to use any skills, so I fell down in a hurry!
Since he has to undertake certain output tasks, the first two large pieces of equipment for a weapon master are offensive equipment.He made the Ruined Blade, and bought some parts of the three-phase power. In the one-on-one ability, the explorer and the ice shooter are naturally no match.But the other party relied on that sudden big move to kill him first, which hurt him very much.

The weapon master fell to the ground in a hurry, and the health of other heroes was not optimistic.The ultimate move of the explorer, the W skill of the void prophet, the W skill of the ice shooter, and the collective continuous blood loss skills or equipment of the dragon turtle and the crocodile all made them miserable.

After they regained their ability to move, the frightened Bai Wu immediately ordered to retreat!

In this case, even if the prince, the goddess of dawn, and the dark head of state can control the opponent, the disadvantage in numbers and the lack of overall blood volume are not suitable for continuing team battles.

"Back, back quickly!" Bai Wu shouted anxiously, already letting the Holy Spear Ranger activate his ultimate move, while backing away.The Dark Head used the QE two combo to repel the crocodile and the dragon turtle, allowing the prince to use the EQ two combo to escape smoothly behind him. The Goddess of Aurora dropped a big move in the center of the battlefield, and immediately retreated with her teammates .

Although the blood volume of the remaining heroes of the Demon King team is not optimistic, their retreat speed is still very timely.Wu Di took a look, and then ordered: "Keep chasing! Don't let them go back to the city easily!"

The King's team rushed to catch up, and after half a minute of chasing, they managed to keep the Goddess of Dawn, causing the Demon King's team to reduce their numbers again.

In frontal team battles, King's team has no advantage, but in pursuit and guerrilla warfare, they are a good player.The dragon tortoise that can roll like a Ferrari car is a good player in chasing people.

After winning the head of the Goddess of Aurora, King's head ratio with the opponent has now become 7:2, and the overall economy is indistinguishable from the opponent.Bai Wu also noticed this situation at the same time, he became more and more anxious, and commanded again in the earphone:

"We can't fight them like this. We must force them to fight in a team battle! Later, the Goddess of Dawn, the Weapon Master and the Prince will see the opportunity, and force me to start a team even if they use Flash!"

Thus, the Demon King team gathered in the middle again.However, the opponent still does not start a team battle with them!
No matter how much the Yaohuang team racked their brains to fight the opponent to the death, the King's team guarded the defensive tower, paying great attention to their positioning, and never gave the opponent a chance to force a team.The game entered a stalemate again.

And this time, the stalemate lasted for as long as 10 minutes!

Such a boring game also made the audience in the stands drowsy.They came here firstly to cheer for the Demon King team, and secondly because they wanted to see a wonderful game, but in the second game, the King team was completely on the defensive during the team battle period, and they didn't care about it at all. Start a team battle with the Demon King team.

Until now, they only thought of the words that genius said a few minutes ago: Just not with you!
If there is no team battle, the game will be so boring that people will doze off; if there is no team battle, the pace of the game will be slowed down by the king team; The calm state of mind also quietly changed...

After 40 minutes in the second game, Bai Wu was afraid of the opponent's ultra-long-range bombardment, so he never dared to command his teammates to kill the dragon. He was still preparing to open a gap in the middle as always.

However, the opponent defended tightly, and there was no opportunity to take advantage of it.And this kind of defensive formation and positioning strategy is also a team battle strategy tailored by the tactical analyst Li Yunlong after the Kings team practiced in Europe.If your own strength is not as good as the opponent, then compare your patience with the opponent!The stronger the patience, the more you can see the dawn of victory!
Unknowingly, when the upper eyelids and lower eyelids of the spectators in the stands started to fight, the Kings team once again met their opponents in the middle of the road, and they changed their style of play - explorer, ice shooter, void prophet , They all deliberately stood a little forward, in order to allow their long-range skills to consume the opponent!

The appearance of this scene made Debai Wu and his teammates feel refreshed immediately.As long as the opponent wants to attack, then one's own side has the prerequisites to start a regiment!He quickly took a look at the opponent's position, and finally chose the target of the first episode of fire on the ice shooter controlled by that stinky genius!
[Don't blame me for targeting you like this, Ice Archer doesn't have displacement skills, know, this is what you brought on! 】

Bai Wu sneered in her heart, and then immediately yelled in the earphone:
"Old rules, weapon masters, princes, and goddesses of dawn should pay attention to dropping the ice first! In addition, the dark head of state and I pay attention to the positions of the crocodiles and dragon turtles, and try to hit the crocodiles first!"

After the arrangement was completed, Bai Wu stared at him, and found a rare opportunity to attack - the position where the ice shooter was moving forward was a little bit forward, and in this position, even if he used flash, it would be difficult for him to escape the three advances of his own side. The pursuit of heroes!

The prince took the order, and as soon as the military flag was swung, he rushed towards the ice standing in front of him, and the goddess of dawn also deliberately took a few steps forward, so as not to let the ice flash out of the release range of her ultimate move.

This time, the Yaohuang team decided to use all their patience and strength in this team battle.They want to let their opponents know how powerful they are through this team battle!

The prince came to the forefront of the battlefield, and the EQ two combo was dodged by Han Bing's extremely proficient [Right Angle Step].But the next moment, he jumped up, ready to release his big move!

At this moment, Wu Di flicked his wrist and stared at the screen with piercing eyes. At the moment when the prince released his big move, he asked the Ice Shooter to perform three operations:

Flashing backwards, he quickly turned around and released his ultimate move, and then released the W skill, hitting the prince and the weapon master who came after him.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that the big move of the ice would hit the prince and the weapon master at the same time as before, but after a moment, they discovered that the direction of the big move of the ice was not towards the prince.

Missed?Really missed?Could it be that he was nervous for a while that day, which led to operational errors?
Oh, that's right, even though he is very powerful, he is still a mortal and will always make mistakes...

The prince and the weapon master were thinking in a daze, and were about to pursue Han Bing, but found that their captain screamed: "Damn! I was hit by Han Bing's big move!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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