The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 617 You are the second one!

Chapter 617 You are the second one!
Generally speaking, when the team with Ice chooses the target to focus on, it will look at who is hit by his ultimate move.And once Han Bing's ultimate move fails, usually the side with him is unlikely to forcibly start a group.

But in more duels or competitions where Han Bing played, Han Bing's ultimate move is used to protect himself.Because she has no movement skills, only the life-saving skill [Flash], so when the enemy's rushing hero locks the target of fire on her, her ultimate move can often only be used to save life and escape.

At this time, the ice controlled by Wu Di didn't use his big move to protect himself, but handed it over to the opponent's mid laner?Could it be that he wanted to exchange his own life for the head of the mid laner?

In this game, the ice shooter is essentially just a support.Exchanging the life of the support for the head of the opponent's main output hero is theoretically very cost-effective, and it is also very beneficial to the development of the subsequent team battle, but the shaking team members who were a little guilty after being beaten by Wu Di's big move still inadvertently paid a little attention to it. Focus on his big move.

A moment later, just when the mid laner of the Demon King team was worried that the opponent would concentrate all the firepower on him, the weapon master who rushed to the back row of the King team looked at him with eyes swollen in disbelief. Did he choose himself as the target of the first episode of fire? !
The weapon master's stun skill was indeed stunned by the use of flashing ice, and the prince's ultimate move also surrounded the crispy hero within a high wall and beat him up.Although the ice shooter's health dropped rapidly, but at the same time, the weapon master's situation was almost the same as hers!
In an instant, Bai Wu saw the real intention of the other party, and immediately shouted anxiously:

"Not good! They wanted to limit the explosive power of the Dark Heads of State, so they used the big ice move to seal her movements, and my Holy Gun Ranger was not far from her. Although she was not stunned by her, she was still It was slowed down by her big move!

Their real goal is to second our back row!Moreover, the first person who thinks about it is you, the weapon master.

Quickly flash back! "

Before Bai Wu finished speaking, the operator of the weapon master just put his finger on the flashing shortcut key, and the terrifying big move of the Void Prophet fell on him.

Although Team King's overall group control skills are lacking, when it comes to individual control ability, it is frightening.

When the weapon master saw that he was locked in the field again, a bad premonition ran through his body.At the moment of this danger, he cried aloud:
"Dawn, give the ultimate move to the Prophet of the Void! Help me!"

The Goddess of Dawn's ult was quite far away. After hearing the call for help from the weapon master, Shu Yi immediately aimed at the Void Prophet and released her ult.And it was this big move that made the Void Prophet stagnate, and the void energy that was used to restrict the weapons master's actions also came to an abrupt end.

However, the weapon master still couldn't escape from the battlefield, because the dragon turtle's taunting skill was already following him!

All the firepower of the king's team was concentrated on the restrained weapon master. Two or three seconds later, when the dark head of state came late and was about to use QE skills to repel the opponent and rescue the weapon master, he quickly fell to the ground. , became the first sacrificed hero.

The weapon master was killed by concentrated fire, but what about the ice shooter?Is that fragile ice shooter who throws a big move from time to time to scare us all dead?

This was the most concerned question in the mind of the weapon master controller before he fell.However, when he saw on his black and white screen that the Ice Shooter was still breathing and hadn't fallen down, he felt very depressed.

In the formation of the Demon Emperor, only the Weapon Master, the Prince and the Goddess of Dawn can come to the Ice Shooter and attack him at this time, and among these three heroes, the one who can cause the most fatal blow to the Ice Shooter is Weapon Master.The spare parts of the broken blade and the three-phase power have allowed him to take the head of the ice shooter in a short time.

But...he has no chance to output!The moment he jumped into the arena with his stun skill, he was fixed by the Void Prophet. He was responsible for the main output task, except that his stun skill hit the ice, and then lost his use.

The prince and the goddess of dawn did not want the weapon master to sacrifice in vain, so they continued to attack against the bloody ice, and this also gave the other members of the king team time to output.After the weapon master fell, the prince became the second target of fire!
Ice fell quickly, but before she fell, she still made her due contribution-W skills and basic attacks still caused considerable output to the prince.

Then, just as the prince who had taken away the ice head was about to flee in a flash, the crocodile struck his body with a huge sickle.Without any suspense, the bloody prince became the third hero to fall in this team battle!

The Holy Spear Ranger and the Dark Head of State suddenly saw that they had lost two generals in a row, and they were also furious.But the crocodile and dragon tortoise were in front of them, so they didn't dare to go forward easily, so they could only vent their firepower on these two durable creatures.

However, after seeing that the opponent's control skills were all handed over, the holy gun ranger and the dark head of state did not hesitate at all, and they directly joined forces to kill the crocodile boss who was flamboyantly wielding a giant scythe on the spot.

Two for two!
King's team lost a support and a top laner, while Demon Emperor's team lost a jungler and a top laner. On paper, both sides still have the ability and qualifications to continue teamfights!

At this time, when all the audience thought that their home team would seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and win the team battle in one fell swoop, they discovered that the king's team chose the Void Prophet from another world, but it played a role in reversing the overall situation !
The Void Prophet's E skill releases a curse on the enemy unit to make it lose blood continuously. If the target dies within the duration of this skill, the skill will be passed on to other enemy targets.After this skill is upgraded to the full level, the cooling time is only a few seconds, so in a team battle, as long as the Void Prophet is not dead, then he can hang this disgusting skill on two enemy targets.

Because the infection of this skill is irregular and feasible, sometimes it will be infected to the soldiers next to the hero, and sometimes it will be directly infected to other heroes, so after two infected targets appear on the spot, the Void Prophet has actually been secretly It controls the trend of team battles!
The prince died, one of the E skills was infected to the Goddess of Dawn, and the other E skill, Void Prophet, was handed over to a soldier who had just come to the line.This little soldier didn't have much health and was quickly killed, so this extremely lethal skill for the crispy hero was passed on to the dark head of state!

The Prophet of the Void continued to chase and attack the Goddess of Dawn, and the explorer also locked his attack target on Dawn because of his position. Therefore, even if this auxiliary hero is extremely resistant, under the joint efforts of the two, the life The value also quickly reached the level of residual blood.

Seeing this scene, Bai Wu just wanted to command the dark head of state to attack the opponent together with her, but after thinking about it, she stopped her and said:
"Back! Back quickly! That Void Prophet's skill is so disgusting, it's as good as Ice!
There is a skill hanging on you now, if you approach the Goddess of Aurora rashly, once she dies in battle, then most likely that disgusting skill will be transmitted to you again!

If you are hit twice by the skill of the void, then your health will drop by more than half, and you will also lose the qualification to continue the team battle.Let's go back, we can't win anymore, their lineup is very suitable to clean up the mess. "

Just when Bai Wu gave the instruction to retreat in the earphones, her assistant Shuguang Goddess made a move that made him want to jump up and curse people immediately - she used flash to save her life and came to the side of the dark head of state!

"Damn! Are you flashing a hair? Just stay there and cover our retreat!"

Bai Wu was furious, and her tone was not polite. The support player just wanted to defend a few words, but found that the Q skills of the Prophet of the Void and the Q skills of the Adventurer were both blasted in front of her eyes, and her head was taken away in an instant!

The fall of Dawn is not terrible for the Demon Emperor team, but what is terrible is that the corrosive skill on her body has been infected to the head of darkness!

The dark head of state knew that this situation was very bad, and just about to turn around and retreat, he found that the dragon turtle had turned into a meat bomb chariot, roaring towards him.She estimated the cooldown time of the skill, and guessed that the dragon turtle's taunt skill might have been cooled down, so she had to hand over the last means of life-saving - flash!
However, Xia Jie has a proud e-sports talent, and his hand speed and reflexes are far beyond the average professional player.The moment the dark head of state flashed, he followed up with the flash, and hit the dark head of state in front of the opponent's defense tower.


The Dragon Turtle's signature skill has been released in due course, and the Dark Head of State has to be forced to get in close contact with the Dragon Turtle.

Seeing this, the explorer immediately used the displacement skill, rushed to the front of the dark head of state, and then began to attack the fragile body.The Dark Head of State was continuously injured by the two E skills of the Void Prophet, and his health was already below half. The explorer's attack was already very terrifying for crispy heroes. After these two hits, the Dark Head of State's life was hanging by a thread.

In desperation, she also made a mistake after regaining her mobility—she didn't use flash to distance herself from the enemy, but directly opened the hourglass!And this move also laid the final foreshadowing for her downfall.

When the Prophet of the Void rushed to the head of the Darkness from the rear without any haste, the mid laners of the Demon King team knew that the situation was over.So, she even saved her flash, and let the opponent kill her to the ground!

Although Bai Wu was unwilling, he had no choice but to retreat. In this team battle, the king's team won!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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