The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 619 Before defeating all opponents

Chapter 619 Before defeating all opponents

Just after the game ended, the e-sports venue of the Demon King team exploded.

Most of the fans don't understand why the home team they support loses in a row, and it seems completely powerless to fight back.

Judging from the course of these two games, it seems that the Demon King team has fallen behind in the contest with the King team, whether it is individual laning or team battle cooperation.And among the [-] teams in the Super League, their team strength index is in the top ten!
How is this going?A newly promoted team with the lowest team strength index actually won two games in a row after its first appearance in the Super League, and forced three points from a veteran team with a good team strength index?

Of course, the spectators know that the members of King's Team are composed of grassroots rookies. Their strength and fame cannot be compared with their opponents at all. what?Their tactics are very novel, and their team's execution ability is very strong, but soon, everyone discovered that the reason why the victory of these two games was won by the king team is because of the former number one genius in the world!

In the first match, we took out Grass Lun, who will not appear in ten thousand years, and used its exclusive [Grass Tactics] to the fullest; The ultimate move has played a decisive role in the team battle.

This genius, in the past few months, has not appeared in e-sports reports, and has not done any publicity, so most of the e-sports media thinks that this is a genius who has passed away. As far as it is concerned, it can only be described as [once].

But in today's match against the Demon King team, these media reporters with certain e-sports capabilities were surprised to find that:
The former number one genius in the world, who they judged to be out of date and unable to make waves in the e-sports arena, is still so powerful and so trustworthy!

In the past, he claimed that he didn't have a [hero pool], because he can play any hero with his own characteristics; now, he still does this, and the appearance of Galen and Han Bing has proved this point indisputably.

In the past, his team was invincible and invincible, because of his existence, he could guarantee to destroy one of the opponent's lanes; now, he still does this - in the two games, he used two completely different auxiliary heroes , making it difficult for the opponent to parry.

The strength of this genius is still world-class!
After seeing Wu Di's eye-catching performance with their own eyes, the media reporters also rushed towards the king's rest area after a short loss of consciousness.The world's number one talent, and of course the darling of the e-sports world, still deserves to be on the front pages of media magazines!
However, when these reporters rushed in front of the king team, Wu Di just smiled and said calmly to everyone:

"Everyone, if we want to interview, let's put it in the press conference to be held later. Now, my team members are a little tired and need to rest, so let's do it for now."

After speaking, Wu Di led his teammates to leave the scene in a hurry and walked into the visiting team lounge deep in the stadium.

Wei Xiaoxiao came over, opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, Wu Di saw her ambivalence, so she comforted her:

"Sister Xiaoxiao, don't worry too much. The Yaohuang team still has strength, and it is more than enough to keep relegation in the Super League, so you don't have to worry too much."

After hearing the words, Wei Xiaoxiao was taken aback, and asked back, "How did you know I wanted to ask this question?"

Wu Di laughed, and explained in front of everyone:
"After all, you are from this team, and you are a professional player born and bred in this place. Of course, your feelings for this place are hard to let go. You see that the Demon King team can't even defeat us, so you are worried that they may be relegated this season?

Heh, as long as a normal person can infer this conclusion through these two games.But don't worry, we win by surprise. They don't understand our strength and our teamwork ability, so in the battle, they are completely mobilized by the novel tactics, and naturally lose their composure judgment.

If we meet them again next time, victory will not be as easy as it seems.Their personal strength and team ability are indeed in the middle of the Super League. "

Wu Di's patient explanation naturally made Wei Xiaoxiao let go of the big stone in her heart.Indeed, as he had expected, although Wei Xiaoxiao was in the King's team, she was still concerned about the Demon King's team, and Wu Di's words made her suddenly enlightened.

The rest of the teammates won this good start, and they were naturally overjoyed.Ye Wuhen, who always escaped, walked in front of the big guy, put his hips on his hips, and concluded with a very unbeatable expression:
"Haha, our King's team was able to win today, thanks to everyone's concerted efforts, but don't be complacent, the future is still long."

The teammates collectively gave him big eyes, and said in unison: "It seems that you shouldn't appear in this position. The captain didn't say anything, but you started to sum up righteously?"

Wu Di waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, Senior Wuhen is the acting leader of our team, so he is naturally qualified to summarize. Let him continue to speak."

With Wu Di's approval, Ye Wuhen was even more unscrupulous. He stood with his hands behind his back, posing as a leader, and immediately provoked a burst of cynicism from his teammates.

After everyone had been playing around for a while, the post-match press conference officially began.

As a result, when it came to a formal occasion, Senior Wuhen, who was eloquent just now, retreated.

"This... that... so many media reporters, I won't go. You all know that I'm a little shy."

In the end, Wu Di asked everyone for their opinions, and found that his teammates had reached a consensus: none of them would show up at the press conference.Because they knew well that the media reporters would definitely catch Wu Di and ask him non-stop.And Wei Xiaoxiao, another big-name player in the team, has a very subtle identity, so she will definitely reduce the number of times she shows up here.

So, Wu Di shrugged helplessly, asked his teammates to wait for a while, and came to the press conference by himself.

As soon as Shu entered the scene, countless flashing lights kept flashing, so that Wu Di could only cover his eyes with one hand, and finally sat in the front row seat.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, as usual, come one by one. The press conference will only be held for 15 minutes, please estimate the time well, don't take up too much time." The host greeted, and the scene immediately fell silent down.

Then, a reporter was allowed to be the first to stand up and ask questions.

"Wu Di, your team's performance today is astonishing. I would like to ask you, what is your ultimate goal for this season?"

"Win the championship." Wu Diyun spit out two words from his mouth lightly, and the scene of the press conference suddenly became noisy.

When the host saw the scene, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he hurried to hold down the scene again.Immediately afterwards, the second reporter stood up immediately: "Wu Di, I would like to ask, are you despising all the strong teams in the Super League? Your Kings team is just a new army. The slogan of winning the championship was officially put forward in the first season? Is it due to your strength, or you can't see the status quo, so you put forward a slogan to motivate your teammates at will?"

This question obviously immediately made the atmosphere of the press conference weird.The media reporters all stared wide-eyed, looking straight at Wu Di on the stage, expecting his answer to this sharp question.

Wu Di smiled and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, the goal of our Kings team is to win the championship. Whether it is the First Division or the Super League, whether it is the domestic arena or the international arena, we have only one goal, and that is to win the championship. We are not just talking about this goal. That’s what our team was built for.”

After the third reporter got up, he glanced at Wu Di with some disdain, and asked more sensitive questions.

"May I ask player Wu Di, do you think that you are still the dominant e-sports field in China today? The rest of the teams are powerless against you? Or are other teams not worth mentioning in front of you? "

Wu Di knew that this was a question of finding fault, so he paused before slowly answering:
"First of all, I respect every opponent. Every opponent is extremely strong and I will not take any opponent lightly.

In addition, I don't think I'm still the same as I was back then, and I can cover the sky with one hand.What's more, even if I looked like I was in the sky back then, haven't I won the world championship yet?

Today's game is just the beginning, a good start. The strength of our King's team is still ranked low among the eighteen teams. We still have a lot to do. "

Wu Di's answer was neither humble nor overbearing, neither as crazy as before, nor as defiant as before.This obvious change also made the media reporters slightly surprised.

Afterwards, several reporters stood up and asked about the King's team, and Wu Di answered them one by one.

After the last reporter stood up, the moment he opened his mouth, the atmosphere at the press conference became extremely tense!

"Wu Di, I heard that you are about to turn 22 now. In the e-sports world where players are getting younger and younger, how many years do you think you can play in the professional league? Have you estimated your retirement age? It is 24 Five years old, or 26 and seven years old?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and immediately shifted their attention to this reporter, only to find out that this reporter was a well-known e-sports magazine from Hebei Province.

Wu Di narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the job card on his body. He guessed that this reporter might be Dan Qing's person, so he said with a light smile: "I will not consider retiring until I have defeated all my opponents!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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