Chapter 620 Valkyrie Team
The press conference ended hastily after Wu Di's provocative answer.

The reporters got a lot out of this trip today, and as soon as the press conference was over, they rushed back to prepare the first manuscript.And Wu Di boarded the plane back to Sichuan Province together with other members of King's Team.

On the second day after King's team returned to Yangcheng, all major e-sports mainstream media published a piece of heavy news on the front page.

[The world's number one genius Wu Di is back!Don't step on all your opponents, and never quit the e-sports stage! 】

The headline of this news was first released by a media in Hebei Province, and then other media used similar headlines to report on the match between the King's Team and the Demon King's Team.

The results of the match between the two teams will indeed surprise people, but people are more concerned about what Wu Di said at the press conference.

"I won't consider retiring until I beat all my opponents!"

This sentence has given many e-sports fans and major teams different understandings.

Wu Di's old enemy naturally thought that this arrogant genius had opened the map in the e-sports world again. These words were obviously a challenge to all e-sports players. Although they were very unhappy with this guy's expression as usual, But deep down in his heart, he still wanted to fight him.

Fans who like Wu Di naturally think that the players they love are still as enthusiastic as before, which makes them ecstatic; fans who don't like Wu Di look forward to Wu Di's one day with a hopeful mood Will fall to the altar - of course, Wu Di has already fallen once, and they are logically looking forward to seeing how long it will be before the second fall of this arrogant guy.

In short, Wu Di's words were originally used to declare a challenge to Danqing who was far away in Hebei Province, but they were misunderstood by many people.

However, Wu Di and his king team remained indifferent to the overwhelming news reports and deliberate exaggeration.

They are still training hard in their own e-sports base.A good start does not mean that they will be successful all the way. They know that their confidence and strength are not strong enough, and hard work is the only way to realize their dreams.

The King's next opponent is the seventh-ranked team in the previous season - the Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie team is a newly rising team. They only entered the Super League four seasons ago, and they have been playing steadily every year, and their performance has steadily improved. Last year, they achieved a good result of No.7 in the league.

This team originally had a large number of e-sports fans and a good reputation.But after recruiting a newcomer the year before last, the team's image among fans plummeted.

Because, this rookie claims to be the most trash-talking player in the e-sports world!His trash talk contains no foul words, no local dialect, and no personal attacks on opponents.However, among all the opponents who fought against the Valkyrie team, no one likes this guy's style of speaking!

This rookie who has only two years of league experience and is good at and fond of endless trash talking in games is called Ran Maowei.

Ran Maowei is not tall, but his body is very cute. Judging from his appearance, he is a cute little fat man who loves flowers and blooms.At the beginning of his debut, many female fans were particularly fond of the fat man's appearance and have always supported him.But as he played more and more games, the trash talk he uttered became more and more ruthless, and female fans also felt that this cute fat guy was not cute at all.

However, this guy has always gone his own way. Many professional players don't like him very much, but at the same time they also recognize his strength.

He mainly plays the role of mid laner in the team, and his best hero is the goddess of the moon.And judging from the heroes he is best at, it shows that he still likes beautiful women, but he is really talkative, so the popularity he has finally accumulated is wasted by his talkativeness.

In addition to this interesting fat player, Wu Di also discovered that there are two other people in the Valkyrie team that deserve attention.

One of them was their captain, Ren Xiao, a veteran player who had a little trouble with him.

Ren Xiao is a dull gourd who doesn't like to talk, but also a persistent person.Whether it is online or offline, he cherishes words like gold.During the game, although he will serve as the commander of the team, but every time his instructions are not many, but every word is precise.

This Valkyrie team was not originally a member of the team, but he moved here in the second year after the Valkyrie team was established.And the reason why he wants to transfer from the previous relegation team is to enter a more competitive team!

Back then, Wu Di had fought against him when he was still a young man with his eyes above his head, and it dealt a severe blow to his next Ren Xiao's self-confidence.At that time, they both entered the professional league at the same time, and were also rated as one of the rookies with unlimited potential by the e-sports media, but in the battle with Wu Di, he was completely defeated.Therefore, he decided to leave that weak team. He hoped to have the help of strong teammates and beat Wu Di in the professional league!
Another guy, Wu Di has never played against him, because he is a rising star after Wu Di's accident.But when Wu Di looked at this guy's profile, he couldn't help frowning.

This newcomer is called Shi Jun, and he is a hot-blooded young man even more arrogant than Wu Di back then.He will make enough provocations before officially opening the game with all opponents.

This guy and Ran Maowei have become an important factor in the decline of the fans of the Valkyrie team. One is that he likes to be criticized off the court, and the other is that he likes to talk endlessly on the court. One of the hot topics among fans after dinner...

Wu Di quickly browsed through the detailed information about his next opponent. After finding that there was a player who liked to talk trash, he threw Ran Maowei's information into Ye Wuhen's hands, and said with a smile:
"Senior Wuhen, this guy's trash talk is much better than yours. Are you two going to have a fight?"

Ye Wuhen glanced at Ran Maowei's information disdainfully, curled his lips, and said, "Now I don't want to talk trash with others, I just want to contribute my energy and help the team win the championship! Everything else doesn't matter! He likes to talk, so just wait for him to talk. Anyway, this guy is very moral, he will not greet other people's relatives, nor will he provoke opponents at will."

When the teammates saw the talkative Ye Wuhen, they didn't have the heart to bicker with this guy, and they stared at him like an alien for a long time.

"Okay, don't read it, I'm a little nervous, but I know that the Super League is different from the First Division. We must work together to achieve the desired results. Do what you should do, don't watch idols here Already!"


A week later, the Kings finally won their first home match day!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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