The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 621 Gaming Kingdom

Chapter 621 Gaming Kingdom
Tang Juan, the team reporter of the Kings team, took the initiative to spread the word. Before the home game started, she brought in her friends from the e-sports media, preparing to give a big publicity to the home team's game.

But when these reporters who didn't know the details of the King's team walked into the small venue that could only accommodate 1000 people, a look of disdain flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Juanjuan, we trust you, and came all the way from the urban area. The location is remote, more than tens of kilometers away from the urban area, and the surrounding area is even more remote, with few hairs to be seen. In addition to this museum... …It’s pitifully small, are you sure you didn’t bring the wrong enemy?”

"That's right, Juan'er, we're all looking at your face to report the Kings' home game. Although they have Wu Di, a super player who is constantly in the news, they are surrounded by grassroots players. The strength is really limited.

That genius even yelled the slogan of winning the championship. I think he didn't wake up! "

"People, you still need to be self-aware. Just look at this stingy stadium, and you can see the clues. The King's team wants money, no money, no people, just relying on Wu Di, how much fame can it make?
Tang Juan, oh Tang Juan, have you been drugged by them to help them like this? "

When Tang Juan saw that the little friend she brought had some criticisms about the Kings team and its e-sports venues, she didn't get angry, but smiled mysteriously, and responded: "Oh, then you said that the Kings team ranked No. Qi's Valkyrie battle, who will win?"

A tall male reporter snorted coldly and said with disdain:
"I watched the video of the last match. It was a fluke for the Kings team to win! Moreover, after Wei Xiaoxiao's departure, the Demon Emperor team plummeted, and their strength has already been reduced to a relegation team. It is not an achievement to defeat such a team by luck.

The Valkyrie team is not the old team like the Yaohuang team. They have been steadily improving every year. Last year, they even got No.7. They are only half a step away from participating in the qualifying rounds of world-class competitions, so ah, I Of course it is optimistic about them! "

The reporter's remarks basically represented all the reporters present, but Tang Juan smiled slightly and said:

"Since you are all so optimistic about the Valkyrie team, how about we make a bet?"

"How do you want to bet? Hehe, Miss Tang wants to start a gamble, of course I want to join in!"

"That's right, we're all cheering! And we're all beating the Valkyrie team to take all three points with a score of 2:0!"

Tang Juan still smiled calmly and said: "Well, the game is very simple. If the Valkyrie team wins, I promise any of your requests that are not excessive or violate morality, but if the King's team wins, I only want you to have more of them." Lots of good words to make Wu Di and his team famous! How about it?"

The tall male reporter has always had a special liking for Tang Juan, and he has pursued her hard for a year. Now when he hears that this beauty is going to give him a once-in-a-lifetime chance, he is naturally enraged, and agrees immediately:
"Well, Juanjuan, my request is not high, just you can have a meal and watch a movie with me!"

When the other reporters saw that the tall man was not polite, they quickly put forward their own requests. Tang Juan agreed one by one, then picked up the microphone, called her cameraman, and prepared to start work.

Everyone saw that it was still early in the day, and there were still two hours before the official start of the game, and the location of the venue was so remote that there were only a few enthusiastic fans arriving at the venue.Is such a deserted scene worth shooting?
Just when they wanted to ask Tang Juan what exactly she wanted to interview, she smiled secretly, waved her hand, and said:
"Do you think Team King doesn't have the financial strength to be a professional team? Come with me and let you see something good."

After speaking, Tang Juan led the photographer out of the arena and walked straight to the depths of King's e-sports base.

Everyone was puzzled and looked at each other in blank dismay, expecting that it would be too boring to stay here for two hours, so they simply followed Tang Juan out of the venue.They also wanted to see why this popular, good-looking, and extremely intelligent female reporter put all her thoughts on Team King.

After the crowd walked for nearly 10 minutes, some reporters lost their patience.When they were about to question Tang Juan, they found buildings under construction not far away? !
"Juan'er, what are these? Is this also the e-sports base of Team King?"

Tang Juan laughed softly: "Yes, this place is within the scope of their base. All the territory within your sight belongs to them!"

The reporters were in an uproar.

They stared wide-eyed, looking around in disbelief, and then the tall male reporter couldn't wait to ask:
"Miss Tang, you said that the e-sports base of the King's team is in sight? What are these things under construction...? You brought us here just to let us see these? It is rumored that the King's team is soliciting sponsorship Businessmen, have they already got it? And it seems that the investment scale is not small?"

Tang Juan glanced at the big guy calmly, and continued to laugh:

"Yeah, they've got a lot of sponsors, and they're all well-known domestic brands. The total amount... is about [-] to [-] million. The money is used to build the things you see.

By the way, after these buildings are built, guess what they will be? "

The tall male reporter frowned, thinking of something: "Wait! Juanjuan, you said that the King's team has attracted [-] million to [-] million yuan in investment? And the former World No. When it comes time to build an e-sports kingdom... Could this be the so-called [e-sports kingdom]?"

The other reporters showed the same puzzled expressions as the tall man. Firstly, they were surprised that Wu Di still has such great influence and appeal after three years of quitting the e-sports world. What was built was a bit confusing.According to their understanding, the e-sports base of a professional e-sports team is nothing more than three basic buildings: the e-sports venue, the complex building integrating training and office, and the staff dormitory.Of course, some top teams can also develop fan economy and peripheral economy, and build star item stores, team uniform stores, supermarkets and Internet cafes in the base.

And the Kings team has just been established. Although they have won the championship of the First Division and entered the Super League, how can such a team with no qualifications and no achievements get so many sponsorship fees and purchase such a large piece of money? Land?
They were puzzled.In the end, it was Tang Juan who expressed their doubts.

"Team King is committed to building an e-sports kingdom, and this is where the kingdom is located. They really had no funds in the early stage, so they just used all the funds to buy an empty land, and then they started to attract sponsors, preparing to build their ideal gaming kingdom.

Different from the e-sports base of traditional professional teams, the [E-sports Kingdom] on the blueprint of Kings is a paradise for e-sports fans on a scale similar to Disneyland! "

On the same scale as Disneyland?

When the accompanying reporters heard Tang Juan's unhurried words, they were completely stunned.

Disneyland has three characteristics.

First, although it has a huge scale and is a paradise for children and parents, its investment is huge, far beyond people's imagination. So far, there are only six Disneylands in the whole world, which are distributed in the most economically developed areas.The investment in each Disneyland is more than [-] billion. If Wu Di’s ideal is to build an e-sports kingdom similar to Disneyland, how much investment is needed to complete it?

Second, every Disneyland must have government support after its completion, because it is a project that burns money in the early stage. Without a ten- to twenty-year precipitation, a park that has been losing money is simply not something that private individuals can afford.

No matter how strong Wu Di's e-sports ability is, he is just a professional e-sports player. How can he have such appeal?
Third, because Disneyland is an all-encompassing fantasy world park, using fairy tales to bring people endless dream experiences, regardless of its investment and scale, how much background does the e-sports world have to build a Disney-like world? The Kingdom of Paradise?The e-sports industry has only just started for a decade or so!

After being surprised, the tall male reporter immediately questioned:

"Juanjuan, did I hear you right? Well, even if Team King is very capable and can attract hundreds of millions of sponsorships, but if you want to copy the model of Disneyland and build an e-sports kingdom, I think it's completely impossible. Tan!
This king team has just entered the top Super League. Can they start to have this kind of daydream even if they are not sure of relegation this season?
Did that stinky genius player brainwash you to make you believe it?I can't believe such a thing! "

The accompanying reporters, of course, held the same opinion as the tall man.Just kidding, if Disneyland is so easy to build, why are there only six in the world?

Building a Disneyland-style e-sports kingdom?Heh, this talented player the day before yesterday really figured it out!

However, Tang Juan did not refute the words of these reporter friends, but smiled lightly and replied:

"Yes, this seems to be a difficult project, and it is almost impossible to complete it. However, after Wu Di proposed, he is indeed moving towards this ideal. The time of the day is very short, but every day He has been doing his best to realize this ideal all day long. Today, I invite everyone to report on their game, in fact, I want you to feel that he and his team have the ability and potential to create miracles!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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