The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 622 I Don't Have Many Chapters

Chapter 622 I Don't Talk Much

Most of the reporters scoffed at the extremely illusory dream of the King's team.But they still have to give Tang Juan face.So, looking at Tang Juan with a firm attitude, they didn't pour cold water on her anymore, but kept silent.

Whether the e-sports kingdom is empty talk or a practical dream, no one can tell.

Forget it, let's take a look at the performance of the King's team.In the e-sports world, the champion is supreme.If the talented player doesn't even win the championship that day, everything will be nothing but a mirror image, let's have a laugh.

After Tang Juan briefly took pictures of the buildings under construction, she led her partners back to the slightly shabby venue.

At this time, there were still a few ten minutes before the official start of the game. Some fans worked hard to come here from all over the place. The seats in the stands that can only accommodate 10 people are much better than before.

Seeing such a scene, the tall man grinned and said sarcastically: "It seems that the King's team is quite attractive, and there are still two or three hundred people coming to the scene. I will take a good look at it later Their performance is good. I hope they will be worthy of the two or three hundred loyal fans who are present."

The accompanying reporters were still thinking about the chances of the unrealistic dream of the King's team coming true. After hearing the tall man's taunting words, they completely suppressed the small hope they held in their hearts. Went out.

"That's right, Team King still wants to build an e-sports kingdom? Such a shabby stadium obviously has economic problems. They should think about it first, how to successfully avoid relegation this season."

Tang Juan did not compete verbally with these, but recorded everyone's demeanor with a smile.

At first, she didn't believe that Wu Di could realize that dream like a fantasy, but as she got to know Wu Di better and knew how much he paid for his re-emergence, her impression of Wu Di and his that Persistence in dreams leads to a new understanding...

Relegation?Can't win?
Hehe, that guy once said a word to me, but I firmly remember it in my heart - every opponent should not be underestimated, every opponent has advantages, all we have to do is to find the shortcomings of each opponent, and then Expand them and take advantage of their weaknesses to win the match!

After a while, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the venue, and all the media reporters turned their heads to look, only to find that the Valkyrie team had finally arrived.

In the lead are two people.One of them is a naive fat man, and the other is a thin young man.

The thin young man raised his head and looked at the e-sports venue, which was really limited in scale. He twitched his mouth and sighed:

"Hey, I think the League of Legends Organizing Committee should revise the rules for entering the Super League. Without decent financial resources and decent venues, such a team doesn't matter!

When I ran to this place where birds don't lay eggs, I thought it was so magnificently built, but I didn't expect that it was so shabby that I wanted to cry. "

The one who spoke was Shi Jun, a newcomer of the Valkyrie team who had risen in the past two years.

As for the slightly cute fat man, the chatterbox opened up after hearing this.

"Haha, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. You see, there are large live broadcast screens, auditoriums, temporary rest areas for players, commentary stands and competition rooms. Everything that an e-sports venue should have is here. I think it is very OK!

Don't look at me like this, I'm not picky about food or clothing, and of course I don't care about where the competition is held.

In the sky and on the ground, on land and in the sea, as long as there is room for competition, I can participate in the competition!
Team Kings is a very interesting team with great potential. It took more than half a year to build the team, and they have achieved this level of achievement and scale. It seems that they must not be underestimated.

By the way, I haven't been to such a small-scale venue for a long time, but I don't know if Fatty's demeanor will be recorded by reporters from the e-sports media.

ah!There are a group of e-sports media reporters over there!Hehe, I'm not afraid that my beauty won't be seen by beautiful fans! "

The fat man smiled and waved at Tang Juan and the group of reporters.Although he didn't know anyone in this group of people, after judging from the clothes that Tang Juan and the group were e-sports reporters, he greeted them familiarly.

Tang Juan and her friends are professional e-sports reporters, so of course they also know the name of the fat guy Ran Maowei.So, they also had to smile awkwardly, not daring to speak to him any more.

They are very clear that once they take the initiative to connect with the fat man, the fat man will really talk non-stop.He is not the usual talkative!

After Shi Jun and Ran Maowei walked through the door, a taciturn and meticulous young man followed the team into the venue.

This person is Ren Xiao, the captain of the Valkyrie team.

He also looked up at the e-sports stadium of the Kings team, a slight smile inadvertently appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he and his teammates came to the visiting team's rest area in the stadium.

Then, not long after the Valkyrie team entered the venue, the King team also came here under the leadership of Wu Di.As soon as Tang Juan saw this scene, she hurried over to greet her, preparing to conduct a brief interview with Wu Di.

However, a member of the Valkyrie team saw that the media reporters didn't want to interview them, but went to interview the king team, and immediately shouted: "What's the interview with a newly promoted horse? Didn't the media say that their captain is about to retire? Well."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wu Di followed the voice and found that it was a thin young man who spoke.Ye Wuhen stretched his neck on purpose, looked around exaggeratedly, and took Shi Jun's words:
"Huh? The person speaking is a newcomer to the Valkyrie team? Hey, there are so many frogs in the well these days. There are endless examples of people who want to slap others in the face, but are slapped like a pig's head instead."

When Shi Jun heard this, he immediately became furious. Just as he was about to refute, Ran Maowei stood up, laughed and said:
"This brother is wrong! It means that we are all young people, and we should be tolerant and friendly to each other. E-sports is my favorite, and it is also your favorite, so remember not to criticize others. What I am most afraid of is Someone slapped me during the game.

I don't have much to say, but every sentence is the truth, so you two don't want to be too talkative.Which one is stronger and which one is weaker can be determined in the competition field. "

After hearing these words, the Valkyrie team and those who are familiar with Ran Maowei felt a group of crows fly by in front of them—you are the one who talks the most, okay?
At this time, Ren Xiao waved his hand to stop his teammates' nonsense, then got up and walked to the podium to complete the sign-in procedures.Then, he said briefly to the staff of the organizing committee: "It's time to start."

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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