The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 624 The advantage of the blue side

Chapter 624 The advantage of the blue side

In the game of League of Legends, many amateur players do not understand why the winning rate of the blue team is slightly higher than that of the purple team. However, these advantages cannot be brought into full play.

However, after professional training, professional players are able to maximize the advantages of the blue side.

First of all, if it is a normal 1+1+1+2 laning, the jungler is the decisive factor for whether the blue team can play a geographical advantage!If the jungle hero wants to bring the rhythm in the early stage of the game, it depends on how he can effectively counter the jungle.

The so-called anti-jungle means that the jungler invades the opponent's jungle, and after predicting the behavior of the opponent's jungler, they squat in the jungle and wait for the opportunity to move.In the early stage of the game, the red and blue BUFF monsters have considerable damage ability. Usually, if the jungler kills a large monster alone, the remaining HP is generally not too much, even if they have the [Punishment] ability Jungle skills.

And once I didn't notice the position of the opponent's jungle hero, and my opponent took away the experience and money of the red and blue BUFF monsters with punishment, I was very easy to get first blood by the opponent with residual blood.

The jungler on the blue team usually starts with a red BUFF. After getting the red BUFF, he can reach level 2, and the extra damage and deceleration effects of the red BUFF are a huge threat to the early enemy heroes; In order for the jungler on the purple side to let the ADC and support teammates help them fight wild monsters for a while, they usually start with blue buffs.

Although after getting the blue BUFF, the jungler of the purple side can also reach level 2, but when encountering the opponent on a narrow road, the blue side's jungler with the red BUFF naturally has stronger individual combat capabilities.

And this is the first manifestation of the blue side's geographical advantage in the early stage. Once the blue side's jungler is determined to catch the purple side's jungler, the opponent will basically have nothing to do unless they call their teammates for help. Odds.Therefore, at the beginning of the game, the king team asked the weapon master of the top lane to directly help Eternal Nightmare to take away the red BUFF in order to dissolve the blue team's first geographical advantage invisibly.

Secondly, once the jungler on the blue side successfully counter-jungles, gets the first blood in his hands, or drives the opponent back home, the top laner hero who has just reached level 2 on the purple side will be in jeopardy.It's a chain reaction.

The blue jungler goes around the jungle and GANKs the opponent directly. In the worst case, it can force the opponent's top laner to flash. If the opponent moves carelessly or is too far ahead, then maybe it can be rewarded. a human head.

In short, in a normal laning situation, this is the basic geographical advantage of the blue side's jungler!
Of course, the game is changing rapidly, and the opponents of the purple team may use the mid laner or top laner to help guard the red buff boss, but this will also delay their online time and prevent them from taking the lead in the laning.

The jungler of the Valkyrie team is the rookie Shi Jun.This is a jungler who is keen to invade the opponent's jungle, so after their captain Ren Xiao gives him orders, of course he will execute them perfectly.

However, when he controlled the blind monk to the red BUFF wild area of ​​the king's team, he suddenly found that the wild monster with teeth and claws had disappeared!
Was beaten?So fast?Could it be that Eternal Nightmare started with a red buff?It was just an illusion that he was standing in the blue buff area at first?Then he took the red BUFF and went directly to the top lane to gank, or went back to play the blue BUFF?not good!
"Crocodile be careful! Don't play too aggressively! Their jungler starts with a red BUFF!"

Shi Jun's reminder surprised his top laner.He originally wanted to use level 2 to move forward to consume a wave of weapon masters, but after hearing Shi Jun's words, he immediately retreated deliberately.

Afterwards, the blind monk cautiously came to the grass at Sanchakou on the road, and raised his hand to hit a Q skill.According to his understanding, the Eternal Nightmare is probably here to ambush his teammates!

However, Tianyinbo hurried across the grass, but there was no warning of hitting the enemy... Huh?Where is Eternal Nightmare?Is it with the stone people?Or have you gone back to play your own blue BUFF?
While Shi Jun was trying to figure out the position of the opponent's jungler, Ren Xiao and his support teammate in the bottom lane were also looking at the explorer not far away in bewilderment - the bomber who was supposed to be a support... Why did he come here? Not online yet?

The Valkyrie team was somewhat confused, but the audience from the perspective of God saw the figure of the eternal nightmare!

Eternal Nightmare got stuck in a time gap when the opponent's detection guard disappeared, and slipped into the blue BUFF wild area of ​​the Valkyrie team from the middle road and river!After cleaning up the mobs of the group of four, it immediately entered the grass next to it, quietly watched the blind monk walk by not far from him, and then it did not make any movements, and then, when the other party inserted A few seconds after the scouting guard at the entrance of the river disappeared, he swaggered out of the grass and went straight to the opponent's wild area!

This is... taking advantage of a time difference to steal the blind monk's blue buff? !
However, after Eternal Nightmare successfully invaded the opponent's wild area, he did not directly kill the blue buff, but went to the three wolves wild area to kill the three wolves?

What is this eternal nightmare... what is it going to do?Such a good opportunity not to get the blue BUFF, but to farm the three wolves?

The blind monk stayed in the grass at Sanchakou for a few seconds, and found that the weapon master didn't deliberately mend every soldier, but only the one in front of him. This subtle action made Shi Jun realize that he might be found !The weapon master's method of replenishing the knife is obviously to make the pawn line closer to his side.

The blind monk who originally wanted to gank the weapon master finally gave up on this plan.The opponent's behavior is obviously to guard against his own gank around the back...

Forget it, it's important to get the blue BUFF first, after the third level, the power of the blind monk can reach the maximum.

So, the blind monk who made up his mind still appeared under the side of the weapon master, but he didn't want to gank, but just threw a Q skill at random to scare his opponent.That Q skill seems to be saying to the weapon master:
Hey, be careful, brother is near you!Don't go up to make up the knife at will.

After releasing the Q skill, the blind monk rushed to his blue BUFF wild area non-stop, and his skill made the weapon master dare not step forward easily within a few seconds.

While manipulating the blind monk to move forward, Shi Jun also saw the behavior of the weapon master, and couldn't help sneering in his heart:
Hmph, a rookie is a rookie, if you scare you at will, you can give our crocodile an advantage.

However, when the blind monk rushed to the blue buff area, Eternal Nightmare had already finished fighting the three wolves, and placed a free scout guard that came with it in the grass next to the blue buff monster.

This is another phenomenon that goes against common sense.Under normal circumstances, junglers will choose scanning mirrors that can eliminate scouting guards when they go out.Before performing gank, first use the scanning mirror to see if there is an opponent's scout guard in the grass where you are squatting. This is what the scanning mirror should play.However, this Eternal Nightmare brought free scouting guards?
The audience saw that the blind monk walked into the blue BUFF wild area from the river without noticing, which also made them a little ecstatic-it seems that Eternal Nightmare will still attack this blue BUFF!
The ignorant Shi Jun started to kill the blue buff.As a professional player, his professional habits are very good, and he did not hand over punishment at the beginning to reduce the health of the buff monster quickly.Therefore, Xia Jie waited for an opportunity across a high wall.

Want to fight hand speed?Xia Jie has never been afraid of anyone!
Time passed bit by bit, when the blue BUFF monster dropped to the point where it could be taken away directly with [Punishment], Shi Jun moved his finger to the shortcut key of punishment without warning, but suddenly found that the blue buff in front of him BUFF disappeared with a whoosh? !
Shi Jun was stunned for half a second, and immediately realized that the Eternal Nightmare on the opposite side used [Punishment] to snatch his father blue!

Damn it!How the hell did he appear here?
Although he was cursing in his heart, as a professional player, he was still astute.The other party dared to appear here, and took away Papa Lan without anyone noticing, and his experience would definitely be much higher than his own, and he might even reach level three!

The blind monk is only level 2, so in comparison, what the opponent will do is naturally clear at a glance!
Shi Jun, who felt a sense of crisis all over his body in an instant, retreated quickly, and just as he expected, the Eternal Nightmare was already behind him half a second after the blind monk retreated.

"Crocodile, be careful! Damn this Eternal Nightmare stole my blue BUFF and is chasing me. But I have upgraded my W skill, so there is no danger, so you have to be careful, maybe after he drives me away, I will immediately come to the road to gank you!"

Shi Jun shouted loudly, and his hands were unambiguous.The bloody blind monk retreated to his line, and then used his W skill to escape.After being reminded, the crocodile on his side also immediately withdrew from the pawn line—a level [-] jungler with red and blue double buffs, who can compete against him at the beginning of the game?
Just as Shi Jun kept cursing Eternal Nightmare's "immoral" wild stealing behavior in his heart, the audience shifted their attention to Wu Di's bottom lane.They stared intently at Ziggs, the explosive genius controlled by Wu Di, expecting his crazy performance.

Because, this bomber has a blue BUFF on him!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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