The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 625 The Unavoidable Bomb

Chapter 625 The Unavoidable Bomb

Eternal Nightmare gave up its own blue BUFF to its captain, and the captain of his own team has been known as the world's number one genius in the e-sports world for a long time. On this first home match day, Team Kings won After coming up with this novel opening tactic, they successfully broke the initial advantage of the blue side of the blind monk. Next, how will their captain fight fiercely with the opposing captain in the bottom lane?

In an instant, after the Bomberman dropped the first bomb, the audience felt their hearts were boiling!
Since the blasting ghost got most of the experience of the blue buff monster and the second general Hunha next to him, after going online, he immediately reached level 2 after sharing the experience of a few minions.

Although Holy Gun Ranger and Tide Caller Ji have already reached level 2, and overwhelmed the explorer by seven or eight hits, the situation has quietly changed after the blasting ghost with blue BUFF came to the line.

Mage heroes are very particular about the effective release of their skills in the laning.Every time a skill is released, it is necessary to ensure that at least a few minions are hit.After having the blue BUFF, the mage hero has no worries about lack of blue at all.

The blaster had just reached level 2, and he threw Q skills and E skills in succession towards the Holy Gun Ranger who was standing a little ahead and was about to suppress the explorer!
Ren Xiao's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the bomberman with bursts of blue light on his body, and was wondering why he was holding a blue BUFF, when a huge bomb and a bunch of small bombs appeared on the Paladin. overhead.

Faced with the overwhelming bombs, the Holy Gun Ranger could only surrender his displacement skills and retreat from the bombs.Afterwards, Ren Xiao quickly reminded his support teammates:
"Pay attention to your position. The bomber has a blue BUFF on him, and he can throw skills without any restraint. We can no longer suppress the explorer. Pay attention to avoiding the skills of the bomber."

The support partners naturally knew what the blue BUFF on Bomberman meant. Although they never thought that the opponent's first blue BUFF was for their own support hero, but since it has become a fact, all they have to do is to find ways to survive it. The duration of Bomberman Blue BUFF!
Both amateur players and professional players know that the bot lane combination of Holy Gun Ranger and Summoner Yuji is actually very intimidating, especially in the early stage of the laning, they can play a good output to suppress the opponent.

However, this pair now has to face a Bomberman with a blue BUFF who can fire infinitely, and their early hero advantage will naturally disappear.

At this moment, Ren Xiao frowned when he heard Shi Jun's report on the road.

"Shi Jun, what's going on? How could you be tricked by the opponent's jungler and lose the blue buff?"

"I don't know how he slipped here... But captain, don't worry, I will definitely bring back the advantage!"

"Well, I hope you don't let me down." After Ren Xiao and Shi Jun finished communicating, they suddenly smiled secretly, and said softly to the slightly quiet fat teammate: "Xiao Ran, don't you think Wei Xiaoxiao is playing tricks?" Does God despise you a little?"

The Kings team faced the Valkyrie team and sent their strongest lineup, so Wei Xiaoxiao, the second-best player in the team, naturally controlled Tidal Hailing to appear in the mid laner position.And the reason why she didn't choose her famous hero Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but chose the more aggressive Tidal Sea Spirit, was to match the team's established tactics...

When Ran Maowei heard this, he immediately lit up.In fact, Ren Xiao had never watched the battle in the middle lane at all.

[Fox!I just realized now that even a famous star player like you is belittling me!Even when your opponent is my Fat Lord, you still don't take out your good Nine-Tailed Demon Fox to deal with me!Obviously belittle me!I have decided, I will kill you first! 】

【say something?Don't think that you are a star player, so you can underestimate the perseverance of Fat Lord, my predecessor!In this competition, I will definitely let everyone see that I am stronger than you! 】

【If you don't speak, I still have to say, I have several ways to deal with the little murloc, you have to be careful...】

After a while, subtitles began to flash on the public screen, and Ran Maowei, the "fat man" of the Valkyrie team, started the self-healing mode.

Wei Xiaoxiao had fought against Ran Maowei before, so she naturally knew his peeing nature, so the beautiful contestant smiled indifferently and turned off the public screen!In this way, no matter how much Ran Maowei talked, she couldn't see it.Out of sight and upset, this is the biggest magic weapon for dealing with such a talkative player like Ran Maowei.

The audience at the scene were of course not interested in the nagging fat man, they were still focused on the next road.They came to King's team, a slightly shabby e-sports stadium, most of them were for Wu Di's face.Therefore, their attention will not be divided too much by other people and things.

The on-site director is also very face-saving. After playing the opening tactics of the King's team, he locked the camera on the bottom lane.

At this moment, Wu Di closed his eyes and opened them again, and activated the Ice Emperor state!
With full concentration, he controlled the blasting ghost, and began to throw bombs one after another into the enemy's formation.Although Ren Xiao is strong enough to avoid most of the bombs, his assistant partner does not have such a super predictive ability.

Gradually, the audience and the bottom lane duo of the Valkyrie team suddenly discovered a fact: Bomberman's bombs seem to be bombing indiscriminately, but in fact, every time his attack target is locked on the auxiliary caller of the Valkyrie team. On Tide Shark Ji!

And as the Bomberman's level continued to increase, the bombs he threw became more and more painful, and when the mana of Summoning Yuki became less and less, the audience discovered that Summoning Yuki's health had been bombed. There is not much left!
Can't escape?I can't dodge most of Bomberman's bombs?Is this... an unavoidable bomb?

The support players of the Valkyrie team were extremely shocked.This is the first time he met this famous world No. [-] talent in a game, and this first encounter left an indelible impression on his heart - this guy's ability to predict and the timing of skill release are too strong up!
A moment later, Yuchao Yuji, who was exhausted by the bombing ghost, finally let out a long sigh of relief—the blue buff on Bomberman finally disappeared!That is to say, he can no longer play with bombs without limit like before.

But when Ren Xiao and his partner breathed a sigh of relief, there was another bad news on the road: the crocodile contributed a blood under the attack of the weapon master and the eternal nightmare!

"Shi Jun, what the hell are you doing with an airplane!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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