The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 626: Time to Fight the Dragon

Chapter 626: Time to Fight the Dragon

Wu Di used a blue BUFF to successfully stabilize the situation in the bottom lane, and Xia Jie lived up to expectations and got first blood in the top lane, showing the momentum of the team, which made Wu Di very pleased.

"Everyone has done a good job. The initial advantage of the blue side of the Valkyrie team has been resolved by us. And their heroes could have suppressed us in the lane, but they were also broken by Li Yunlong's tactics. Now... it is our turn to use the purple It's time for Fang [Advantage]!"

After a long period of training, all the team members naturally knew what Wu Di meant by the advantage of the purple side.

As we all know, the geographical advantages of the blue side are top lane, bottom lane and Baron.And the advantage of the purple side in Wu Di's mouth, of course, refers to Xiaolong!

The purple side attacks from top to bottom, and the opening of Xiaolong Canyon is just facing the purple side. Therefore, it is easier for the purple team to take advantage of the terrain to open or grab the dragon first.

"Should we start Xiaolong now?" Xia Jie's Eternal Nightmare was still spawning wild monsters in the upper half of the jungle. If he wanted to play Xiaolong, his jungler had to come to Xiaolong Canyon.

"No, remember the routines we practiced during training. Xia Jie, you should still remember the prerequisites for opening Xiaolong?"

Xia Jie nodded and replied:
"Of course I remember. There are many things to pay attention to in the early stage of the game, but there are only two forms. One is to steal the dragon, and the other is to grab the dragon with the opponent.

Whether it is stealing the dragon or robbing the dragon, you must always pay attention to the position of the opponent's hero, otherwise, with the attack power of the dragon in the early stage, it is easy to become the opponent's best sixth man! "

"You're right, so... everyone, don't rush back to the base to replenish, first increase the hero level to level six. Eternal Nightmare's ultimate move after level six is ​​a gank weapon. You'd better gank their mid laner first. You have taken the first blood, and the level is more advantageous than the opponent's blind monk, so you must be able to reach the sixth level before him. At that time, you and the little murloc will forcibly kill the Moon Goddess once. Dragon's best time, get it?"


At the same time, everyone in the Valkyrie team had gloomy faces, with extremely bad expressions.

"Shi Jun, I emphasized it before the game, don't underestimate King's team! Did you really listen to my words?"

Ren Xiao shouted angrily, feeling very upset.The shortcoming of this arrogant newcomer was indeed brought into the competition!
Shi Jun suffered repeated setbacks in the game with Xia Jie, and he was already in a bad mood, but after being severely criticized by his captain, he became even more angry.He bit his lip and said fiercely: "Captain, I won't let him continue to be rampant!"

"Well, keep a calm heart and never underestimate your opponent.

Everyone be vigilant, now almost all the heroes in all lanes have reached level [-], be careful of the opponent's GANK. "

After Ren Xiao warned his teammates, he quickly refocused on his bot lane.

That guy used Bomber to assist, and after taking the blue BUFF, he blew up so recklessly that his side dared not easily exchange blood with them. The early days were mediocre.

At this time, Bomberman's blue BUFF has disappeared, and it's time to forcibly consume a wave before level six!

After making up his mind, Ren Xiao immediately controlled the Holy Gun Ranger to take two steps forward calmly, but just when he wanted his assistant partner to follow his footsteps, he heard the assistant player say helplessly in the headset:
"Captain, stop attacking now, I have no blood or mana, so I can't fight them."

Ren Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that his partner had been blasted to death by the bomber before.At this time, Chaochao Jiji was no longer qualified to fight recklessly.Ren Xiao cared more about being unaware of his partner's state than being dominated by his opponent in the early stage!
"Damn it, I've been so angry with you guys that I've lost my mind! Well, do whatever you need to do, don't make me say it again. Remember what I said before the game, the King's team is not weak! So Show off what you did when you were playing against a strong team."

When Ren Xiao reminded his teammates, the computer screens of all the Valkyrie team members turned black in an instant—this was the special effect of Eternal Nightmare's ultimate move!

"Attention! Attention! The Eternal Nightmare is catching people!" Although Ren Xiao reminded his teammates immediately, after a while, he still received a bad system reminder message.

The Tidal Sea Spirit killed the Bright Moon Goddess!
The middle road guarded by Ran Maowei is another tragedy!

"Fatty Ran?! Are you distracted? Didn't I tell you to pay attention to the opponent's GNAK?" Ren Xiao asked Ran Maowei in a growling tone this time.

Ran Maowei looked bitter, and said aggrievedly: "Of course I know how to defend against ganks. It's just that their routine is very deep!"

"Deep? How deep?"

"It's like this, Captain. I paid great attention to my position in the middle, just to prevent the Eternal Nightmare from rushing in. The little murloc has been watching from the sidelines, so I am naturally more cautious.

I just didn't expect that after the Eternal Nightmare flew over directly, it put on my body the E skill that can scare me.Of course I won't catch it without a fight, so after I regained my freedom of movement, I decisively turned in the flash... But what I never expected was that the little murloc used the Q skill to charge into my body when the Moon Goddess was frightened. Next to me, I actually figured out my foothold, and put a big move there in advance!
Then... I was killed by the nightmare and the little murloc. "

Ren Xiao narrowed his eyes, thought about it carefully, and replied: "Well, the combination of the two heroes Eternal Nightmare and Little Murloc should be a routine they have trained hard. Forget it, I don't blame you. Among their lineup , most of the rushing heroes, you all be careful. Well, the time is almost up, according to our tactical analyst's inference, they should make a fuss on the little dragon. Crocodile, get ready to come down at any time!"

The Valkyrie team was able to achieve the No.7 result last season, of course, not by Ran Maowei's mouth and Shi Jun's arrogance.Their logistics are in place, and their analysis of their opponents is also very good.Before they played against the Kings, their tactical analyst had done a deep analysis on it, so it was reasonable for Ren Xiao to know the opponent's intentions at this moment.

Just as Ren Xiao made adjustments on the spot, the assistant player took a look at the situation on the field, and immediately shouted loudly:

"Captain... Even if the crocodile can teleport down at this time, it may be too late... They have already started to fight the dragon!"

Ren Xiao was shocked, and immediately glanced at the small map, and found that Eternal Nightmare had come to the Xiaolong Canyon with the little murlocs after GANK killed the goddess of the moon, and immediately began to kill the little dragons!

"This not good! I finally understand why they use so many rushing heroes! They don't underestimate us, because this is their tactic! They want to speed up the pace of the game infinitely, and then strive for the shortest time beat us!"

The other members of the Valkyrie team also had a serious look on their faces. After thinking about it, they realized that what the captain said was true!

Tidal Sea Spirit, Eternal Nightmare, and Weapon Master, these three assault heroes will definitely break their formation once they come to the back row of their own side, while the bomber and explorer only need to guard against the advance of the Moon Goddess and the crocodile. In team battles, the situation is likely to turn into two small battlefields!The backline heroes on both sides will be tired of dealing with the opponent's rushing heroes!
As for the ability to advance, of course the opponent is stronger!
"Everyone cheers me up! It's reasonable and unexpected for them to open the dragon so early.

After killing our mid laner heroes, they are of course eligible to open dragons, which is reasonable;

And they had just reached level six, Xiaolong went to fight the dragon as soon as it was refreshed, obviously wanting to speed up the pace of the game as much as possible, which was unexpected!

Before the game, we thought that the strength of the King's team was not as good as ours, and we would definitely adopt a solid defense and wait for an opportunity. The strategy is wrong!
They played tepidly online at the beginning, just to make equipment for level six!Their power can only be revealed when their heroes are at level six.

Alright, since we're sure they want to play fast, let's play fast, blind monk, increase the speed to level six, and then swim with the goddess of the moon, and pull the rhythm up for me!
The first little dragon is already very difficult to snatch away, but you must remember the time, don't miss the next one! "

After Ren Xiao readjusted his battle thinking, King's team also successfully got the first dragon and successfully mastered the refresh time of the dragon.

In this match, Team King relied on Xia Jie's outstanding performance to take advantage in the early stage!

And the Valkyrie team obviously won't sit still. After the Bright Moon Goddess came to the line to clean up the soldiers, he was already walking with the blind monk and began to invade the king's team's wild area!Their goal is... that blue buff that was refreshed not long ago!

The second blue BUFF is extremely important for mid lane mage heroes.In many matchups and competitions, mid-lane mage heroes can use this second blue BUFF to use skills to farm soldiers and jungles without restriction, so that they can get enough money as soon as possible to make the first core output equipment.Moreover, the blue BUFF also has a special effect of reducing the cooling time of skills. Whether it is gank or supporting teammates, it is naturally easier to deal more skill damage.

Therefore, for the second blue BUFF, mid-lane mage heroes are bound to get it.

The mid laner of Team Valkyrie is Moon Goddess, and the mid laner of Team Kings is Little Murloc. These two heroes are mages and both need blue buffs. Of course, the competition for blue buffs will be extremely fierce!
After the blind monk and the Bright Moon Goddess came to the entrance of the opponent's wild area, they immediately planted reconnaissance guards in the key grass. This time, they not only wanted to grab the blue BUFF, but also killed the enemy's heroes to protect themselves. Witness!

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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