The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 631 Speed ​​Push VS Speed ​​Push

Chapter 631 Speed ​​Push VS Speed ​​Push

After a few minutes passed.

An interesting phenomenon appeared in the second match between the Warriors and Kings: Except for the mid laners of both sides who brushed minions in the middle, the other four gathered in the top lane or bottom lane, desperately pushing the opponent's defense tower .

Moreover, this push is to push two seats in a row.In less than a few minutes, the top lane of the Valkyrie team was clean, and the bottom lane of the King team was also a mess.

However, the Kings team took the lead in making lane change tactics after all, and made up their minds from the very beginning to push two defensive towers in a row at the beginning of the game, so their tower pushing speed is naturally faster.When the four heroes came to the opponent's top tower with a line of soldiers, their second bottom tower was just pushed down by the opponent.

"Are you back on defense, captain?" the teammate asked anxiously.They have rich experience in the game, so they naturally know that if the speed of returning to defense is a little slower, then their own defense tower on the road is also at risk.

Ren Xiao looked at the game time, nodded immediately and said: "Return to defense! Except for my holy gun ranger who continues to kill minions, all of you return to defense! After clearing the minions on the road, immediately come to Xiaolong Canyon and prepare to fight Xiaolong! "

"Only return to defend three people? Are there enough people? And Captain, don't you need to go back and replenish your equipment?"

"No, take care of yourselves, I'll go directly to Xiaolong Canyon to meet you, time is running out, everyone just do it!"

After the Valkyrie team returned to defense, the King team did not continue to spend time with the opponent on the road.Although they knocked down two defense towers in a row and their level has improved, the initial defense and attack power of the highland towers are not something heroes like them who only have out-of-the-box equipment can bear.

Wu Di decisively asked each hero to find the right opportunity to return to the city for supplies, and then he gave exactly the same instructions as Ren Xiao:
"Assemble in the Xiaolong Canyon! Before that, the mouse, the prince, the leopard girl, and my Goddess of Aurora lead the bottom line across the river. Remember, don't attack Xiaolong first, wait for them to open first, and we will attack halfway through the fight." ! Our target is not the little dragons, but their heroic heads!"

At this time, although four defensive towers were missing on the map, the level and equipment of the heroes on both sides were not much better.Except for the two heroes in the mid laner who are about to reach level six, the other eight heroes are still far away from level six.

Although the speed push tactic can speed up the progress of the game to the greatest extent, it will also greatly restrict the development of each hero.

At this time, being able to get Xiaolong is naturally an excellent opportunity to widen the economic gap with the opponent, but if the opponent takes a few heads in the battle for Xiaolong, then the loss outweighs the gain.

In the fast-paced competition, on the surface, it is about who has the most unified action and who moves faster, but in fact, the fast-paced competition is about economy!

Pushing towers is to allow all heroes on one's side to quickly obtain the money provided by the defense towers, and grabbing dragons is also to greatly increase the overall economy.

There are only three ways to get economy.One is to make up the knife, honestly make up the knife, and hold all the money provided by the soldiers in your hands; the second is to push the tower, a defensive tower can directly provide about [-] gold coins for one side; the last one... Kills and assists, of course!
Obviously, among the three ways to obtain economy, killing is the longest morale and the fastest way to accumulate individual hero economy most quickly.

Speed ​​push tactics seem to use tower pushing and dragon grabbing to gain economy, but killing and assisting are the most effective ways to really boost morale and quickly accumulate economic advantages.

When Ren Xiaoshun saw that the opponents were all gathered in the middle road, he didn't make the move to seize the favorable terrain and drive the dragon first. In an instant, he understood the opponent's intention.

At this moment, there are only two issues he has to consider: one is whether his jungler Shi Jun can capture Xiaolong, so that his side can gain an economic advantage; , Do you still have the ability to start the first team battle with the opponent!
Because the hero level of both sides is not high, and the equipment is only a little bit better than going out, so all heroes are crispy heroes in a strict sense. After the head, it is also extremely uneconomical!
Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the experienced captain ordered: "We don't want to open the dragon! Wait for them to open!"

At 7 minutes, Xiaolong's attack power can be equivalent to the best sixth man of his own side.It was precisely because of this that Ren Xiao gave up his plan to attack the dragon first.Thus, the ten heroes of the King's Team and the Valkyrie Team looked at each other, no one entered the Xiaolong Canyon, but no one left the surrounding area of ​​the canyon.

Wu Di looked at the position of the pawn line and the position of the opponent's hero, and commanded again:

"All come down to push the tower! I will deploy the scouting guards around Xiaolong. This time, let them make the choice!

If they want to come to the bottom lane and fight us, then we will go decisively!If they want to open the dragon, we still continue to push the tower, leave them alone!The attack power of the little dragons at this time is enough to turn their two heroes into residual blood. Although we gave up the first little dragon, they are absolutely not qualified to challenge us to start a team battle! "

After the order was given, the five heroes of the King's team no longer entangled with their opponents in front of Xiaolong, but collectively came to the bottom lane and began to quickly clear the line of troops.

Sensing the other party's intentions, Ren Xiao frowned, and said decisively:
"Give up the little dragons! Let's kill them directly from the river, so they and we have to start a team battle! Since they want to build a defensive tower, of course we can't let them get what they want. Compared with the gold coins that a small dragon can provide in the early days and a defensive tower , is not a level at all!"

Afterwards, the five heroes of the Valkyrie team went directly from the river to the bottom lane, and the king team had already seen the opponent's behavior through the scouting guards, so Wu Di's Aurora Goddess took the lead, took an opportunity, and used the E skill E to hit the target Mondo at the forefront!
"Focus on Mundo!"

"Mundo retreats, focus on Dawn!"

"Prince EQ Second Company, invade the enemy's back row! Prioritize killing Ryze! Yasuo finds the right opportunity to use his ultimate move to harvest! The mouse hits the enemy hero closest to you, the leopard girl and the mouse stand together, don't spread the firepower !"

"The formation spread out! Dawn flashed and fled, hit the prince first, pay attention to Yasuo's knock-up skill!"

"The prince picked up the spider, and Yasuo directly used his ultimate move. After he was hit with blood, he immediately rushed into the back row!"

"Tighten up the formation, fight around Ryze and the Paladin Ranger! The bloody spiders and Mondo pay attention to losing their skills! Pay attention to the position, protect Ryze limitedly, and let his output be fully played! Whoever is in the front row can fight whoever is in the front row , don't care about their back row!"


According to the ever-changing situation on the field, the captains of both sides calmly and calmly directed the first team battle.Due to the low level of the heroes on both sides and poor equipment, there should have been a team battle with heads quickly, but the first head has not yet been born after a few seconds!
It can be seen that Wu Di and Ren Xiao's command was correct!
However, as this team battle progressed, some heroes finally fell first.The first one to fall... turned out to be Wu Di's Goddess of Dawn!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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