Chapter 632 Change
All the members of the Valkyrie team, including Ren Xiao, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing the goddess of dawn as the first hero sacrificed in this team battle.

As we all know, the hero controlled by the first genius in the world is the most difficult to kill among all professional players!His anticipation ability and operational ability are top-notch in the world, so he naturally does a good job in anticipating and responding to danger.

The hero who can kill him in the official game, and is the first to kill, such a phenomenon is very rare, even if he is using an auxiliary hero.

Since the Goddess of Aurora controlled by Wu Di was the first to die, the morale of the Valkyrie team suddenly rose!They think... the victory of this team battle is already within reach!

However, after only five seconds, the Valkyrie team realized that they were too happy!

Wu Di, with the sacrifice of the goddess of dawn, won an excellent output environment and opportunities for his teammates.Under the cover of Yasuo's wind wall, Mouse and Leopard quickly closed the distance between them and their opponents, and after the goddess of dawn fell, they successfully got three bloody heads!At the same time, the prince stood in the front row after the Shuguang goddess fell, allowing most of the opponent's firepower to focus on him. Although he soon became the fifth fallen hero, it was because of Shuguang and The fearless sacrifice of the prince allowed the output heroes in the back row of the king team to output and chase the enemy heroes without any danger.

Ten seconds passed by.

Ren Xiao hastily glanced at the battlefield, and found that among the heroes on his side, only his Holy Spear Ranger was still lingering, while the rest of the brothers had already died in battle!As the only remaining hero of the team, he immediately surrendered Flash and stayed away from the battlefield.

This professional player with rich experience in competitions obviously knows that he can't stay here for a long time. If he is wiped out by an opponent in this period of time, then the morale will be imagined in the future!

Two for four.The king's team exchanged the sacrifices of the goddess of dawn and the prince for the heads of the other four heroes!
In the first team battle, King's team achieved an unimaginably huge advantage.Afterwards, they didn't go after the bloody Holy Spear Ranger, but went straight to the bottom lane, and quickly pushed down the opponent's bottom lane tower.

"Go back to the city quickly! Beware of them coming directly to Xiaolong Canyon to steal dragons!"

Although Wu Di's Goddess of Dawn was killed in battle, he has been performing his duties as a commander.Teammates can win the team battle, of course, the captain's command is indispensable.Therefore, after they won the first team battle, they obeyed Wu Diyan even more.

However, just as the morale of the King's team was soaring, the battle of the Valkyrie team fell into a strange silence.

All the team members were silently thinking about the reason for the loss in the previous team battle, but their captain, Ren Xiao, pressed the TAB button and looked at the portrait of the Goddess of Dawn in disbelief, unable to calm down for a long time.

what happened?How could this guy change his style of play beyond recognition?He was willing to sacrifice himself to help his teammates?

Isn't he always the favorite to grab heads?Hasn't he always liked to pursue beautiful statistics?Isn't he always doing his own way, and it's difficult to integrate with his teammates?Why...why did he become such a team player? !
If he did it on purpose just now... Then, can we still defeat a world number one genius who knows how to work as a team and can cooperate with the team in depth?
Ren Xiao, of course, conducted an in-depth analysis of Wu Di before coming to the home court of Kings.He asked the team to study all of Wu Di's previous game videos, and he himself watched all of Wu Di's interview videos on e-sports media twice.

Although Wu Di gave the impression that he has changed a lot in the interview, he thinks that Wu Di will change even after going through a lot of hardships, but he is actually just a passionate young man who has not had much experience. ordinary people.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change—he thinks that even Wu Di can't escape these eight words.

However, in the team battle that just ended, he clearly saw a completely different Wu Di, which shocked him endlessly.His definition of Wu Di was also completely overturned by himself at this moment!

However, the first-line professional player quickly calmed down his mind.It's still game time, he can't let himself be distracted by things other than the game.

He shook his head vigorously, leaving all his impressions of Wu Di behind him, and then said in a deep voice:
"They have returned to the city, and they must think that we will take advantage of this time to get Xiaolong... Then, let's stop doing wasted work. Everyone go back to their respective lanes immediately!
We exchanged two defensive towers with them, but lost the first team battle and lost a bot tower, so they will definitely take advantage of this to let their core heroes quickly develop quickly.Therefore, the next period of time will be a relatively calm transition period, and the game will return to the normal laning period.

Do you know what to do? "

The members of the Valkyrie team immediately shook their spirits, and replied in unison: "Blast them online!"

"Very good! It seems that you have not forgotten that you are a member of the Valkyrie team. I will deal with the somewhat difficult genius. Your personal strength is stronger than your opponent. Except for Mondo, who cannot be online because of his heroic characteristics. Give me the advantage in the dialogue with Leopard Girl, and give me the advantage in other routes!"

In the next 10 minutes, the Valkyrie team relied on their outstanding personal strength to suppress their opponents in the middle and bottom lanes.

Although Wei Xiaoxiao in the middle lane is controlling the explosive Yasuo, he is a melee hero after all, and his opponent Ryze is a powerful mage hero who can control and fight.Whenever Yasuo rushes up to try to trade with him, Ryze is always able to use the
All kinds of skills give him an advantage in the blood exchange battle.Moreover, the mid laner of the Valkyrie team is so strong that he can even avoid Yasuo's deadly Q skill every time. In this way, Yasuo will not be able to get an excellent opportunity to fight his opponent to the end.

Wei Xiaoxiao tried several times, but finally gave up on suppressing her opponent online.Whether Yasuo can suppress Ryze online, there is one and only one prerequisite-that is, whether his Q skill with accumulated knock-up special effects can hit the opponent!
However, the opponent is a professional player who has undergone rigorous training, and his reaction and operation are impeccable. Yasuo's Q skill has a long running track, and the running speed is not too fast, so as long as the opponent pays careful attention and the ability to predict Not too bad, they can see the trajectory of this skill and avoid it by moving.

Since Yasuo's Q skill can't hit the opponent, there is no chance of winning if he fights recklessly. Wei Xiaoxiao naturally chose the tactic of wretched development, and the scene turned into Ryze gaining the upper hand, pressing Yasuo firmly Under the defense tower of one's own side, dare not act rashly.

The all-star player Wei Xiaoxiao in the middle lane was suppressed. This phenomenon already surprised the fans present, but what puzzled the fans even more was the situation in the bottom lane.

According to common sense, as long as Wu Di appears on which route, then he will definitely be able to play a sufficient advantage on this route.Then, he used his snowball ability beyond ordinary people to continuously enlarge his advantages until he knocked out the opponents on this route!

However, the bot lane where Wu Di was at this time was suppressed by others, and was still crushed miserably? ?
The mouse and the Goddess of Dawn were pushed into their own half by the Holy Gun Ranger and Chaochao Jiji!

Among the fans watching the battle, there are many amateur masters who have the diamond rank or even the king rank.After seeing the situation in the bottom lane, they all found it difficult to understand.

The bot lane duo of Holy Gun Ranger and Chaochao Jiji, although their online ability is indeed very strong, and few combinations can compete with them, but they are not strong enough to make the mouse and the goddess of dawn unable to fight back, right?

The mouse can be invisible, and the Goddess of Dawn has a super control method of triple control. With the combination of these two things, a crispy hero should be as simple as picking something out of a bag.But... why are they so restrained?

The amateur masters thought about it, but they couldn't figure out why Wu Di's bottom lane was suppressed by the opponent to such an extent.And they finally came to the same idea: Wu Di did it for another purpose!He is deliberately showing weakness so that his teammates can come to GANK successfully!

After a while, these amateur masters were overjoyed—because they felt that they had caught up with the thinking rhythm of professional players for the first time!

Just as they expected, the king's jungler Prince and mid laner Yasuo have come together from the jungle, aiming directly at the Holy Gun Ranger and Tide Summoner Ji in the bottom lane!
At the same time, Ren Xiao also noticed that the opponent was likely to make a big fuss in the bottom lane, so he also decisively ordered Ryze and Spider to come to the bottom lane for support.

Viewers from God's perspective saw the same picture on the big screen of the live broadcast: the junglers and mid laners of both sides began to gather towards the bottom lane.Judging from their speed, they should have reached the bottom lane at the same time!Moreover, on the scouting guards in the undergrowth on both sides, a continuously rotating golden light appeared - this is the special effect screen of the top laner hero using [Teleport]!

That is to say, the second large-scale team battle is about to start?
When Leopard Girl and Mundo had just landed, the two sides had already started the second team battle.

But this time, the first mover was of course the Goddess of Dawn controlled by Wu Di.He got the Goddess of Dawn stuck in a corner, and threw the R skill at the Holy Gun Ranger and Tide Caller Ji behind Mundo!
Calling Tide Shakeji couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by Shuguang's R skill, while the Holy Gun Ranger slipped gracefully, using the displacement skill to escape the big move of the Goddess of Dawn!

However, from the beginning to the end, Wu Di has only one goal in his pupils - Summon Tide Shark Ji!
 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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