The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 636 Misunderstanding

Chapter 636 Misunderstanding
In the first five rounds of the league, several dark horse teams emerged, causing confusion in the rankings.At the same time, all the teams began to look at the two new armies, Team King and Team Valkyrie, with admiration.

Therefore, in the battle against them, whether it is the downstream team that is relegated, or the upstream team that is aiming to win the championship, they will go all out to deal with these two opponents.The resistance of the two formidable new armies has increased sharply since the sixth round!
The sixth round of the Super League.A league game has become the focus of people's attention-the King's team VS the brilliant team!
The world's first match against China's first ADC!At the same time, since Ye Ling quietly retired, the heartthrob Qin Rou, who has become the number one mid laner in China, will also welcome the challenge of the all-star beauty player Wei Xiaoxiao!

The four top powerhouses in today's Chinese e-sports world will meet in the sixth round. Such a gimmick will naturally increase the adrenal hormones of male fans and make female fans scream one after another.

Wu Di and Lu Li, this pair of brothers from the same discipline, met for the first time on the stage of the Super League. The place where they first fought was in Tianfu City, the home stadium of the Brilliant Team!
Tianfu City is one of the four major e-sports cities in China. When the fans learned that the two teams will have a fierce collision on the weekend, they were also full of expectations for this game.This game has too much meaning for Wu Di and Lu Li, and for Team King and Team Bright.

After three years away from the top league, Wu Di ushered in his strongest opponent, Lu Li, for the first time.The news that the two of them studied under the uncle at the same time has already been widely publicized in the hands of e-sports reporters who are keen to dig out gossip news.This time, the battle between brothers and sisters has surpassed all competitions in terms of momentum.

Fighting tigers depends on brothers, and fighting tigers depends on father and son soldiers.This pair of "brothers" will have a direct dialogue, which will certainly attract the attention of all e-sports fans.

In addition, although the opponents that the Kings team encountered in the first five rounds were not bad, their opponents are not really strong teams. The opponents in this round of the league are of course enough to verify their dark horse qualities.

The Brilliant team has won the Super League championship for two consecutive seasons. It has a strong momentum. It seems that no one in the country can stop it. After the dark horse of Team Fengyun, this also made his team members hold back their anger.

After the three-game winning streak at the beginning of the league, the Kings team seemed to be a bit weak in succession. In the subsequent fourth and fifth rounds, they only drew 1:1 with their opponents, and each scored one point. From the perspective of momentum and trend Look, even if Wu Di is in charge of Team King, it may be difficult to take away a point from Team Bright in Tianfu City!
In the pre-match evaluation, the support rate of Team King was only [-]%. Almost most e-sports fans and media workers are optimistic that Team Bright can take all three points at home.

Wu Di and Lu Li, the two representatives of Huaxia e-sports, did not call each other to communicate with each other before the game, but quietly waited for the arrival of the game day.

Wu Di once made a promise to Lu Li: If the two can have a dialogue in the Super League, then he will definitely fight with all his strength and play a game with his rich and handsome junior brother that can be recorded in history.

So, he didn't stay with the team for the first two days of the game.He took the uncle with him, and the two ran to a pond in the suburbs of Tianfu City to fish leisurely? !

Wu Di supported his cheek with one hand, and looked lazily at the water surface, a little listless.

"You boy, I have wasted a day with you, why don't you say why you brought me here to fish?"

Wu Di opened his mouth, but swallowed the words back.

The uncle deliberately put on an angry look, and reprimanded: "Are you still considering whether to fight Lu Li?"

Startled, Wu Di opened his lazy eyes, turned his head, and looked at the uncle in amazement.

"What are you looking at? I taught both of you personally. I can tell at a glance if you have any pee!

Are you thinking that if you fight that kid with all your strength, it will make him lose face?He has reached the late stage of his career, and even, maybe he will retire after this season. Therefore, you will have some scruples, and you don't want to leave a bad impression on him before he retires?
But you actually care more about the brotherhood between the two of you. After all, he was the one who gave you a hand when you were in the most difficult time. "

Wu Di still didn't speak, but he looked at the uncle with a sense of awe.He never expected that this master, who seemed to have lost a few nerves, would actually get a good score from the bottom of his heart.

Indeed, as the uncle expected, the reason why Wu Di didn't stay with the team at this time was because he was thinking about it from the bottom of his heart.

With his current strength, he certainly has the confidence to beat the rich and handsome juniors in the lane, especially after he watched the replays of the first five rounds of Team Brilliant, he was even more convinced of this.Because, in the first five rounds of the competition, although Lu Li still performed impeccably, only a few top players can see that his handling of several details has shown that he has no intention of doing anything. symptom!
Such symptoms are extremely scary for a professional player.Once this happens, it means that my career may not last for too long!
The professional career of e-sports players is the shortest among all competitive sports players.Because he relies on extraordinary talent and quality, as well as hard training.Although they don't run and jump like track and field athletes, they are actually under greater physical and mental pressure, especially since most e-sports players are young people who have not undergone much social training.

And the golden age of a professional e-sports player is only a few years, and once it passes, it can never be retrieved.A young professional player like Wu Di who became famous after playing for five years, then stopped for another three years, and then came back for his dream, is unique in the history of e-sports, unprecedented, and probably never will be.

As for living fossil-level professional players like Cody, who were able to come back, they only chose a [player-coach] approach, instead of always playing in the professional league as a player.

Therefore, when Wu Di saw that Lu Li was powerless in dealing with those few details, he knew... If he fights with Gao Fu Shuai with all his strength, he will definitely win.

And the career of his junior brother is probably one of the few.Presumably, he himself is well aware of this.

Wu Di was very contradictory, one was his promise, and the other was that he had to consider Lu Li's feelings.

The uncle looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, and said comfortingly:
"Wu Di, you should know that men should live in the world upright. The reason why men are called men is that they can abandon distracting thoughts and give everything for their promises!
Now that you have made a promise to Lu Li, you should fulfill it by yourself. This is the charm of a man, and it is also the underlying law of the e-sports field.

You don't have to care so much, in fact, I think you think too much, so that you have entered into a misunderstanding in this matter! "

"Misunderstanding?" Wu Di looked at the uncle in bewilderment, not knowing what he meant.

"Of course you have entered into a misunderstanding. Let me ask you, what is the most important thing in e-sports competitions?"

"Of course it is to win the game."

"That's good. Since you know this well, why are you entangled in this issue? Let me make it clear, even if you can beat Lu Li online, what then? What if the King's team loses the entire game in the end? In the competition, what's the point of your victory? I believe that Lu Li will definitely think of this.

The positive dialogue between the two of you should not be limited to personal wins and losses.Only those who can help the team win the final victory are the real strong! "

After being taught bluntly by the uncle, Wu Di was suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

"That's right! I did walk into a misunderstanding! Thank you, master, your words can wake up the dreamer."

The uncle habitually gave Wu Di a supercilious look, and sighed:

"I have passed my forties, and I must have experienced more things than you. This is the experience and lesson of my blood and tears. Back then, if I could understand this truth and not be obsessed with the personal victory or defeat with Lu Feng, Then maybe your master has already won several world championships!

Wu Di, although your career is unusually long, and you are in a very good state now, you have to understand one thing, the true meaning of e-sports - respect and persistence!

Both you and Lu Li are sticking to your dreams, so you two senior brothers should respect each other and fight hard in the competition with all your strength!
And, don't take personal victory too seriously, I still say the same thing, only those who help the team win the final victory are the strongest! "

"I understand! Master, I won't hesitate anymore. I believe that Junior Brother Gao Fu Shuai will not be as entangled as I am.

Since you want to fight, then fight with all your strength, otherwise everything will be meaningless.

For the King's team, for my lovely and respectable teammates, I can no longer put personal gains and losses first like before.And the dream of my teammates and I depends on all of us to realize. Whoever dares to block our way forward, we will work together to eradicate him, even if... this person is my junior! "

After letting go of the burden in his heart, Wu Di and his uncle hailed a taxi and went to the Brilliant Team e-sports base together.

However, when Wu Di and his uncle appeared at the gate of the e-sports base in an extremely relaxed mood, a low and obscene voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Hey, friend, are you here to watch the match between Team King and Team Bright? I have tickets here! One thousand and eight tickets, the lowest price for scalpers!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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