The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 637 Meeting Wang Yuanyuan Again

Chapter 637 Meeting Wang Yuanyuan Again

Wu Di and the uncle looked back at the same time, and found a young man with long hair standing behind him.And his identity is naturally [Scalper], making a fortune by reselling tickets for various competitions.

Wu Di smiled and joked: "Now this ticket is worth so much money?"

The long-haired young man smiled, and replied: "Yes, Wu Di and Lu Li, the two banner figures in the Chinese e-sports world, are of course worth the fare! Friends, buy two?"

Wu Di waved his hand and continued to laugh:
"My friend, we don't need tickets, we just need time, please make room, we are going to the e-sports venue."

The long-haired man twitched his mouth immediately after hearing the words.With his eyesight, he could see that the old and the young in front of him must already have tickets.

"You really don't want it? One thousand and eight tickets? Other scalpers have already raised the price to two thousand and two tickets! This is the lowest price. If you don't sell it, there will be no such shop after passing this village."

"We really don't need it, thank you for your kindness." After speaking, Wu Di wanted to enter the door.

Since Wu Di was still wearing the dark peaked cap, the scalper couldn't recognize who the person in front of him was.

Just when he thought that the two people in front of him could no longer be his customers, another rather immature voice suddenly entered the ears of the three people.

"Uncle, uncle, can you sell it to me cheaply. I only have 1000 yuan, which is all my belongings. But I want to go to the stadium to watch the game, can you give it to me?"

Wu Di's heart trembled, and suddenly he felt that the voice was very familiar. He quickly turned his head and found that the person who spoke was Wang Yuanyuan who hadn't seen him for a long time!
The teenage prodigy with his astonishing talent for imitation?How could he appear here?

Wang Yuanyuan's face was full of grime, his hair was disheveled on top of his head, he was only wearing two thin clothes, his lips were blue from the cold, but his eyes were full of hope.

When the long-haired young man saw that the business came to him on his own initiative, an imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The ticket price for the game between the Kings and the Brilliant Team is only 260 yuan, but the scalpers have fired it up to about [-] yuan, and because this game has attracted much attention, it is hard to find a ticket now, not to mention how good the scalper’s business is. .

If it wasn't for the game that was about to start, maybe these scalpers could still sit on the ground and raise the ticket price a lot.The reason why the long-haired young man took the initiative to sell tickets to Wu Di and the other two was also to make a steady profit on the tickets before the official start of the game.

The young man with long hair showed greedy eyes, looked at the thin Wang Yuanyuan in front of him, and forced a smile against his will.

"Young man, it's not that uncle doesn't sell it to you, but do you know how hard it is to buy tickets now? Others can't buy them for two thousand. You want me to sell you one thousand, isn't it a bit rash?

How about this, I think you must also be a loyal e-sports fan, want to go in and watch the game?Well, I'm not the kind of ruthless person, you add some, [-], as long as you give me [-], I'll sell it to you directly! "

When Wang Yuanyuan heard that the other party was unwilling to sell him tickets at a price of 1000 yuan, Wang Yuanyuan's voice changed a little in anxiety.

"Uncle! I really only have 1000 yuan! This is the money I got when I begged the owner of the Internet cafe to advance my salary in advance. Uncle, you have to pity me, sell it to me cheap, I I really want to go in and watch brother Wu Di play. I know he is playing in the Super League now, and this may be the only chance to appear in Tianfu City this year. I can’t miss this learning opportunity.”

When the long-haired young man saw that the young man really only had 1000 yuan on him, his face immediately changed, and he shouted coldly:
"Fuck, you only have 1000 yuan, and you still want to watch the match between Wu Di and Lu Li? At first I thought you were pretending to be pitiful to bargain with me. You are really a poor brat!
Well, get out of here and stay away from me, don't hinder my business.This ticket can still be sold at a price now, and I won't be foolish enough to sell it to you at a low price of 1000 yuan. "

Although Wang Yuanyuan was trembling with fear from the hideous appearance of the long-haired youth, he still kept begging the long-haired youth:
"Uncle, uncle, you can sell it to me. At worst, I will write you an IOU, and I will definitely pay you back five hundred yuan in the future."

"Go away! Write an IOU? Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Wang Yuanyuan saw that the scalper wouldn't move, so in desperation, she grabbed his arm and continued to beg.The long-haired young man was extremely impatient with him, and in a rage, he raised his arm and swung Wang Yuanyuan in front of Wu Di who was not far away.

Seeing this, Wu Di immediately stepped forward to support this young genius with whom he had some fate, so that he would not fall to the ground.

"Thank you, big brother. Are you going to watch the game too, big brother? Can you help me persuade this uncle to sell me the ticket?"

At this time, Wu Di only felt that there were some crystal clear things in his eyes that blurred his eyes.

At the beginning, this young genius was instigated by Dan Qing and the [organization], so he had to stay in the King's team as an [undercover agent], spying on them for all the news about him.

After clearing the team and solving the fake Xia Ninghan matter, this young genius disappeared.

Later, Wu Di thought that Danqing would definitely not waste this excellent e-sports seedling, and coupled with the identity of this young genius, he didn't inquire about his whereabouts.

In the end, he never expected that two years later, he would meet this young genius here.Moreover, he could tell at a glance that Wang Yuanyuan's life was very bad.But even when he was in a difficult situation and could only spend 1000 yuan on him, he still missed himself and was full of yearning for e-sports. Based on this alone, it was impossible for Wu Di to ignore this young genius again!

After a while, he collected himself and said calmly:

"Wang Yuanyuan, come in with me later, whoever dares to stop you will have trouble with me!"

Wang Yuanyuan was overjoyed when he heard it, and the long-haired young man also listened to Wu Di's words.

Immediately, he thought that this young man wearing a peaked cap was his fellow man and also a scalper.Just now he deliberately didn't buy his own tickets, just to find out the current market price, but now he met this poor brat, in order to extort his 1000 yuan, so this peaked cap stood up and wanted to compete with him for business!
"My friend, the state owns the state's laws, and the industry has its own rules. It is immoral for you to rob business so blatantly!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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