The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 638 A Man's Promise

Chapter 638 A Man's Promise

Wu Di stopped in his tracks, turned around, and said with a faint smile, "My friend, I'm not a scalper, so there is no such thing as grabbing tickets."

The long-haired young man immediately sneered and yelled, and some scalpers who were still selling tickets gathered in front of him in the blink of an eye. Then, relying on the large number of people, he said with a fake smile:
"Calling you a friend is to give you face, but you toasted and refused to eat fine wine. I will give you a choice now, leave this poor boy immediately, otherwise, we don't mind relaxing your muscles and bones before the police arrive. of!"

The uncle and Wu Di looked at each other, and asked pretending to be caring: "Boy, have you gotten into trouble, you deal with it alone, I'll get you rescuers!"

Of course the uncle knows that Wu Di has super fighting ability under his father's training since he was a child.He said this on purpose, just to make the scalpers in front of him relax their vigilance.

But just when Wu Di shook his head and was about to lead Wang Yuanyuan away from the crowd, there was a sound of muscles moving behind him.He looked back in surprise, only to find that his personal beautiful bodyguard, Mu Piao Piao, had quietly come behind him, and she was gearing up, moving her hands and neck bones, it seemed that she was about to fight?
"Hey, don't..." Before Wu Di could finish his sentence, Mu Piao Piao bent over, and the next moment, he rushed to the long-haired young man like a flying arrow that left the string.

This cold-tempered and hot-tempered female bodyguard is obviously not as patient as Wu Di.She quickly rushed into the crowd, her fists shaking, and immediately three scalpers hugged her stomach and cried out in agony.

The long-haired young man panicked, and immediately shouted: "Go! Give it to me! It's just a woman, you are afraid to ask!"

After 20 seconds.

Six or seven scalpers fell to the ground and groaned while rubbing their bellies, while Mu Piaopiao clapped his hands expressionlessly, without looking at Wu Di, and walked away directly in front of his eyes.

Wu Di has black lines all over his head.At this time, there was not much time before the official start of the game, so he also hurriedly led Wang Yuanyuan and his uncle into the gate of the e-sports base together.

Before the crowd of onlookers could understand what happened here, they heard someone exclaim:

"Damn it! The one wearing the peaked cap just now is Wu Di! And the beauty who shot the scalper is his personal bodyguard! I have heard gossip news that after Wu Di came back, he is still in love with all kinds of beauties. intersection!"

"Are you telling the truth? The peaked cap looks a bit like Wu Di in terms of body shape, but it's really him? What kind of disputes will he have with the scalpers? He is a player, he can enter the arena directly, and he doesn't need a ticket .”

"Who knows, anyway, the beauty just now is so handsome! I didn't expect her to be Wu Di's bodyguard!"

"Okay, okay, what are you still doing here? The game is about to start. Is what you said true? Let's go to the stadium and see!"


Wu Di led Wang Yuanyuan to the rest area of ​​the visiting team in the stadium.

There are quite a few people in the king's team who know Wang Yuanyuan. When they saw this young genius who had been proven to be a "former spy", they all frowned, not knowing what kind of drama their captain was singing.

Wu Di did not explain to everyone, but pulled Wang Yuanyuan aside, and asked with concern in a low voice:

"Where have you been these two years? I thought...that brother named Danqing would take care of you."

Although Wang Yuanyuan is young mentally, the experience of the past two years has given him more social experience, so after hearing Wu Di's question, he didn't show much grievance, just buried his head in a low voice replied:
"Brother Wu Di, I know you will hate me. But I didn't mean to do that. The elder sister said that as long as I do what she tells, my mother will be safe. But... Later, after I left with Brother Danqing , he said that he wanted to train me well and let me continue to develop in e-sports. However, he later told me that there was something wrong with him, and my mother could not be contacted, but there was no danger , I should have left by myself. So, he asked me to leave his side too.

When he sent me away, his face was also a little unhappy, but I don't know why.

He asked me where I wanted to go. I thought Brother Wu Di, you should be in Sichuan Province, so I asked him to buy me a train ticket to Sichuan Province. Later... I went back to Sichuan Province and asked about you, but People thought I was too young and didn't want to talk to me much.I don't have a lot of money with me, and I haven't been able to find out any news about you, so in the end I can only come to Tianfu City, which I am more familiar with, and find a job as an Internet cafe network manager, and I can settle down temporarily.

In the past two days, I heard from those big brothers and colleagues that Team King is going to face off against Team Bright, so I think Brother Wu Di, you will definitely come too!I want to watch your game!I asked the boss to advance one month's salary, and then came to you.

But I didn't expect the tickets to be sold out long ago, only the uncles at the gate of the e-sports base have tickets, but they are so expensive, as you can see, I don't have that much money..."

Wu Di's eye sockets became moist again.

He really thought that although Danqing acted perversely and rebelliously, he was also a person who loved talents and would teach Wang Yuanyuan well and let him be his helper, but he never thought that he was wanted by all countries in the world because of the "organization". And voluntarily gave up Wang Yuanyuan, let him fend for himself!

Wu Di, who has recovered all his memories, naturally understands Wang Yuanyuan's situation at this time.After pondering for a moment, he said solemnly:
"Yuanyuan, tell me honestly, do you still want to become a professional e-sports player?"

Wang Yuanyuan raised his head and looked at Wu Di with pure eyes: "I want to, I always want to. It's just..."

"Okay, I don't need to talk about the rest, I know what you want to say. In this way, I will let you stay in the King's team, and then I will give you a player title, and I will also pay you a salary every month, and then I will help You look for your mother, okay?"

When Wang Yuanyuan heard that Wu Di was willing to help him in this way regardless of past suspicions, the simple and simple man immediately burst into tears, and whispered in a crying voice: "Brother Wu Di, do you really not blame me?"

Wu Di smiled, patted his head, and replied: "Yuanyuan, you have to understand a truth. Everyone, especially men, will encounter such and such setbacks on the road of growth, and will also do such and such What is against your will, but it is not important, what is important is whether you can gain something from these experiences. Of course I am afraid that you will be deceived by others and continue to do bad things to me behind the scenes, but as long as you say something now, I will never You won’t be manipulated by others, so I’ll give you this chance. You should think about it for yourself, and answer me when you think about it, brother, I’m ready to play.”

Just as Wu Di was about to turn around and leave, Wang Yuanyuan couldn't wait to grab his clothes and said eagerly:

"Brother Wu Di, I swear! I swear that I will never be manipulated by others again, and I will never do anything wrong to you again! I...I really want to continue playing League of Legends, become a professional player, and pass my own Use both hands to change your own destiny! I want my mother to live a good life, I know the income of professional players is very good!"

Wu Di was stunned.

Faced with such a pure and longing look, it is impossible for him to say "no" to Wang Yuanyuan!

"That's good! Now that you've made up your mind, I'll continue to keep you in the team. Yuanyuan, you have to remember that we are men, and men should stand upright and say the same thing. What you have said and the promises you have made are considered Let yourself be bruised and bruised, and you have to realize it, do it, understand? This is an agreement between men."

"Understood! Brother Wu Di, don't worry, I will definitely do it."

"By the way, if you work in an Internet cafe, haven't those big brothers and colleagues noticed your imitation ability and e-sports talent?"

Wu Di asked casually, never thought that Wang Yuanyuan could remain calm before, and now he choked up with grievance.

"What's wrong? Yuanyuan, tell me about it?"

Wang Yuanyuan suddenly thought of it and agreed to Wu Di to be a man who dares to act and stand upright, so he quickly wiped away his tears and replied seriously: "That's right. In that Internet cafe, the staff can only go online for a certain period of time. But the boss only arranges a few machines for employees to use the Internet for free each time, those big brothers and colleagues snatched those free machines every time, and I didn’t get it once... I want to save the money and let me I can have money to watch Brother Wu Di's games. But...the owner of the Internet cafe suppresses most of my salary every month, and the rest of the money I can only use to make ends meet..."

Even though Wu Di is in a very peaceful state of mind now, after hearing what happened to Wang Yuanyuan, he immediately became furious!
"These scumbags who got into money's eyes! Yuanyuan, don't worry, what is yours is yours, and no one can take it away, you can't get it! After I finish the game, you will tell me where you are!" If you don't work in an Internet cafe, I will go and seek justice for you!

Now, calm down and watch the match between me and brother Lu Li. I believe that with your ability, you will gain a lot! "

Afterwards, Wu Di brought Wang Yuanyuan to his teammates again and announced the decision just now.Everyone was a little puzzled, but Wu Di had always done things for the sake of the team, and these team members had seen Wang Yuanyuan's terrifying imitation ability with their own eyes, so they acquiesced to Wu Di's approach.

Ye Wuhen came over, and asked concerned: "Captain...this kid...doesn't he still have contact with Danqing, does he? Do you want me to investigate?"

Wu Di replied in a deep voice: "Senior Wuhen, no need, I trust him, I have already made [a man's promise] with him!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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