The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 644 Only playing support!

Chapter 644 Only playing support!

Amateur players who are familiar with the source of the plague know that its temporary retreat behavior is actually to prepare for the attack!
Because Twitch, the source of the plague, has a transition time before using the Q skill to enter the invisible state.It does not enter the stealth state immediately after turning on the Q skill.

Therefore, when Lu Li saw Wu Di manipulate the source of the plague to retreat, he immediately understood what his opponent wanted to do next.

And my support partner has cooperated with me for many years, and of course understands the characteristics and timing of each ADC hero.

When he discovered that Lu Li's Holy Spear Ranger hadn't retreated in time, he already knew that his captain was going to attack against attack!

The duel between ADCs is more dependent on who makes the first move and who is the first to hit enough output, so as to occupy the upper hand in the battle of blood exchange and attrition. The first popular hero.Unless real eyes are placed around it, it will absolutely ensure that it has the first-hand advantage in its hands after being invisible!
However, instead of retreating, the Holy Gun Ranger took two steps forward. Naturally, this was a move he was going to make a big fuss about by taking advantage of his opponent's attack. Of course, the Goddess of Dawn would also keep a distance from him in order to protect him. Gain a blood-changing advantage in a reckless fight.

And at the same time as the source of the plague appeared, the support players of Team Brilliant suddenly realized...that he was wrong!

The source of the plague used the special effects of invisibility to stand silently on the right of the Goddess of Dawn and the Paladin, and then its auxiliary partner, the Tauren chief, directly used the W skill to knock the Paladin away!

This kind of action only shows one thing - the attack target of the duo of King's team is not the opponent's ADC, but their support!
Since the Goddess of Dawn was forced out of [Flash] before, she could only slowly retreat to a safe position on foot, or she had to bite the bullet and fight against the Tauren chief or the source of the plague.

But the hero controlled by Wu Di is known as the most difficult hero to be hit by control skills, and once the control skills miss, then the deceleration skills of the source of the plague will cause him to suffer tons of damage, and at the same time he does not flash, so he can There is no equipment to resist the opponent's ADC's strong attack, so the support player, under this invisible psychological pressure, handed over the control skills to Niutou at this critical moment!
He wants to use the position of the tauren chief to make a displacement to avoid the attack of the source of the plague!

The holy spear ranger who was hit by the bull's head surrendered his displacement skills without the slightest hesitation, allowing the chieftain of the bull's head to enter his range.Then, use the output mode of basic attack plus skills to beat the bull head chief.

The Goddess of Aurora doesn't have [Flash], just like you don't have a bull's head!
Lu Li saw this exactly, so he decisively concentrated all his firepower on the bull-headed chief.

However, just after the Goddess of Aurora's EQ [-]nd round, the source of the plague had already dropped a ball of green venom on the only way she and the Paladin Ranger chased and killed the bull head, making the two enemy heroes stagger, dance to tune.

But the bull's head slammed on the ground, knocking the goddess of dawn not far away into the air.At the same time, he also took advantage of the sudden decrease in the opponent's speed and quickly retreated towards his own back row.

The source of the plague didn't waste this excellent opportunity. It also began to focus all its firepower on the goddess of dawn. The position of the venom could restrict the opponent's pursuit of the bull's head, and it also made it difficult for the goddess of dawn who had not flashed.

Although the Holy Gun Ranger and the Goddess of Dawn caused objective damage to the bull's head in the past few seconds, the source of the plague at this moment is comfortably attacking the Goddess of Dawn with all its strength. Soon, the health of this beautiful hero dropped More than half!

After she walked out of the dangerous zone, the source of the plague used the E skill again, focusing all the accumulated venom effects at full speed, causing a certain amount of damage to the goddess of dawn again.

The audience took a closer look. They thought that the Tauren Chief would suffer more injuries, only to find that the Goddess of Dawn was injured even more seriously!

In this first round of fighting, the king team has the upper hand!Although the ADC heroes of both sides did not suffer much damage, their respective support heroes suffered a lot of basic attacks and skills, and although their health values ​​were reduced, at this time the Goddess of Aurora obviously had no ability or qualification to fight again!

Dawn's starting outfit is [Holy Object Shield]. Although it can increase some HP and make him look less easy to kill, the venom of the source of the plague is all real damage, and the opponent's tauren chieftain has Recovery skills, so the ebb and flow, obviously the duo of the king team can launch a strong attack soon after their respective skills are cooled down.

Lu Li squinted his eyes halfway, and after a moment of contemplation, he suggested: "You don't need to go back, take the only recovery potion on your body, and then find a chance to replenish one or two small soldiers, and recover a little bit, and then... When they come back again When attacking, you must remember to decisively throw all the control skills on the bull's head! Don't forget, you are wearing [Ignite], so we must not be too conservative in the lane! The worst thing is to change one!"

Of course, the support player knew that Lu Li's analysis of the situation on the court would never be wrong.So he nodded, and then stared intently at the opposite duo, ready to wait for their next attack.

At this time, Wu Di took a look at the middle and bottom lanes that were also playing very hotly, and then looked at Xia Jie and the opponent's jungler who were also coming and going in the wild. After finally planning the overall situation, he came to a conclusion:
"Yiyi, in the opponent's lineup, there are four rushing heroes, including their auxiliary Shuguang Goddess. So, in this game, my rich and handsome junior actually made an imperceptible change. In the game, there is actually no need to play too aggressively!
In team battles, the opponent will definitely rush into my source of plague without thinking, and his holy gun ranger just follows behind and finds the right opportunity to output. At that time, he can use his experience and operations to get a lot of assists or The head, so... When he is online, he will definitely not attack with all his strength like dealing with other opponents!

As long as he stabilizes the situation on the line and gets the supplementary damage he deserves, then he can also play a huge role in the team battle period.

But... his support partner, Goddess of Sunlight, will take the role of taking damage in the middle and late stages, and she is not a salary outfit, so... we must let her share as little experience and money as possible in the online game!
Therefore, we will give priority to killing the Dawn Goddess online, even if it is exchanged for the head of your Tauren! "

After Su Yiyi heard the words, she nodded and replied, "Understood!"

So, ten seconds later, the source of the plague and the bull-headed chief did the same again, preparing to attack the goddess of dawn, and her controller had already been instructed by Lu Li, so she directly handed over all control to Tauren chief.

At the end of the second round of fighting, the Goddess of Dawn and the Tauren Chief both fell, and it was their own ADC hero who got their heads.

Afterwards, both Wu Di and Lu Li directed their jungle teammates not to come to the top lane to gank, but to concentrate on helping their teammates in the middle and bottom lane.

Then, before the four heroes on the road reached level six, the Tauren Chief and the Goddess of Dawn exchanged heads again, allowing the Paladin Ranger and the Source of the Plague to gain another [-] gold coins.

After that, when the four heroes on the road played against each other again, they all successfully reached level six.In this way, the two sides even found the right space to fight, and the scene was extremely hot!

However, a discerning person can see through it at a glance, and the attack targets of both sides seem to be the supporting heroes of the other side!

In the eyes of amateur players, this is a very strange phenomenon.

Because whether it is the Tauren Chief or the Goddess of Dawn, they are very resistant to fighting, while the Holy Gun Ranger and the Source of the Plague are crispy heroes, which cannot withstand many blows, especially the Source of the Plague, whose HP growth and The growth of dual resistance is too low. If the Goddess of Dawn uses REQ triple control, it may be able to deal a fatal blow to the source of the plague.

But...why is the duo of Team Brilliant determined to only fight bulls?

The answer will be revealed soon.

The two sides fought again and again, although they failed to take away any heads, but the bull head chief used up his mana in this confrontation again and again!Its control skills consume a lot of mana, and it needs to roar from time to time (the special effect of the E skill) to increase the blood volume of itself and the source of the plague, so its own mana can't help it so frequently of combat.

As soon as Lu Li saw his goal, he immediately pressed his partner even higher - a bull head with no mana is just a moving door bag, wherever he goes, he will only end up being hanged and beaten by others.

When Su Yiyi saw that the bull's head was empty, she was also very anxious, but she didn't dare to go back to the city easily, and let the captain face the opposing duo alone.

"Master, what should I do? Do you want to go back to the city?"

Wu Di smiled lightly and said:

"Of course I have to go back. It seems that my younger brother has seen our intentions and used this method to destroy our tactics. If we continue to fight like this, although my mouse and his holy gun ranger can get a good economy, However, the experience and money of Goddess of Dawn have not been pulled down by us too much. She has the experience and money brought by assists every time, so she can still make auxiliary equipment smoothly.

We're going to change tactics.Crocodile, prepare to use [Teleport] to go on the road. After the Tauren chief and I return to the city, we will change the road and come back.If we switch lanes first, they will lose some money and experience!Then, the jungler and mid laner ambushed in the river, and we had to catch them off guard! "

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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