Chapter 645
A large wave of small soldiers is about to come under the top defense tower of the King's team, but their duo stands under the defense tower and returns to the main base under Lu Li's eyes, which makes him and his partner very happy puzzled.

So many soldiers, they don't want it anymore?

Just when the two of them were puzzled, a brilliant red light suddenly lit up on the opponent's defense tower, and after a while, the ferocious boss crocodile appeared in front of the Holy Gun Ranger and the Dawn Goddess!

Change the way?They switched back again?wrong!Although my Holy Spear Ranger is in good condition, but the Goddess of Dawn has no flash, no ultimate move, maybe...their blind monk is coming to kill us two!

Shocked, Lu Li immediately let his partner and himself sprint away, but after he found that the crocodile hadn't chased him, he suddenly realized that the opponent didn't use any weird gank tactics, but did indeed Do change the line back!

"Master of weapons, quickly push the bottom lane under the opponent's defensive tower, and then switch lanes with us! The crocodile is already on the road... eh? Wait! Wait! Push the lane quickly, and then don't rush to the top lane, You lie in ambush in the grass on the lower road, and we will be there soon!"

Although Lu Li has never played a unit in an official game, his many years of professional career experience suddenly reminded him that the pawn line on the road is under the opponent's defense tower at this moment. If the weapon master [teleports] there immediately, the crocodile will definitely send the pawn line The control is not far from the tower. In this way, it is not easy for the weapon master to replenish troops, and he must also be wary of the opponent's jungler to gank at any time. Teleporting at this moment is obviously not the best time.

Therefore, he ordered the weapon master to lie in ambush in the bottom lane for a while, and wait until they rushed to the lane to cooperate with the weapon master's stun skill to gank the opponent. This is the best choice.

Even if they can't get the head, but this sudden cold arrow will definitely make the opponent's duo suffer a lot, and lose the qualification to fight head-on with themselves.

After the weapon master took the order, he quickly cleared the soldiers. After clearing, he got into the bushes of his own side on the bottom road, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy and allies. Not a moment later, the bull head chief appeared in front of him within the field of vision.

Um?Only one tauren?What about the invisible mouse?where is it?

The weapon master was puzzled, and then looked at the pawn line on the top road, and found that the crocodile was still controlling the pawn line, so he was not in a hurry to go there.The Holy Gun Ranger and the Goddess of Dawn also walked to the second tower of their side, and will soon reach the line...

Just as the weapon master was a little bit idle watching the bull-headed chief who was having a good time with the little soldiers, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of the reason why the mouse didn't appear!
"Captain! Their jungler and mid laner are gone! They're probably stealing dragons, should I go and see now!"

"No! But your analysis is very reasonable. You come here when Shuguang and I get near Xiaolong Canyon! Even if they have already started fighting Xiaolong, with the current equipment and level, it will still take a while!"

Is the king's team really fighting dragons?of course not!
Because the two sides adopted lane-changing tactics, the weapon master in the bottom lane could not have a good view of the wild area and the river like the support, so Wu Di took advantage of the panic of the opponent to control the source of the plague and the blind monk, After the clockwork demons converged, they lay in ambush in the bushes at Sanchakou below, quietly waiting for the situation to change.

If the weapon masters want to go through the river and go to Xiaolong Canyon to see if they are fighting Xiaolong, then they can use the invisibility effect of the source of the plague to surprise him; if the opponent's ADC and support come to the river to support, they find that they are not there After fighting Xiaolong, their assistants will definitely come to the grass near the Sanchakou to insert scout guards.

At that time, as long as the three people in ambush on their own team cooperate with the Tauren Chief's circling, they will definitely be able to kill their support!Maybe the effect is even better, and the supporting ADC and weapon masters can be reduced to residual blood. In this way, they will not be in too much danger if they continue to kill the dragon!

A few seconds later, the Paladin Ranger and the Goddess of Dawn cautiously approached the small dragon canyon, only to find that the other party was not killing the small dragon.This discovery also made Lu Li suspicious.

I can't see the opponent's jungler, mid laner, and ADC online. Where did these three guys go?

The invisible enemy is the most terrifying enemy, so he immediately asked the weapon master to walk out of the grass, and then joined himself in the river.If the enemy is ambushing in the grass on the bottom road, Shuguang's ultimate move and the weapon master's stun skill can both play a good defensive counterattack.

The three heroes of Team Brilliant explored the grass, and with the help of the scouting guards, they found that the other party was not in ambush in the river, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the line of soldiers on the road has been brought by the crocodile to the position near the river in the middle road, and after a little further, it will reach the bottom of the tower. Therefore, the weapon master, obviously unwilling to miss this large wave of soldiers, pressed the [Transfer button].

"Captain, I'm on my way, the pawn line will enter the tower soon!"

"Well, let's go... But I still feel that something is wrong. Forget it, the mid laner, you come to the bottom lane quickly, and the jungler also comes! Let's force a wave, and then open Xiaolong, we can't give the initiative to the opponent!"

At this time, the Goddess of Aurora walked very carefully to the grass near the Sanchakou in order to create a vision for her side. After shaking around for a while, after confirming that there should be no one there, she took a step forward and placed the scouting guard on the grass inside!

In an instant, the clockwork magic ball flew to the feet of the Goddess of Aurora, and QER made a three-in-a-row move impressively; the blind monk also kicked Aurora and then flew over to beat her violently; The big move directly caused a fatal blow to the goddess of dawn; while the tauren chief shot out from the oblique stab, always ready to control the opponent's ADC hero.

Under the full attack of the three heroes, although the Goddess of Dawn tried to control her opponent with a big move and then ran away, she was pushed back by the bull's head. In the end, she persisted for two or three seconds before falling down in a hurry.

After getting Shuguang's head, King's team didn't start to fight Xiaolong, but stalemate with the jungler and mid laner who came to support from the opponent for a while.

Next, the game between the two sides returned to the normal line again, and the situation of the game did not show any ups and downs, and both sides played very smoothly.When the game progressed to 10 minutes, Wu Di and Lu Li said almost at the same time:

"It's almost the end of the trial, come on, let them see our assault tactics!"

"It's almost the end of the trial, come on, let them see our four guarantees and one tactic!"

 Ask for all support.

(End of this chapter)

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