The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 646 The Rat That Is Difficult to Kill

Chapter 646 The Rat That Is Difficult to Kill

The core of Team King's lineup is the source of the plague controlled by Wu Di; while the core of Team Brilliant's lineup is their four heroes!

If the king team can protect the source of the plague from being killed by the opponent's concentrated fire in the team battle, then they have a chance of winning, and if the bright team can kill the source of the plague in an instant, then the victory of the team battle is nine out of ten All of Team Bright.

This is a contest between spear and shield. It can determine the victory of the team, or even the key to the final victory of the game. It depends on whether the shield of the King's team is stronger, or the spear of the Brilliant team is sharper.

The two sides soon launched the first official team battle at Xiaolong.

In this game, both sides deliberately did not speed up the pace of the game, so invading the wild area and fighting for dragons did not happen frequently.What's more, the commanders of both sides are veterans who have been in the field for a long time. As long as the opponent moves, they can clearly judge each other's intentions. Except for the few heads that occurred at the beginning of the game, most of the time the two sides are engaged in tactical games, so The fierce small-scale team battle never happened before 10 minutes.

And when the ace players of the two teams gave the instruction to end the trial, each team member also concentrated all their attention, preparing to go all out in this first dragon battle and snatch the victory of the first team battle!

The Tauren Chief and the Crocodile walked majestically in the front position, the Clockwork Demon and the Blind Sin were a little later, and the last row had only one hero, the source of the plague.Such a positioning method naturally highlights the core tactics of the king team.

On the other hand, Team Brilliant didn't pay much attention to it. Their heroes stood scattered, and they didn't seem to pay much attention to the formation. In fact, every hero's position was very high. Heroes are all left and right, always looking for fleeting opportunities.

In Team Brilliant's lineup, the two heroes Eternal Nightmare and Goddess of Dawn are the representative characters who start the team first. Their ultimate moves are far away. Once they catch the opportunity, then the Tidal Sea Spirit with displacement skills And the weapon master can use the moment when the opponent is charged, quickly enter the battlefield, and instantly kill the enemy's core heroes!

The two sides wandered around in front of the Xiaolong Canyon for a long time, and the hands of the audience were already sweating, but the players were still calmer than anyone else, and they didn't make any mistakes in positioning.

In the end, Lu Li knew that the stalemate must be broken, so he ordered: "Prepare for a strong attack. This delay is not an option, now is the golden age of our lineup, we can force the team! As long as we catch the mouse, we will basically win Already!"

However, Qin Rou, another all-star player in Team Brilliant, frowned and asked in doubt:

"Captain, I really don't care about their clockwork monsters...I always feel...their four guarantees and one tactic is a bit wrong."

Both teams have done a lot of research and preparation before the game. Team Brilliant naturally knows that the mid laner in the opposing team is the famous [Monster Fox] Wei Xiaoxiao, but compared to Wu Di, they still prefer to play in the game. The game directly targets the number one player in the e-sports world.Until now, Wei Xiaoxiao's tepid performance surprised Qin Rou, so she raised a question in her heart.

After hearing the question, Lu Li said solemnly: "You let your little murloc attack the Clockwork Demon first, so as to limit Wei Xiaoxiao's performance?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. The Clockwork Demon already has one and a half big pieces on her body. If she is left to output damage, the four of us rushing heroes may not be able to stand it. Of course, if we can , kill Wu Di's source of plague, then she is nothing to be afraid of.

What I'm afraid of is...we can't kill their rats in a short amount of time! "

Qin Rou's calm analysis made De Luli also silent.After a while, he said solemnly:

"Your thinking is correct. But the source of the plague is the only one in the opponent's formation who carries the [healing technique]. Besides, they have no means of recovery except that the tauren chief can roar to increase a little health. Although Niutou has a [weakness], but this weakness can only limit one of our four dashing heroes for a short period of time!
So, let's attack, don't need to think too much, this time the four of us will attack the source of the plague!
It has no movement skills, and it has no other life-saving skills except flash, and the crocodile and blind monk will definitely stay by his side, which is not a big threat to my Paladin.

Go ahead boldly, I will cover behind all of you and try to pull their bloodline down as much as possible! "

Qin Rou still wanted to say something, but Lu Li firmly issued the command to start the team battle: "Eternal Nightmare, go!"

The next moment, the computer screen of the King's team suddenly turned black, except for the hero they controlled, they could no longer see everything around them clearly, and such a vision naturally meant that the opponent had already made a move!
After the eternal nightmare came to the source of the plague, he directly released the E skill on him, so that the source of the plague would be feared after 1 seconds.The opponent's lineup is terrifying, and Eternal Nightmare's big move that turns the sky black is a symbol of their attack!

Wu Di stared at the Eternal Nightmare who had quickly killed him, knowing that the opponent's other rushing heroes should be ready to focus on him at all times, so he shouted: "Scatter! Scatter! Don't be caught by Shuguang or Xiaoyu. Ren's big move hit! Also, pay attention to the movement of the weapon master!"

The Dawn Goddess, Little Murloc, and Weapon Master all have group control skills. Once they control two or more heroes at the same time, they will basically lose their advantage at the beginning of the team battle.

At this time, the control skills of Eternal Nightmare had already taken effect, and after he attacked once, the source of the plague would be free again immediately!
Team Brilliant is a two-time champion, and the cooperation between teammates is quite skillful.The moment the Eternal Nightmare's control skill time disappeared, the Goddess of Dawn raised her hand, and her big move was like a dazzling sun, shining the source of the plague in it!
"Tau, use [Mikael's Crucible]!"

Mikael's Crucible equipment has a very high appearance rate in official games, and almost every auxiliary hero will make this equipment.Not only can it increase mana recovery speed and certain magic resistance for auxiliary heroes, but one of its most important uses is that after it is actively used on an allied hero, it can instantly relieve the stun, Imprisonment, ridicule, silence, fear and other unfavorable states!
This is one of the must-have equipment for support, and it is a life-saving artifact used by support to protect their own ADC.

Wu Di knew that the opponent would definitely target him infinitely in team battles, so he asked Su Yiyi to be very particular about his outfits.

The current Tauren chief didn't produce shoes or any other equipment. Apart from an eyestone worth 800 gold coins, the only thing he had was this Mikael's crucible.

As we all know, Taurean generally carries runes that increase movement speed, and makes five-speed shoes.In this way, whether it is the first to launch a group to chase the enemy, or to retreat and escape, there is a guarantee of speed.But in this game, because the king team is determined to use four guarantees and one tactic, so Niutou gave up the speed equipment, but directly saved money and cooperated with the money-adding runes, as well as the few assists he got. In 10 minutes, the core auxiliary equipment [Mikael's Crucible] was forced out!

However, Team Bright was not in a panic.

Of course they knew that Niutou made this piece of equipment, so Goddess of Aurora's big move was just a bait to force Niutou to use this piece of equipment!
When the source of the plague had just recovered its ability to move, and activated the Q skill to prepare for stealth and escape, the little murloc had already used the Q skill to pass through the crocodile standing in front of him, and swung his harpoon, throwing it at the foot of the source of the plague. Made his own big move!
However, this big move is not the final fire signal for Team Bright!
The special effect of the little murloc's big move is: release a water curtain on the ground, and after a while, a fierce-looking great white shark will emerge from the water curtain!And the key to being able to avoid this big move is to use the flash to escape before the great white shark rises up to bite your own hero!

This is common sense that is easily overlooked.Many amateur players think that the little murloc's ult can't be avoided with flash, but this is actually a misunderstanding.Although after the little murloc throws his big move, a great white shark will emerge from the water curtain to bite the enemy hero, but as long as the player's hand speed is fast enough and the reaction is fast enough, the great white shark will appear before the great white shark emerges. Use [Flash] immediately before coming, then you can avoid this deadly control skill!
Of course Team Brilliant knew Wu Di's personal strength, they never, and never dared to underestimate him.So the big move released by the little murloc is still a tactic to lure the enemy!
This big move is to force out the [flash] of the source of the plague!And if the mouse didn't use flash to escape at the first time, then Suguang's EQ second company, weapon master's displacement skill, and little murloc's E skill could all come to him immediately and attack him crazily.And once the most fragile ADC hero is stuck by the opponent, no matter how hard the teammates try, it will be difficult to keep its life!

Will Wu Di use flash?Before everyone had time to think about it, the source of the plague was already using the flash to flee away at the moment the ultimate move reached the foot!The Bull Chief standing next to it replaced his own ADC and became the target of being bitten by the great white shark.

"Great opportunity! Weapon master, the source of the plague is in your hands! Eternal Nightmare, pay attention to help bear the damage and stick to the mouse!"

Lu Li let out a loud roar, and then he controlled the Paladin Ranger to attack the heroes in the front row of King's Team.

At this moment... Xia Jie, with amazing hand speed, knew that the captain's situation was not good, so he immediately put a W skill on the source of the plague!And the Bull Chief knocked the Goddess of Dawn into mid-air, preventing her from performing the EQ combo!

(End of this chapter)

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