Chapter 661

Yun Wanwan just wanted to persuade her, but was stopped by her uncle.

He shook his head towards Yun Wanwan, then put on a relaxed expression on purpose, and said with a smile: "Ha, I thought what are you going to do again, just not play? Okay, I approve! Take care of yourself Let's adjust our mood, this is good, and it can also give the team members a workout. The more critical the battle, the more potential they can stimulate. I believe they will understand you and will use their full strength to give you a satisfactory result. answer sheet!"

Afterwards, Wu Di took a towel and covered his head so that no one could see his expression.The uncle announced the lineup for the first game calmly.

When the team members heard that the captain would not appear in the first game, they also showed doubts on their faces, but after thinking about it for a while, they still understood Wu Di's intentions—whether it was because he felt uncomfortable, or because he wanted the brilliant team to have Winning chance, in short, this should be his unique way of expressing his concern for the brilliant team.

However, just as the fans in the audience fell into an inexplicable emotion, a provocative voice was transmitted to the ears of everyone present through the loudspeaker.

"I, Wu Shuang, will replace Wu Di and become the pride of your hearts! In this match, you will know that I am the banner of Team Brilliant, and I can replace that guy to win the world championship for you!"

Wu Shuang took the microphone and said this to all the fans, his eyes were full of confidence.And under his reminder, the fans of the Brilliant team realized: this is the home of the Brilliant team, and they are still the supporters of the Brilliant team!
Although they didn't understand why the pair of brothers parted ways, Wu Shuang did have extraordinary strength, and when the Brilliant team was in dire straits, he turned the tide. Not only did the team get rid of the tragic fate of relegation, but it also made the team stable. Sheng, currently ranked No.6 among the [-] teams, barely retained the qualification to enter the World Club Champions League trials.

Therefore, no matter what their mood is, they should support Team Brilliant and Wu Shuang!
The fans began to cheer for the home team again, and the first game officially kicked off without Wu Di.

Brilliant team rest area.

Wu Shuang walked up to Cody and said respectfully, "Master, you should be preparing to play in the next game, right?"

Cody smiled slightly and replied in Chinese: "Yes, if Wu Di doesn't play, what's the point of me playing? In this game, you should try your best and don't let your opponents underestimate you!"

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely surprise them!"

Then, the players from both sides walked into the game room. After quickly completing the ban, the audience began to watch the first game intently.

Wu Shuang chose a jungle hero, blind monk. He chose this hero, of course, to prove to everyone that his blind monk is more terrifying than his younger brother!
The King's team responded calmly, showing all the tactics arranged by Li Yunlong, but Wu Shuang used the blind monk to continuously gank, which made the King's team tired of coping.

Although Xia Jie is strong, he still struggled in the confrontation with Wu Shuang. Although his jungler was not targeted by the opponent, he failed to bring the team's rhythm well.

Therefore, in the early stage of the game, the Brilliant team gained a certain advantage.Then, the Brilliant team relied on the advantages accumulated in the early stage of the game to continuously launch team battles and continuously expand their advantages. When the game reached 10 minutes, they had already turned their advantages into victory!

However, the King's team is no longer the Wuxia Amon of the past. Even though the competition is in jeopardy, their energy and spirit have not diminished in the slightest. They are still doing the last resistance, trying to reverse the situation.

Because of the desperate resistance of the king team, the game was postponed for more than ten minutes, but in the end they were still powerless and lost in the first game!

Losing the first game is not terrible, but what is terrible is that in the other game that started at the same time, the members of King's team got the victory of Bright team and defeated their opponents!
If Team King loses again in the second match and Team Bright wins again, then the championship of the Super League will be changed dramatically, and Team King will hand over the trophy that is almost in their arms to Team Bright!
All the team members saw this situation clearly, so unconsciously, their psychological pressure increased greatly.

Originally, if Wu Di played, they would definitely be able to defeat their opponents, thus breaking the suspense of the championship.But Wu Di willfully chose not to play in the first game, which indirectly led to the team's defeat.

This situation also made all the team members frown.Although they didn't have much opinion on Wu Di's actions, the current situation has indeed become extremely tense because of his exemption card in the first game.

After the two sides entered a short break period, two heavyweight guests suddenly appeared in the Brilliant E-sports venue. The moment these two belated figures appeared before the eyes of the fans, they drew thunderous cheers Voice.

These two guests were the well-known Brother Shui, and Lin Ye, who was known as a ghost and had worked with Wu Di in Team Brilliant!Their arrival also brought the atmosphere in the venue to the peak again.

When the two of them sat on the commentary seat, Lin Ye laughed and said:

"I'm sorry, viewers, Brother Shui was stopped by a large wave of enthusiastic girls when he went out, so I was late because I was waiting for him. If you want to blame, blame him, don't blame me!

Yo?Wu Di, the talented player of Team Kings, didn't play in the first game?Haha, it’s better to come early than coincidentally!so good.The second game is about whether the king team can win the championship and create a miracle. I don't believe he won't play.

Next, let Brother Shui and I explain this crucial game! "

Due to the destruction of the [Organization], Brother Shui also got back together with his favorite woman, and now he is completely relaxed.After staying away from those conspiracies and tricks, with a relaxed expression, he also joked:
"Obviously it was Lin Ye who exercised too much last night, which caused him to wake up late today. As for what kind of exercise he is doing, everyone will understand it! Haha, but what he said is good, we It's a coincidence.

Next, let me and him explain the most important game of the season!

Um?Someone on the Brilliant team's bench stood up!He is going to play!Hey, the last battle is really exciting! "

(End of this chapter)

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