Chapter 662 Misjudgment
The person Brother Shui mentioned is naturally Cody, one of the strongest four in the first generation!
As a senior with the same reputation as Uncle, Yun Wanwan, and Lu Feng, Ke Di has rarely played since joining the Brilliant Team.Except for some important games, he basically acts as a spectator as a coach.

And in this crucial final battle, although the victory or defeat has no great impact on the Brilliant team, he still played.The biggest reason for his appearance was that he saw Wu Di tearing off the white towel from his head and applying to the referee for a substitution.

"Brother Shui, you see that Cody was once a big man, and he is still active in the professional arena. So... what do you think of his short career before? I mean, with Cody In comparison."

Lin Ye deliberately picked which pot to keep from opening, which made Brother Deshui a little embarrassed.As we all know, Brother Shui's career is the shortest among all famous professional players. Although everyone doesn't know why he retired early, it is indeed a pain in his heart.

But now Brother Shui, without all kinds of pressure, is in a ready mood. As soon as he heard Lin Ye complaining about himself, he immediately responded: "I don't have any opinions. Everyone chooses a different path. Just like the great god Lin Ye , I like nightlife, I like to flirt with girls, I like to interact with fans, I just have different personalities."

Lin Ye's face darkened, and he replied: "Okay, we don't have to smear each other. Today's protagonists are Kings and Brilliant Teams, let's focus on this. Cody has already appeared, he What position will he play? And Wu Di is also officially on the field. Does he use the finishing style of play to limit Cody's performance, or is he mainly targeting Wu Shuang, who played well in the previous game? There will be no talk on the battlefield. face to face, even if they are a pair of brothers."

The answer to this question was soon settled with the selection of the two sides: Wu Di chose the blind monk, Cody chose the Eternal Nightmare, and Wu Shuang chose the explorer Ezreal.

From the point of view of selection, Wu Di will compete with Cody in the jungle, and Wu Shuang, who played well in the last game, will be the ADC position, and will compete with Xia Ninghan of Kings!
Wu Di and Xia Ninghan are a couple, Ke Di and Wu Shuang are a pair of mentors and apprentices, Wu Di and Wu Shuang are a pair of brothers, the relationship and counterpoint between these four people is doomed that this game will be different.

When the second game between the two sides officially started, Brother Shui also began to perform the duties of commentary.

"Hello everyone, I'm Brother Shui, and Lin Ye and I will explain the match.

First of all, I don't think I need to say more about the relationship between the various players on both sides. Everyone knows a thing or two.The biggest highlight of this game is naturally to see if Wu Di and Cody, two super players in the e-sports world, can bring the team's rhythm together!

Um?Although the two sides did not start a team battle at the first level, the position of the blind a bit weird.

In this game, the King's team is at the bottom of the screen, and the Brilliant team is at the top of the screen. According to common sense, the King's team can invade the opponent's wild area at the first level, but they just retreated after scaring the opponent away.

However, the blind monk squatted in the grass on the left hand side of the first tower of the Brilliant team with his own duo?Is this preparing for a surprise attack? "

Just 2 minutes into the game, Brother Shui's voice raised a few decibels:

"Well, it seems that King's team's opening tactic has been carefully rehearsed. They first pushed forward aggressively to push the opponent back, and then took advantage of the enemy's blind spot to quickly sneak into the bushes at the Sanchakou to ambush.

When the Brilliant team started to get the blue BUFF, they swarmed up and caught their opponents by surprise.This tactic is well designed!Ha, and the Brilliant team uses double buffs at the same time. Eternal Nightmare and top laner get red buffs in the top half of the field, while the bottom duo and mid laner get blue buffs. In this way, the two sides are competing for blue buffs. There is no [Punishment] skill in BUFF, so who can grab this blue BUFF?
Of course it is the king team who came prepared!Using the super attack power of the blue buff, they are about to kill the auxiliary heroes of the brilliant team!Oh, he flashed away and escaped, so the remaining two people would definitely not dare to fight their opponents.

The first level of King's team successfully grabbed the blue BUFF!

Next, Cody will definitely respond. Although it is a sad thing to be taken by the opponent's blue BUFF, but after he takes the red BUFF, he can go directly to the jungle area of ​​the king team to steal the opponent's blue BUFF, and the blind The monk wanted to return to his red BUFF wild monster area, so in terms of time, although the king team had a small advantage this time, the advantage was not great, and the final result was just to exchange BUFF. "

As Brother Shui said, Cody's Eternal Nightmare and Wu Di's Blind Sin just exchanged double BUFFs on the scene.However, the jungler with double buffs will greatly influence the early stage of the game in the next gank!Because this time is their golden opportunity!

The Eternal Nightmare is now closer to the top lane, and the blind monk is closer to the bottom lane. Will they choose to gank directly?
Shui Ge paused, checked the situation on the field, and then said:

"Well, judging from the situation, the junglers of both sides should be close to gank. But it is obvious that Eternal Nightmare's gank is more difficult. The opponent's top laner has displacement skills and flashes, and he appears in the top lane If so, the most is to force the opponent's flash, but the top road is the easiest place to snowball, no matter whether he can successfully gank, he should appear there!

The blind monk has more choices. He can go to the middle lane to help his teammates, or he can go directly to the bottom lane for gank.In comparison, going to the bottom lane obviously has a higher chance of getting a kill, because the opponent's support hero has just been forced out of flash by them. "

However, to the surprise of Brother Shui and the audience, his deduction was completely wrong!
Eternal Nightmare did not go to the top lane for gank, nor did the blind monk go to the bottom lane to support his teammates. They both chose the middle lane as the first stop of their gank!
At this time, Wei Xiaoxiao was playing evenly with his opponent, and he hadn't been able to gain an advantage on the scene.Eternal Nightmare came to gank at this point in time, obviously to provide teammates in the middle with a chance to suppress the opponent.

And Wu Di obviously saw through this point, so he didn't go directly to the bottom lane, but came to the middle lane and performed a counter-squat.

The mid laners on both sides saw the position of their jungler, so the two heroes fought hard, desperately creating opportunities for their jungler to harvest.

And the scene of the mid laner's impressive shot also made the four players in the mid lane instantly understand: the opponent's jungler is nearby!

However, Wei Xiaoxiao still fought head-on with his opponent regardless, because he believed that Wu Di would appear in front of him at the most appropriate time, even if his opponent was one of the strongest four in the first generation!

Two seconds later, the blind monk and the eternal nightmare moved at the same time!The timing of their attack was exactly the same.

The blind monk has displacement skills, so he can naturally enter the battlefield one step ahead of the eternal nightmare, so strictly speaking, the attack of the eternal nightmare is still a little slower.

And when the blind monk came to his mid laner, he aimed at the enemy mid laner hero with residual blood, and sent out his Q skill Tiansonic Wave.The enemy's mid laner has already been wearing a igniter, so as long as the blind monk kicks the opponent, he will definitely be able to get his head and get a blood in an instant.

Everyone thought that the mid laner of the Brilliant team was doomed, and even he himself felt that he could not escape the Q skill of the blind monk.But... the Eternal Nightmare left a dark trail on the ground early. This is his Q skill, which can increase the attack speed and movement speed of the Eternal Nightmare.

And it relied on this sudden acceleration to instantly block the trajectory of the blind monk's Q skill, blocking the fatal blow for his teammates!
Immediately afterwards, Wu Di refused to retreat, and immediately used the second Q skill, quickly approaching the Eternal Nightmare.

Since Eternal Nightmare has a W skill that can resist any skills, Wu Di quickly shortened the distance between them in order to force out his immune control skills.

The Eternal Nightmare didn't use the W skill to counteract the blind monk's second Q skill in the first place, but resisted his attack, and then fought him.While the blind monk was using his E skill to slow down his opponent, Eternal Nightmare surrendered his W skill.

"Wonderful, very exciting. Both Cody and Wu Di are super masters in the e-sports world. Their judgment of the situation and handling of details have indeed reached the point of perfection. Just look at the timing of these two people's attacks and when they are singled out. It is already known that their grasp of details exceeds that of most professional players.

oh?The two sides did not love to fight, but retreated?But this is also normal. Both junglers have double buffs. If you can't guarantee to kill your opponent, then retreating in time is the best strategy.Otherwise, if you accidentally hand over the double BUFF to your opponent, then you really don't need to fight in the early stage of this game.

Well, I misjudged just now, saying that these two people would go to the top and bottom lanes to gank, but they ended up in the middle lane.Well, it seems that everyone is [friendly] booing me, so how about it, let me make a bet with everyone, where is the second GANK location of the blind monk and the eternal nightmare?
I guess Lee Sin will still come to mid, and Eternal Nightmare will be the same choice as Lee Sin! "

(End of this chapter)

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