The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 680 Remove your halo!

Chapter 680 Remove your halo!

After the king team advanced to the semi-finals, the quarter-finals continued.

Although the YY team is a newly emerging strong team in South Korea, its strength is still slightly inferior to that of the Agni team with Zhao Yindi and Danqing. The match between Team YY and Team Agni ended hastily after three games.The Agni team directly crushed their opponents with a big score of 3:0 and advanced to the semi-finals!

In these three games, Team YY was beaten to the point that they had no power to fight back. Whether it was Zhao Yindi, Danqing, or even Tang Hao who rarely appeared in official matches, Team YY could suffer a lot.

However, in the official predictions before the game, the two teams were only split [-]-[-]. Most people think that the two teams are actually evenly matched, and there is not much difference.But as soon as the game was over, everyone found that the Blazing Fire team was no longer comparable to the top eight teams of last season, and their strength had already possessed the strength to win the championship!
Next, Team King and Team Agni, who are the first to advance to the semi-finals, will fight for the tickets to the final. Wu Di and Danqing will also meet again on the world stage!The match between the two teams will also be held the day after tomorrow.During their rest day, the remaining two quarter-finals will start as scheduled in order to determine the last two spots in the semi-finals.

The next day.

The quarter-final match between the mythical team and the legendary team officially started.These two teams were opponents in the finals of last season, and this time they met in the quarterfinals ahead of schedule, which also made all fans excited.

The fans of the two teams were fighting each other on the forum, but the players of the two teams did not confront each other as the outside world guessed.They just shook hands in a friendly manner before the game, then walked into the game room calmly, and began to prepare for the game calmly.

Wu Di's junior sister, Wei Weiwei, wailed on his shoulder after losing the championship last season. This time, she didn't show too much excitement when she faced the opponent who killed her dream with her own hands.He even waved to Wu Di and showed a bright smile.

Wu Di gave her a thumbs up, nodded slightly, and then stared at his computer screen engrossed.A year of hard work and bravery has made Wei Wei more mature and restrained.Moreover, this time she and the Shinhwa team came prepared!

Both she and Kevin consulted Huaxia's Brother Shui, and specially asked him to give guidance, thus comprehending the [status] that can maximize their potential!
Originally, she and Kevin didn't want to do this.Because Brother Shui once warned them: [Status] Although it can stimulate the maximum potential of e-sports players in a short period of time, use the power of spirit and psychology to make yourself show a stronger state of battle than usual.But its side effects are also obvious - once you use the state, it will not only accelerate your physical fatigue, but also fix your own style of play!And, the personal style will become more and more extreme!
In the League of Legends game that pays more and more attention to teamwork, [Status] is actually not so applicable.If it is a heads-up match, then the state is invincible, but this is a 5-on-5 team game, which pays more attention to the cooperation between players.

In order to defeat the legendary team, Wei Wei and Kevin didn't have too many worries. Their plan is also very simple: use the powerful logical reasoning ability and reaction speed brought by [Status] to crush their opponents online!As long as the opponent's two lines are crushed, even if there is a slight mistake in the teamwork of one's own team during the team battle, the opponent can be quickly defeated by crushing the equipment.

The game started quickly.

Under the leadership of Wei Wei and Kevin, the Shinhwa team indeed gave the opponent the most powerful blow from the very beginning!Both Wei Wei and Kevin's [Status] belong to the second-level supernormal state, allowing them to display 150% of their strength in a short period of time.

They got off to a fantastic 2:0 start, but just after the third game started, they had to swallow the consequences of [status]!

Wei Wei is an upright young player who can barely support his body, while Kevin, as an "senior" e-sports player, was already sweating and exhausted after the third match!

In the end, because of the huge contrast between Kevin's performance and the previous one, the third and fourth games were also quickly pulled back by the legendary team.The total score of the two sides battled into a 2:2 tie.

At this time, it was already past noon, and the stomachs of the players on both sides began to growl, but the most important fifth game had just started, so the players of the two teams also gritted their teeth and continued to fight their opponents to the end.

After the two sides fought fiercely again for an hour, the legendary team finally won the game by relying on their physical advantages just like last season's final!
The legendary team broke into the semi-finals without any risk!They once again passed the strongest opponent in the eyes of fans, and started the final sprint towards their seven consecutive championships!But the Shinhwa team once again fell at the feet of the same opponent.

After the game, Wei Wei and Kevin walked out of the game room with the extremely disappointed players.This time, although they are still unwilling, but after all, this is only the quarter-finals, not the final of last season, and they are not as miserable as last season.

Wei Wei walked to Wu Di's side with exhaustion and a slight smile: "Brother, remember to avenge me. If you lose to the legendary team, then I will definitely draw a line with you!"

Wu Di smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, those who bully my junior sister will be punished! You have a good rest, and then...Your Shinhwa team will be a loyal fan of our King's team!"

After the noon break, the last quarter-final match was also between Team Bright and Team SOS.

Both Lu Li and Qin Rou knew very well that this finals might be their last time on the world stage, so they went all out and played quite aggressively in the competition.The SOS team obviously did not expect that the opponent would adopt such an aggressive and gambling style of play, so they were caught off guard by the opponent in the first two games, giving the Bright team a huge advantage of 2:0.

Although they were united in the third game to win back a victory, in the fourth game, Lu Li showed the level that China's No. First Pentakill!And finally helped the bright team advance to the semi-finals!
After the list of the top four was released, it also surprised e-sports fans and professional e-sports media reporters all over the world.

Because, in this top four list, the teams from Huaxia actually occupied three seats!Team King, Team Brilliant, and Team Raging Fire, these three teams from China have made great strides all the way, occupying more than half of the top four, and among the top four, only the legendary team from England will fight tenaciously against these three teams in the end!
Could it be that Huaxia Kingdom is going to attract a blowout after several years of silence?Could it be that Huaxia Kingdom's e-sports has made great progress?Is Huaxia Kingdom going to rule the e-sports world?
Reporters from the e-sports media began to publicize this somewhat special top four list, while some veteran e-sports media attributed this phenomenon to Wu Di's comeback!
They emphasized in the report that it was precisely because of Wu Di's comeback that China's e-sports world began to recover.Wu Di's appeal and influence in the entire e-sports world is still the strongest, bar none!

Fans who love him are fanatical and persistent; fans who hate him have also started to stand on a neutral position because of Wu Di's various performances after his comeback.Especially after the Kings team advanced to the semi-finals, all those who had underestimated this new army gradually shut their mouths. Although the team combat ability of the Kings team is worth mentioning, they value Wu Di's performance in all games. play in.He still retains the domineering aura of the year when he met gods and killed gods, met Buddhas and killed Buddhas!He still has the strength to compete with all top players!
Next, as long as the king team can advance to the final, then Wu Di will launch the final impact for the missed world champion!But... before that, the most difficult barrier for them to cross had quietly appeared in front of them.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yindi, the Raging Fire team walked up to the king team.

Zhao Yindi still had an expression of not approaching strangers. He looked at Wu Di, thought for a while, and extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"I didn't expect that we could still meet in the knockout round of the World Series, but this is also good, and it can inspire my fighting spirit even more.

This time, let go of your halo of being the number one genius in the world! "

Wu Di held his hand and said with a steady smile: "Heh, Brother Yindi, I'm afraid I can't do this based on your words! Hasn't the domestic Super League proved it?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yindi did not get angry, but laughed out loud, and then said: "Yes, I can't do it!"

Just when all the members of King's Team were wondering what this fanatical jungle genius was trying to express by saying such words, Zhao Yindi put his right hand on Danqing's shoulder beside him.He patted Danqing's shoulder lightly, with a serious look on his face:
"I'm talking about the person who can take off your number one genius in the world, not me, but him! My new teammate can beat you! Whether it's an individual or a team, he can beat you!"

All the members of King's Team stared at Zhao Yindi and Danqing beside him in astonishment, and Danqing himself never thought that Zhao Yindi would praise him so much.

At this moment, after Wu Di was stunned for a moment, he came back to his senses and said something that shocked everyone again:

"If it's him...there is a possibility."

After speaking, Wu Di led his teammates into the game room, while Zhao Yindi was stunned for a while, smiled, and then led the team into the game room.The importance of this semi-final battle is self-evident!Only by defeating your opponent can you qualify for the world championship!

After the preparations were completed, the members of the two teams began to enter the banning stage with solemn expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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