The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 681 It turns out that...

Chapter 681 It turns out that...

Sitting in the competition room, Danqing smiled at Zhao Yindi:
"Since you, captain, have let your lies out, I have no choice but to go all out. There is nothing special about banning people, just ban the heroes of the resurrection class, and let the other heroes be free."

Zhao Yindi nodded. Although this foreign kid doesn't have much experience in competitions, his strength is unfathomable, and the tactics he formulated for the team have repeatedly worked.It was with his help that the Raging Fire team was able to advance strongly all the way and reached the semi-finals.

At this time, after the banning session was completed, Wu Di was also discussing with his teammates how to deal with the enemy during the game of Kings.

"The two core players on the opposite side, Zhao Yindi and Danqing are both world-class top players. Although I want to fight against Danqing, I can't let Zhao Yindi easily lead the rhythm, so I will play the jungler this time. Let's see how they respond. Zhao Yindi is the only player who has offense in his blood, so I can only use offense against offense.

Everyone must be prepared for a tough battle. "

The two sides quickly selected their own strong lineups, and then entered the official game.

The audience waited and watched, wanting to see whether Wu Di could reproduce the glory of the year and advance to the final again.

However, as the first match progressed, the audience and other watching teams found that the pace of the two teams' matches... was quite slow!
When the game reaches 5 minutes, the head ratio is 0:0;

When the game hits 10 minutes, the head ratio is still 0:0;

When the game reached 20 minutes, which should be regarded as entering the late stage, the head ratio was still 0:0!

According to the fast-paced style of modern games, it is not normal to score 0:0 in the early stage, but the first game between the Kings and the Fire Team has not yet produced a blood in 20 minutes, which makes people I feel a little weird.

And when the game reached 30 minutes, the two teams finally had their first blood!However, this time, in the strict sense of the first team battle, not only one blood was produced, but six kills erupted in an instant!

In a big dragon battle, the two sides first made people drowsily put in and line up their eyes, and then in an instant, the fire team ignited the fuse of the team battle.Then all members of the two sides attacked and fought hard, and finally ended the first team battle with 3 for 3.

The audience thought that after this team battle, both sides would speed up the pace of the game, but in the next 10 minutes, the game was deadlocked again. Come on.

It was just two or three o'clock in the afternoon when people were most sleepy, and the fans' high hopes for the game made them unable to cheer up, so most of the audience began to complain in a low voice.

[Let's chat... I guess we will chat for ten minutes, and we won't miss any exciting scenes. 】

【correct!Tell me, what is going on between these two teams?Let's not talk about the Kings team. I read the information of the Agni team and know that their main jungler, Zhao Yindi, is an aggressive player. Why can't I see where he is aggressive after playing for a long time?Except for the team battle just now, where they played decisively, there were no bright spots in the whole game. 】

At this time, a young man with an oriental face coughed twice pretentiously, put on an appearance of an outsider, and sighed:
[The children of today... are still so ignorant.As the saying goes, outsiders watch the fun, and insiders watch the way. The reason why the Kings and Fire teams played so cautiously in the first game, so that there were not many kills. First, the two teams were testing their opponents. The knockout round of the semi-finals is over, and if there is a slight mistake, the chance to enter the final will be lost.

Of course, another main reason is that Wu Di and Zhao Yindi, the two top players, restrained each other in the middle and early stages of the game, so that they couldn't make effective ganks or counter-squats. 】

【oh?It seems that this man knows a lot about e-sports?May I ask which country you are a master of? 】

[I am not talented, I am a Chinese-American, and I just hit a platinum rank on a popular server in the US server. 】

The two young men who were talking in a low voice before heard the words, immediately snorted coldly, and said at the same time:

"Damn! I hate Chinese Americans the most. They worship foreigners and foreigners to the bottom of their hearts, and they dare to speak out. You really disgraced China! Get the hell out of here, even a Platinum Duan in the American server dares to talk nonsense here!

If you have the ability, you can go to the first district of Huaxia Country to experience it. I guess you will struggle even to get bronze! "

The words of these three fans were clearly heard by the surrounding fans, and most of the audience in this area were Chinese who came all the way from Huaxia to cheer for the Huaxia team. After the Chinese said something, they immediately laughed at him.In desperation, the Chinese-American comrade had no choice but to change his behavior and went to an area full of blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners.

The episode in the auditorium had just passed, and the two teams that were fighting had already started a battle in the middle.But this time, neither team seemed to be avoiding team battles with their opponents. After they met, they tried a little and then acted swiftly!
The team battle is naturally the most exciting scene, and in this team battle, the two sides fought evenly and could not tell the winner.However, when the dead heroes of both sides were revived again, they were still blocked in the middle and continued to fight with each other.

Such team battles broke out several times in a row.Unknowingly, the King's team gradually gained the advantage in team battles, which surprised all the spectators.

Later, everyone took a closer look, and it turned out that the ADC in the King's team started to go crazy, and he survived to the end every time!
Afterwards, the game lasted for about 10 minutes. Although the Kings team was played 2 for 4 by the opponent in a team battle, the advantages gained in the previous team battles were still not caught up by the opponent.

In the end, King's team got their wish and won the first game!

Before the start of the second match, Danqing said to Zhao Yindi with a smile:
"Captain Zhao, through the first game, you have already verified what I said. If you are the jungler, you can only draw with that guy in the mid-to-early stage, and once you can't play your own in the mid-to-early stage In fact, the balance of the game has already tilted towards the king's team...

So, for this second game, let me be the jungler!It's time to release our ultimate move, and you can also use the mid laner who has been training hard for a long time but has never been seen by the world!

This is a big move we specially prepared for the Kings team, and it must be used in the second game, otherwise, the KKT team will be our end! "

(End of this chapter)

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