Chapter 682 Two against two!

Any top professional player will only study heroes in the same position, and will not be distracted to practice heroes in other positions. The longer the player has been famous, the more this is the case.Although there are occasional professional teams that switch the positions of players due to tactical needs, it is generally unlikely to occur in top teams.

However, in order to deal with Wu Di and the Kings, Zhao Yindi of the Raging Fire Team secretly trained the mid laner hero for a year. trick!
The jungle position is handed over to Danqing, he is naturally very relieved, and if he hits the unit, he can form a tacit understanding with the jungler Danqing, continue to roam and invade, and do everything possible to make the opponent tired of dealing with his own GANK.

Once the opponent is brought into rhythm by the duo of himself and Danqing, it will be a matter of time to win the game!

Therefore, after the ban in the second game ended, the Kings team suddenly discovered that under Zhao Yindi's ID was the mid laner mage hero trial angel!

"What's going on? Zhao Yindi took the initiative to give up his jungle position and came to play mid laner?" As a mid laner, Wei Xiaoxiao noticed this strange phenomenon immediately.

Wu Di and other team members took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case.

"This is their well-prepared big move. For a long time, Zhao Yindi has been famous in the e-sports world as a jungler. No one has seen him use a mid laner! It seems that he must have full confidence Use this Angel of Judgment...

In addition, Dan Qing's position should be the jungler.If he came to the jungler, his deterrence would not be inferior to that of Zhao Yindi.This game... is a little troublesome. "Wu Di said as he looked at the big screen.

Wei Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, then seriously replied: "Not necessarily...Even if Zhao Yindi has practiced hard in the mid laner, but after all, this is the first time he has used a mage hero in an official game, I think his proficiency must be It’s not as good as me, but it’s better if I play more aggressively online, if Zhao Yindi can be suppressed online, then they should lose their threat by switching positions.”

After hearing the words, Wu Di looked at the screen again, and found that the jungler of Team Agni's game was the blind monk, he immediately thought about it thoughtfully, and then said: "Xiaoxiao, don't underestimate Zhao Yindi. !Especially when the opponent’s jungler is Lee Sin. The jungle hero of Lee Sin is too special, he can gank from almost any direction and any position, and the Angel of Judgment can also put a movement speed increase on him BUFF, if he insists on ambush in the middle, the more aggressive you play, the easier it is for them to fall into their trap.

The jungler styles of Zhao Yindi and Danqing are quite different.Zhao Yindi advocates offense, and his blood is flowing in his bones, while Danqing is an all-rounder, his style is erratic, and it is difficult for me to grasp his movements...

Moreover, if my deduction is correct, Zhao Yindi and Danqing should walk together and drive the rhythm of the game crazily.

In this game, you are taking Yasuo, I am taking the prince, and the opponent is the combination of Judgment Angel and Blind Monk, so we must maintain consistency in our actions at all times, and fight them to the end! "

After determining the basic tactical ideas, the second game also entered the scene of the official battle.

In order to allow their mid laners and junglers to form a roaming duo, the two sides did not adopt lane switching tactics.In normal laning, Kings' top laner will be at a disadvantage, while Raging Fire's bottom lane may be suppressed. The situation should be evenly matched.

After the four BUFF monsters were refreshed at 1 minute and 55 seconds, the two sides did not make any moves to invade the wild area, but just honestly attacked their own BUFF monsters.However, when the jungler reached level three, the prince and the blind monk rushed towards the middle at the same time!

The biggest reason why the two sides want to help the mid laner and gank the mid laner is that both Wu Di and Danqing want to use this method to let the mid laner quickly gain an advantage and lay the foundation for the next two to roam.

However, because the first-level Yasuo has a huge advantage when facing mage heroes, Wei Xiaoxiao has already used this hero characteristic to consume a lot of Judgment Angel, so at this time the Judgment Angel is drinking red medicine to recover.

Danqing gave Zhao Yindi a reminder to attack, but Zhao Yindi didn't move.

"Wait, now is not the best time to attack." Zhao Yindi said in a deep voice through the earphone while dealing with the opponent.

Dan Qing frowned, and said puzzledly: "As long as your trial angel and my blind monk don't get blown away by the prince's EQ combo, then we can forcefully suppress the opponent. Why don't you fight?"

Zhao Yindi looked serious, and replied indifferently: "Maybe you and I can avoid the prince's EQ combo, but what about Yasuo's skills? His wind wall can block your Q skills and my Q skills, he You can also use Chuifei's Q skill to control the two of us. Once we are controlled by Yasuo, our situation will not be optimistic. Oh, yes, I forgot to remind you, don't underestimate this woman, Wei Xiaoxiao, she is in [ The talent in acting is beyond your imagination."

After hearing this, Danqing smiled, a little wickedly.

"It are still a little too worried about the opponent's reaction. In order to win the game, we can't have such a tacit understanding. How about it, listen to me, next time no matter what worries you have in your heart , as long as I send out the signal to attack, how about you attack with me? Because of your hesitation this time, we have already missed the best time to attack.

Because at that point in time just now, Yasuo did not accumulate the Q skill to fly, and the position of the prince is not easy to pick and fly our heroes. "

Zhao Yindi was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.And he was also relieved, it seemed that he was still too cautious and wanted to win this semi-finals too much!According to my normal eyesight, I should be able to see the situation just now, but I lost the opportunity to attack because of my caution.

However, as a long-established professional player, Zhao Yindi immediately made a self-criticism.

"You're right... It seems that I still worry about that guy too much. Hehe, maybe it's because I lost to him a little more times, so I feel a little bit shadowy in my heart. And after seeing that guy beat the prince's EQ After the technique was improved, I was also a little worried that I would not be able to avoid that technique...

Well, you can rest assured that my mentality has completely calmed down. No matter whether I win or lose this game, I will play at my full level! "

Dan Qing still had that sinister look, and nodded: "Captain, if you concentrate on playing the game, that guy is not that scary. Besides, you said that big thing before the game, you will be my most solid backing .”

Next, the prince and the blind monk saw that they couldn't fight, so they immediately turned and left, and went directly to other routes for gank.

The blind monk went to the top lane, forcing out the flash of the king's top laner Ryze, and the prince went to the bottom lane, forcing out the flash of the opponent's ADC.In terms of situation, they are still evenly matched.

5 minute later.

The sixth-level prince and the blind monk came to the middle lane again, and the mid laners of the two teams have also reached the sixth level.The four level [-] heroes are facing each other in the middle. If you want to gain a kill and an advantage, the most critical thing is naturally whether you can avoid the key skills of the opposition.

As far as the king team is concerned, once the prince flies the opponent, he can immediately trigger the release condition of Yasuo's ultimate move. When the combination of the two explodes, it can cause fatal damage to the enemy hero.

In contrast to the combination of the blind monk and the angel of judgment, if they want to play the maximum output, they also rely on the hit rate of their skills.

If the blind monk's Q skill can hit the opponent, it can naturally cooperate with the angel to deal tons of damage.In critical moments, the invincible ultimate move of the Angel of Judgment can not only save the life of himself or his teammates, but also allow him to obtain the conditions for continuous output. Even if he ends up dying on the battlefield, he can also replace the opponent's head.

The four top players have a wealth of experience in professional competitions, and they are well aware of the characteristics of the enemy heroes. Naturally, the four players know how to move to avoid the opponent's skills.

However, in the hearts of Danqing and Zhao Yindi, they understood another key point in order to win this battle: if Wu Di hadn't used the extremely bright Prince EQ plus flashing new skills in the previous match, then They firmly believed that the situation would be [-]-[-], but now that technique seemed to be an unstable factor in the four-person battle, which also made the two of them a little afraid.

As a top player, Wu Di's skills and style of play are false and real, and it is difficult for others to know when he will use that killer skill.

However, the fear is the fear, the match still has to be played, after Danqing sent a signal on the map, the blind monk has already made a decisive move!
He first stood in a blind spot of vision, kicked Yasuo accurately with his Q skill, and then the Angel of Judgment released his W skill on him!
This skill can restore a certain amount of blood to allies or oneself, and increase a lot of movement speed. The reason why Zhao Yindi did this is because the blind monk can walk directly behind Yasuo after gaining this acceleration. Kick it back with a big move, so as to save the blind monk's [flash].

Yasuo's Wind Wall cannot be used by the enemy's blind monk's big move, so this routine can instantly kick Yasuo into the attack range of the Angel of Judgment. Suo, a melee hero, couldn't cause too much damage to the Angel of Judgment.Moreover, the blind monk can also use the W skill to return to his own half area and continue to pursue him.In addition, because of the distance, the prince will not be able to use the EQ combo to save Yasuo!
To break the routine of the blind monk and the angel of judgment, Yasuo must use flash in the first place.

But... Wei Xiaoxiao didn't use the flash in the first place!

(End of this chapter)

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